xiii666 (25)in #profile • 7 years agodeleteddeletedxiii666 (25)in #law • 7 years agoVictims' RightsWhat Are Victims' Rights? All states and the federal government have passed laws to establish a set of victims'…xiii666 (25)in #islam • 7 years agoWith Open Gates: The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations (Restored)Joy Of Satan Satan's Libraryxiii666 (25)in #islam • 7 years agoCan a Man Beat His Wife? "Yes" said AllahDoes Islam allow a man to hit his wife? Yes, but only if she doesn't do as he asks. The beating must stop if the…xiii666 (25)in #communism • 7 years agoOBAMA's END GAME REVEALED BY KGB - Communist Obama Socialist / Marxist / Leninistxiii666 (25)in #satanism • 7 years agoGentile Nationgentile = non-jewish gentile = paganxiii666 (25)in #slavery • 7 years agoWho Brought The Slave To America, Walter White Jrxiii666 (25)in #satanism • 8 years agoSatan's LibraryJoy of Satan Library english pdfxiii666 (25)in #christianity • 8 years agoStatistics of Christian Child MolestionAs much of the nation was recently celebrating Christmas, a Memphis pastor was arrested for sexually abusing a…xiii666 (25)in #satan • 8 years agoSatanismSatanism is not a "Christian invention." Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions. Satanism is not…xiii666 (25)in #christianity • 8 years agoChristian Slave Labor: The Magdalene LaundriesI think that this should all be posted individually. (I changed my mind)xiii666 (25)in #religion • 8 years agoChristianity, Islam, And Comunism youtube playlistChristianity Islam And Communism Christainity and Islam are both the same thing. While Communism is the end result.xiii666 (25)in #christianity • 8 years agoThe Truth of what Christianity really is.Exposing Christianityxiii666 (25)in #islam • 8 years agoIslam is a lie that calls itself "The Religion of Peace"The Religion of Peace Websitexiii666 (25)in #introduceyourself • 8 years agoHello, I'm XIIIWho am I, why am I here, what has brought me to steemit? Well, life brought me here. I'm just a normal human being…