Healthy CrossFit Training for You
Healthy CrossFit Training for You
First things first: A crossfit training program will be an intense workout!
But the good news for you about this type of training is that it can be adapted to your personal fitness level. You will see that children, performance athletes, MMA fighters, housewives and seniors all participate in crossfit training. The only difference is the intensity level and the degree of your training. Crossfit can be customized day by day or week by week to suit your fitness level.
You can use different pieces of equipment in a Crossfit training program. You could be using kettle bells, jump rope, Olympic bar, medicine balls,dumbbells, and a jump box among other equipment for your workout.
Usually when you start a crossfit training regimen you will be following a routine consisting of 3 days training followed by one day off. 0n training days you will follow what’s known as WOD or Workout of the Day which is a circuit of exercises targeting specific muscle groups. You might be working on increasing your endurance level or building up your strength. In total ten fitness areas are targeted making this type of training program a full body functional workout.
In each Workout of the Day you will follow a routine of exercises, now keep in mind if any exercise are new or too hard for your level of fitness simply modify them to your level. If you are taking a crossfit class the instructor can show you the suitable modifications.
For any beginner it is recommended that you learn how to do some basic functional exercises first. This will allow you to get more benefit from each Workout of the Day.
The beginner exercises that you should learn to perform would be:
Shoulder Presses
Push Ups
Once you are comfortable with these then you can start taking the daily classes. I will also recommend you to improve your cardiovascular condition ahead of time.
The true benefits of a crossfit class come with the intensity at which you can perform the exercises with shorter breaks in between each set.
If you take a Crossfit class you will all be asked to do the same exercises. The only difference you will notice is the different levels each exercise is performed at. Plus the amount of breaks some people require before starting a new set. If you find you need lots of breaks, don’t worry, once your conditioning improves you will quickly notice how fast you progress even in a week or two. The best advice I can give you is to set a crossfit training schedule and stick with it. No matter how hard it might seem, perform each exercise to the best of your ability and before you know it you won’t be called a beginner anymore!
Follow this advise for a Healthy Crossfit Training and You will be Fit in no time!
Is cross fit expensive?
Depends on where you live and/or the gym, but usually is not that expensive since most of the times the gyms are mom and pop's warehouses