yatsulam (50)in #news • 4 years agoWhen Chinese businessmen refused to flee Afghanistan during the turmoil, the United States was embarrassed by the RevelationsAmid the stampede of Western businessmen fleeing Afghanistan after the Taliban succeeded in driving American forces…yatsulam (50)in #news • 4 years agoChina voted no! The autonomous region also wants to join the United Nations, and the United States and 107 countries support itIndia has been trying to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council for a long time. Although the US…yatsulam (50)in #news • 4 years agoTo thank China for its assistance, send us an exclusive patented technology directly! The United States and Russia looked with envyIn the early stage of China's development, under the technical blockade of western countries, it was difficult in…yatsulam (50)in #news • 4 years agoWhen the regime changed in Afghanistan, Chinese and American expatriates were treated differently, and the Taliban fulfilled its promise to ChinaThe Afghan war is over and the governance of the country will be clarified in the near future, said Mohammad Naim, the…yatsulam (50)in #news • 4 years agoThree pieces of news from Afghanistan! Taliban declared a state, the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China emergency statementTwenty years ago America declared a "war on terror" in the wake of the September 11th attacks. Ever since, the fate of…yatsulam (50)in #news • 4 years agoGood news for the Chinese Navy! Finally no longer hidden to show the cards, Russian experts praise: too impressive!For many years, the United States has been occupying the position of "aircraft carrier power". Eleven nuclear-powered…yatsulam (50)in #news • 4 years agoMen's table tennis singles: Fan Zhendong swept South Korea 4-0 to advance to the semifinalsJuly 28, Beijing time news table tennis men's singles 8-4 match in Tokyo Stadium this morning, China's number one…yatsulam (50)in #news • 4 years agoThe greatest slap in the face ever! The United States media celebrated ahead of time, the United States men's basketball humiliating defeat, Carter innocentOn July 25, the United States men's basketball Dream Team officially appeared in the Olympic Games, unexpectedly in…yatsulam (50)in #news • 4 years agoAfter returning from grandpa's funeral, I took in 150 victims in the middle of the night"Henan rainstorm", in recent days, almost occupied the entire hot search page of each major platform. Zhengzhou…yatsulam (50)in #cn • 4 years ago心有千千结,无心插柳柳成荫因为疫情的缘故,转眼之间我已经在马来西亚度过第二年了,似乎从来没有在马来西亚待着超过1年,趁着这个时候陪着家人却也未尝不是一种好事。也许未来疫情稳定后就没有这样长时间陪伴的机会,所以在拥有这些机会的时候我们应该珍惜,而不是失去的时候再后悔。yatsulam (50)in #cn • 4 years ago失恋了也许失恋对一个人来说,很痛苦,我也是一个普通人,我也是很难过的,可我不会纠结于过去,我会很快走出来,过自己要过的生活。感谢给我上了这一门课吧,原来爱情这么简单又复杂,我恨吗?恨过,恨你没有办法多给我一点信任和一点理解,可因为你第一次这样对我yatsulam (50)in #cn • 4 years ago潜水心理潜水的这段时间,自己的内心深处出现了很多很多问题。我常在想,是我过于脆弱,还是因为生活给我的挑战太大,我自己的小胳膊小腿完全顶不住这个压力,还是……有时候我很想放弃了,可如果遇到挫折就放弃,那以后更大的挫折呢?我是干脆都不开始去面对吗?我面yatsulam (50)in #cn • 4 years ago唱歌唱歌也是我的爱好还有我的压力疏解的地方,好久都没有唱歌了,再不唱我觉得我快忘记了怎么唱了,去了全民k歌一口气唱了六首歌,觉得压力不大了,像是发泄出去了。偶然发现自己的节奏感和唱功有进步,估计这个也是很值得纪念的。以后多唱歌。yatsulam (50)in #wherein • 4 years ago爱情终于等着面试,现在事情稍微少点,但是还是很多的。周末重温了小时候的回忆,去看《暮光之城》,好多片段我都感动地哭了。以前我只是觉得爱情就是这样一回事吧,长大了,随着自己的生活经历的丰富,自己有点了解爱情了,再看已是剧中人。最好的爱情无非是你喜yatsulam (50)in #cn • 4 years ago考完试终于考完试,考了86分,其实自己没有复习完,拿到这个分数算很不错了。也无愧自己是学霸的身份了,其实我没当学霸很久了,我一直觉得自己只要本着一颗自己努力的结果,没有要求那么高,自己也跟不上,何必让自己难受呢,对吧?所以我现在真的容易满足了。 继续当个斜杠青年yatsulam (50)in #cn • 4 years ago念念不忘,必有回响这几周都在准备考试。为什么疫情在家还有考试呢?可以说是因为师门关系,也有自己的原因。师门想要把我培养才全才人的同时,还要学会管理下面的人,让大家安于本位,积极做事。所以就报了一个管理的课。和君商学院,王明夫先生创立的,一直在学习的同时也发现yatsulam (50)in #cn • 4 years ago2020的点滴#2020大事记#人没有压力是不会成长的,让自己变得更优秀吧# 2019.12.31,在上海的学生宿舍一边写报告一边等着跨年; 2020.01.01,和朋友们一起吃饭和玩;…yatsulam (50)in #cn • 4 years ago提壶揭盖法提壶揭盖法,一个很有意思的中医的比喻。想起自己这几天的感冒,我就觉得其实用药不同,道理是相通的。我自己的情况可以很肯定是风寒感冒变成的风热感冒,然后因为感冒几天,已经出现化热,便秘的情况,然后我就吃了宣通肺气的药啊,没想到肺气通了后,大便也yatsulam (50)in #cn • 4 years ago写毛笔字书法的心态做为一个有一半外国人的血统,要学好传统文化确实很难的。就拿毛笔字来说,其实我们家算是有传承的,但是因为这在我们家顶多算一个兴趣,所以到了我这里就断了。小时候我们上学,我们也学书法课,但是因为没有很仔细一字一笔学习,所以就草草了事了。…yatsulam (50)in #introduceyourself • 4 years ago人生若只如初见各位steemit的朋友大家好 我是Deanie,来自美丽的马来西亚🇲🇾,现在在中国学习。请各位多多关照和指教,谢谢。