tianlai (48)in #cn • 8 years ago请为MUSE见证人:muse-now投票让我们一起见证、促成MUSE成功!tianlai (48)in #music • 8 years agoPlease vote MUSE witness: muse-nowLet's do our best to witness & make MUSE success, thank you!tianlai (48)in #cn • 8 years ago试试贴图tianlai (48)in #cn • 8 years ago央行数字票据交易平台原型系统测试成功 China's Central Bank digital trading platform prototype system successfully tested财新网独家∣央行数字票据交易平台原型系统测试成功 2017年01月25日 17:55 这意味着在全球范围内,中国央行将成为首个研究发行数字货币并开展真实应用的中央银行,率先探索了区块链技术在货币发行中的实际应用…tianlai (48)in #steem • 9 years agoMeet Fu Yunhui, The Most Lovable Athlete At The Rio Olympics - No one is having a better time than this womanOoh lovely girl.tianlai (48)in #cn • 9 years ago关于发起众筹DAC的提议在Bitshares's Evil Plan for Cryptocurrency World Domination一文中所提5条计划中,鉴于第一条动用储备实施难度大,短期无望,现提议先执行第二条计划,以BTS为货币众筹DAC。…tianlai (48)in #bitshares • 9 years ago比特股储备银行回购计划说明:本文所提计划是在bts被市场过度低估情况下,比特股采取的回购计划。如计划按预期实施,第一阶段回购,12亿储备股份回购7亿,控制51%的股份;第二阶段回购,19亿储备股份回购7-9亿,控制70-76%的股份。这是一个筹码集中、价值回归的tianlai (48)in #bitshares • 9 years agoBitshares Reserve Bank’s Repurchase PlanDescription: the proposed plan is the repurchase program in the case of BTS’s value incredibly undervalued. If the…tianlai (48)in #bitshares • 9 years agoBitshares Reserve Bank’s Drainage PlanIdea that moment on use of troops, it is time. Basis: Steem Reserve Bank’s actual and successful drainage increased…tianlai (48)in #bitshares • 9 years ago比特股储备银行放水计划依据:steem银行放水实战在短期内使其市值增长数十倍,获得预期的目的和初步成功。 放水效果大致测算: 1、按计划开始启动bts…tianlai (48)in #bitshares • 9 years agoBitshares's Evil Plan for Cryptocurrency World Dominationoriginal written by @tianlai in Chinese: translated to English by @lyfeng The title borrowed the statement:…tianlai (48)in #investments • 9 years agoChina to issue digital currency "as soon as possible"Source: Xinhua 2016-01-20 22:11:42 BEIJING, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- China's central bank on Wednesday announced that…tianlai (48)in #bts-disneyland • 9 years ago比特股统领虚拟币世界的邪恶计划一、目标规划 为尽快实现比特股全球去中心化金融平台的鸿鹄大志,比特股需要有比肩全球中心化金融平台的市值,本文志在促成此历史伟业。 二、背景回顾及存在问题…tianlai (48)in #bts-disneyland • 9 years agoMy Genesis PostI am a professor of China University of Petroleum,I became a true believer of Bitshares in 2013,and deeply involved in…