A1ED Copyediting
What is copyediting?
Copyediting is a thorough process that involves reading a text and checking for grammatical errors, inconsistencies of usage, style problems, and general clarity. Changes will be made in places where the text can be improved. It is a much more extensive process than the proofreading service offered, and will totally transform a poorly written text.
A1ED service and rates
The copyediting service will correct any spelling or usage errors and ensure that the message of the text is clear and written in a style with which the author is satisfied. Rates are very competitive and service is personally tailored to each client.
Copyediting (modifying and polishing – correct any errors and polish text) £12/1000 words
Payment options
The base currency is the pound sterling, but payment can be made in other currencies including cryptocurrency
Payment may be made in the following currencies: GBP, euro, US dollar, Chinese Yuan (Alipay), bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin. Payment can also be made using PayPal.