upstream168 (25)in #cn • 10 months ago亲亲的养父,让我们给您一个家她不敢想象如果自己离开养父,他的晚年将如何度过。她当然希望回到母亲身边,可她更放心不下养父啊! 她4岁时走失,家人苦寻多年,才知道她被一对收废品的夫妇收养…upstream168 (25)in #communityemotionlive • 10 months agoMemo Left by HusbandThe books on your desk are still neatly arranged, the clothes in your wardrobe are still hanging neatly, and you…upstream168 (25)in #community • 10 months agoGratitude to All ThingsWhen we take a sip of water, perhaps we care whether it's from a mountain spring, but seldom do we ponder the journey…upstream168 (25)in #community • 11 months agoI attended my mother's wedding.As I grew older, I began to understand the challenges of being a wife and mother from a woman's perspective, gradually…upstream168 (25)in #introduction • 11 months agoFather's CaneThinking that these three canes were exactly the same, he burst into laughter. Suddenly, as if realizing something…upstream168 (25)in #introduction • 11 months ago"Welcome to Paris!"Finally, Keane stepped out of the car and stood before the old man. As Keane placed his hand on the old man's stooped…upstream168 (25)in #communitystudy • 11 months agoToday is World Book Day. Did you read today?Today, book enthusiasts from around the globe gather together to celebrate the grand annual festival - World Book Day.…upstream168 (25)in #community • 11 months agoOver the course of seven years, I was $70,000 in debtAs the river of time quietly flows, I stand at the crossroads of life, burdened by seven years of heavy debt, like a…upstream168 (25)in #markets • 11 months agoAnalyst: Correction Not Over, BTC May Reach New High in September-October Next Year.On Thursday, the cryptocurrency market saw a slight rebound from recent trading lows, but prices remained well below…upstream168 (25)in #world • 11 months agoHumorous DutchmanNot long ago, during a business trip to Japan with a Dutch colleague, he was pleasantly surprised to witness frequent…upstream168 (25)in #community • 11 months ago"Tesla has greatly reduced prices! The starting price of the Model Y has dropped to as low as $43,000.""Tesla has made significant price cuts! The starting price of the Model Y has dropped to $43,000, so come and take a…upstream168 (25)in #cn • 11 months ago四川有个“奇石村”,村民靠捡石头为生,一块石头就可卖上万元在四川,除了九寨沟、都江堰,还有一片神秘的土地,这里的石头竟然比玉石还要值钱!…upstream168 (25)in #introduction • 11 months agoThe Warmth of Life in Red Dancing Shoes#温暖生命的红舞鞋Only from now on will I forever cherish these red dancing shoes, because they once warmed the insecure and bleak life…upstream168 (25)in #community • 11 months agoLittle Black and Little WhiteDad bought two white goats from the market, but one had a tuft of black hair on its head. I called it Little Black…upstream168 (25)in #introduction • 11 months agoMy Dad, Old HuangI think, perhaps because of having Old Huang around, knowing that there's someone in this world who unconditionally…upstream168 (25)in #perceptionemotionlife • 11 months agoSimple Living: A Perfect Harmony"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication," and this way of life is gaining popularity in today's society. In fact…upstream168 (25)in #cn • 11 months ago海贼王不是动漫而是纪录片诈骗900亿开启亚服大航海时代,原来海贼王不是动漫而是纪录片,诈骗900亿的越南首富张美兰,重开之前突然发布寻宝令,自曝在某海域藏了价值两亿的黄金,一句话让亚洲人彻底疯狂,现在的局面是,日本进入生化服,中国进入修仙元年,越南进入大航海时代,upstream168 (25)in #cn • 11 months ago#探秘老君山腾云栈道,感受仙境般的壮丽景象!当你踏上老君山的腾云栈道,仿佛融入了奇妙的仙境之中。脚下是险峻的悬崖,云雾缭绕,仿佛行走在云端。栈道蜿蜒盘旋,与山壁紧密相连,又有时飘然悬于空中,其设计与建造之巧夺天工,让人惊叹不已。而沿途的景致更是美不胜收,你可以饱览云海波涛、群山连绵、upstream168 (25)in #cn • 11 months ago#如果你像我一样嫌弃过父母#If you hate your parents as much as I do小时候,我总想把父母“藏”起来,而现在我会很自然地和别人提起我的父母,我会主动邀请他们参加毕业典礼,我也会在自媒体上记录和播放他们的生活,我还带妈妈一起参加了她人生中首次电视节目录制。他们常常会为我的成就感到自豪。而我认为只有当我有能力照顾upstream168 (25)in #cn • 11 months ago#如果你像我一样嫌弃过父母3#If you hate your parents as much as I do我慢慢发现,家族的每一代人,都有自己的使命。…