
Same goes when you use the term fetus instead of unborn child.

Both sides of this debate use word play and rhetoric to make people choose sides based on emotions.

Fetus is the medically accurate term however. If you use unborn child you can take the next step and say "possible future nobel prize winner"

So the chance of a child being born is as rare as winning the nobel prize? I thought that being born is the natural unmolested result of pregnancy.

Fair enough. Embryo or fetus are the medical terms.

Women have been having both natural and forced abortions, i.e. miscarriages and abortions induced from drugs produced by natural plants, for thousands of years. I expect that this trend will continue for thousands more, assuming we don't kill ourselves off in a mass extinction event.

Couldn't it be a loaded statement if I used the term "fetus" instead of unborn child? I mean the definition is pretty much the same.

Although I am repulsed by the idea of abortion, I would be just as repulsed if I were to support any law that put people in cages for practicing abortion. That's my take.

Calling a fetus and unborn child is talking about "could-be's" or hopes. It doesn't reflect what "is". Calling a fetus an possible Nobel Prize winner or possible president is going further down that road.

Your argument is sound from a medical standpoint, but since statistically children in the womb, or even taken out and raised in test tubes will more likely than not continue their natural progression, I'm ok with unborn child and find it unoffensive

If we didn't have so many unnatural "laws" forced on us, healthier abortions using natural methods like plants would be more common, and maybe there wouldn't be so much financial struggle involved in having a kid!

Are you for late abortions?