upserve (25)in #contest • 7 years agoUpServe - FREE Steem Dollars Giveaway (Day 4)This is Day 4 of #UpServe Join us If you want to GET free All earnings from this post will be divided equally to the participants.upserve resteemedchoi77 (56)in #kr • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.뉴스1 메인 추가 60대 이상 56% '朴 25년형 과해'…30·40대 54% '부족해'박근혜 전대통령 2심에서 징역 25년 나왔습니다. 형량이 과하다는 의견과 부족하다는 의견이 분분하네요. 뉴스링크 24일 열린 박근혜 전 대통령에 대한 '국정농단' 2심 선고공판에서 징역 25년이 선고된…upserve resteemeddk853311 (64)in #story • 7 years agoRajuOne town was the darkness. The kings there used to be often depressed. Everyone in his court wanted him to be happy…upserve resteemedhforstner (60)in #spanish • 7 years agoBullet proof - Café a prueba de balas - ¿Megabooster o sólo Mhytos?De vez en cuando tomo un café a prueba de balas, y me gusta mucho, y no me importa lo que esté escrito al respecto.…upserve resteemedwasif33 (66)in #photography • 7 years agoPhotography... Part-50Friends My mind was so bad. Because my phone was ruined. But I was just calling today. It's good to have a…upserve resteemedgirlbeauty (67)in #photography • 7 years agoSUMMER FLOWERS: Pink Flowers #121Pink Flowers Click the image to view full-size. Perhaps you are familiar with my first @milaoz account and you…upserve resteemedjurgan (64)in #girls • 7 years agoSlow Promenade on the MarketTwo friends, having met in the city, went for a walk around the market. Most likely, they were already going to the…upserve resteemedyash024u (50)in #photo • 7 years agoMy new memoakhlak hajam sakal si read kro lakshman sasural kalalupserve resteemeddoodoogus (56)in #tasteem • 7 years ago돈까스 맛집! -강남 옛날 돈까스 - 안녕하세요! 강남하면 화려함, 고급진 레스토랑 음식점 이쁜 카페를 생각하게되죠~ 하지만 오늘 제가 소개해드릴 곳은 시골 맛집 처럼 옛 방식의 돈까스 ,맛, 가격을 가지고 있는 곳 입니다.…upserve resteemedjhy2246 (73)in #kr • 7 years ago랑이 휴가 2일차~상호:산촌 주소:인천 부평구 마장로 257-1 랑이의 생일 아침상입니다 황태채를 볶다가 불린 미역을 넣고 또 볶아서 끊인 미역국입니다 냉장고에 있는 야채와 소세지를 넣고…upserve resteemedme-tarzan (80)in #sbd • 7 years agoHold LONG POSITION / ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR RESEARCH TRADING SYSTEM # 8🐒 ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR RESEARCH TRADING SYSTEM # 8 🐒 I have been researching ( SBD ) STEEM DOLLAR prices and…upserve resteemedgghite (79)in #kr • 7 years ago(산티아고를 그리다) 산티아고를 걷는 가장 어린 순례자, "how old are you?"산티아고 2017.6.17(47,312걸음) 또다시 새벽에 길을 나서서, 오늘은 벨로라도에서 아게스까지 걸었다. 어제 남편의 발이 극강으로 아팠기 때문에 오늘은 걷다가 큰 마을이 나타나면 버스를 타고 가자는…upserve resteemeddigitalfund (70)in #kr • 7 years ago[EOS]이오스 펀딩 11-4이오스(EOS)펀딩 안녕하세요. 스팀잇의 플랫폼을 통해 펀딩을 진행하게된 @Digitalfund입니다. 포스팅에 대한 수익금으로 이오스 펀딩을 시작합니다. 공지 이오스 6회차 분배중입니다. 확인하시기…upserve resteemedtata1 (70)in #coinkorea • 7 years ago[코인붓툰] 부자가 되고 말겠다던 친구upserve resteemeddayul (63)in #kr-life • 7 years ago[일상] 태풍이 지나간 어느집안녕하세요?? @dayul입니다. 오늘 태풍이 심하게 올까봐 창문단속도 열심히 하고, 유치원도 쉬고 딸과 집에서 뒹굴거렸어요. 다행히도 서울은 크게 태풍피해없이 지나간듯하고 점심은 집에 있는 반찬에…upserve resteemedsabbir1213 (54)in #islam • 7 years agoযে কারণে কোন আমল কবুল হবে না | Islamic knowledgeআচ্ছালামুয়ালাইকুম, কেমন আছেন সবাই ? আশা করি ভালোই আছেন। আশা করি আপনাদের সবার ঈদ ভালো কেটেছে এবং কাটছে। যাই হোক কাজের…upserve resteemedme-tarzan (80)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoNo Trade Today Stay In Cash / RESEARCH SYSTEM # 7 COMPARISON 24hr VOLUME BTC / CRYPTO CURRENCY BITTREX - POLONIEX🐒 24hr VOLUME BTC / CRYPTO CURRENCY ( ALT COINS ) and BTC price comparison I feel like a lot of Bitcoin when…upserve resteemedrachelsvparry (67)in #art • 7 years agoNew Work in Progress - Private Clown MomentsThis is still new and choppy-looking. I'm not done putting the details in where they're going to go. That little arm…upserve resteemedbodcod (64)in #bodcod • 7 years agoflowerupserve resteemedshinhancard (64)in #shinhancard • 7 years ago토마토