Everyone Curious about ABJcoin
Yes, the curiosity of people about our blockchain has made people troop in in mass and have made the community more lively and vibrant.
in Abjcoin, (https://www.abjcoin.org) We are ever on track in delivering our promises and the people are seeing the good turn around that is why more and more people are really jumping in on time.
as a matter of fact, this is the time to buy more because we begin to roll out our other promises, this coin will surely be rated above expectation.
Read this short but true story about my daughters curiosity:
Hahaha, I was discussing with a prospect about abjcoin and my daughter cuts in after several pronouncement of abjcoin this, abjcoin that etc
She simple asked me “do you mean Abuja?” I said yes
She asked again, “why are you adding coin to Abuja”? I replied because we now have a coin to call ours.
I was sure surprised she demanded to see one of the coin and I gave her some lessons about crytocurrency. Then I showed her the image and she said it looks like steering wheel
I happily told her that is the wheel that will drive us to the moon.
Jokes apart, if my little daughter can be curious about abjcoin, then you should strive to have hundreds or thousands of it in your wallet. Well, the ones I have is for me and my family.