tianyarenxing (25)in #cn • 7 years ago第二届高校科技成果交易会科技主题更新迭代一年一个样,去年参加的交易会全场几乎由物联网主题称霸,今年则由人工智能主题取而代之,全场占很大篇幅都展示的机器人,这不禁让我感叹,未来要下岗的工人很多,比如今天展示的厨师、清洁工,都是高危失业人群,再比如高速收费站的收费员,tianyarenxing resteemedreddust (71)in #mindfulness • 7 years agoThe Ten Stages of the Mahayana Bodhisattva PathThe Tenth Stage Part 12 Introduction Stages of the Mahayana Bodhisattva Path are similar to the Theravada…tianyarenxing (25)in #cn • 7 years agoScenery of Qutang gorge on Yangtze RiverPhoto taken on May 23, 2018 shows the scenery of Qutang gorge in southwest China's Chongqing municipality, May 23…tianyarenxing resteemedkingscrown (81)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoShark Tank`s Stars Stance on CryptocurrenciesShark Tank is an amazing show, if you never seen it.. Im jealous how much fun you will have, Its a show where…tianyarenxing (25)in #cn • 7 years ago很高兴你能来,也不遗憾你离去人生,因遗憾而懂得了珍惜,因后悔而学会了努力。 人生,如果不曾失去过,又怎么会知道拥有的不易。 人生,如果不曾受伤过,又怎么会明白坚强的意义。 这一生中,无论我们做得多好,多不甘心,都会留下一些遗憾。…tianyarenxing (25)in #cn • 7 years ago中美发表联合声明,不打贸易战!将在金融等领域展开合作,银行家发起的“鸦片战争”?很长时间都没再点进去看自己曾经想着长见识而订阅的大量公众号,今天点进去一看,大篇幅地都在报道中美贸易战的最新动态,可以说,美国完胜了,中国按照美国提出的要求做,贸易战不打了,以和为贵。因而,中美双方将在能源、农产品、医疗、高科技产品、金融等tianyarenxing (25)in #cn • 7 years ago健康生活,诗意写生居住的位置,有个疲惫的时候可以呼吸一下新鲜空气,身体状况不佳的时候流流汗的地方,我把它称之为心灵栖息地,或者叫身心加油站,每每享受着这一分一秒,就能把所有的烦恼都暂时放下,清空大脑,然后再重新接受生活中新的挑战,于是,这个地方给我留下了很深的印象。tianyarenxing (25)in #cn • 7 years ago[成语故事]草木皆兵——every bush and tree looks like an enemy东晋时代,秦王苻坚控制了北部中国。公元383年,苻坚率领步兵、骑兵90万,攻打江南的晋朝。晋军大将谢石、谢玄领兵8万前去抵抗。苻坚得知晋军兵力不足,就想以多胜少,抓住机会,迅速出击。…tianyarenxing resteemedcn-reader (61)in #cn-reader • 7 years agoLearn Chinese with @cn-reader: Idiom 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利Idiom:鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利(yù bàng xiāng zhēng, yú wēng dé lì) It means that it's the third party that benefits from the…tianyarenxing (25)in #cn • 7 years ago中国一座村子藏在“井”里 与世隔绝几千年!井底村是山西省平顺县东寺头乡的一个村子,因四周被绝壁环抱,其形如井,又因村庄座落谷底,人们便自然地叫她井底。…tianyarenxing (25)in #health • 7 years agoDoctor reveals only vegetable you need to boost your healthA DOCTOR has revealed the single food we need to be eating more of to improve our health. If you’re not a fan of…tianyarenxing (25)in #food • 7 years agoGaram Masala Fried Rice with Lamb MedallionsFor a short period of time in 2017, I experimented with low-iodine recipes. It was not easy as staple ingredients for…tianyarenxing (25)in #news • 7 years agoSelf-defeating acttianyarenxing (25)in #story • 7 years ago森林里的歌声(01)一道闪光把黑夜劈开了,雷声从裂缝中一贯而下,强风瞬间也同时从四面八方旋集到这小森林,暴雨接踵而至…… 当太阳再次从东方升起时,暴风雨终于转而咆哮到别的地方。…tianyarenxing (25)in #steemit • 7 years agoHow to release video?How to release video in steemit? Who can tell me?tianyarenxing (25)in #food • 7 years agoDelicious food, or stones?A shepherd made a table of 108 "dishes" using various stones, such as agate and boulder. He collected the stones in…tianyarenxing (25)in #love • 7 years ago妈,今天我得说您两句……长这么大了,谁还没有个爱唠叨的妈? 一、魔音穿耳 那些年起床的时候总会听到她“魔音穿耳”: “起床了,到点儿了,再不起来就要迟到了。” “二十分钟前就叫过你了,咋还没起啊!快起床!”…tianyarenxing (25)in #art • 7 years agoGraffiti adds fun to demolition site in ShanghaiA demolition site at Shimen Er Road in Shanghai attracted many visitors recently due to the artistic graffiti there.…tianyarenxing resteemedura-soul (75)in #informationwar • 7 years agoOur History Has Been Warped & Denied - Here's Yet More Evidence of An 'unnamed' Unified Ancient CultureHaving studied (and partially remembered in regression) the ancient story of Earth, it is apparent that a great deal…tianyarenxing (25)in #love • 7 years agoHealing moments: 'Mom, I love you'A little panda and its mother. [Photo/IC] May 13 marks Mother's Day this year. It's time to show our gratitude to our…