😠 Why is Steemit So Unfair...?

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)


Soon after I joined Steemit, I discovered many complaints about unfairness with how rewards are distributed. Like many newcomers, I was confused as to why a painting could be upvoted to over $100 but assumed that it was by a distinguished Korean artist and the rewards were justified. I know better now.


But the complaints of unfairness continue and steemcurators (The Steemit Team and Community Members) consistently come "under attack" for their choice of votes. @o1eh's written a few posts about the difficulty of curating and if you haven't read his most recent post, I suggest that you do so as it will provide some additional background to this post.


Now that I've experienced steemcuration for a couple of weeks, I understand the picture better and when I stumbled across the @our-concern2 account yesterday and this post (as well as their now muted follow-up), I wanted a name to look at - a username that felt the unfairness so that I could form my own opinion as to whether it's justified.

Only 1 user had replied in support of that post so with their agreement, I am doing a review of @pandev (who was nominated) to share my thoughts. I've promised to be nice (gulp!) and I hope that some of these thoughts are useful to those of you who continue beyond this introduction 🙂


Who is @pandev

Pandev joined around the same time as me, in March of last year and I even commented on his first football post soon after he joined. In his introduction post, he talks about his favourite sport (football) and a lot about learning and life. I'll come back to the football part later.


Club Status

From purely a "is he club5050" point of view, I see a difficulty...

1 Monthimage.png
2 Monthsimage.png
3 Monthsimage.png

Whilst many still believe that liquid STEEM in the wallet isn't included within the "club rules", steemcurator01 confirmed that:

We do take notice also of liquid STEEM and SBD in wallets, as well as Cash Out v Power Up.

So although Pandev is powering up more than he's withdrawing, this could be causing a difficulty.

"But he might be saving for spud4steem" I hear you cry. So if we look at the dates of the power ups, they're 15th February, 23rd February and 2nd March. Is this spud4steem territory? I'm not sure.

So club5050 eligibility is borderline. And as a curator, I prefer "Clear Cut".

Recommendation 1: Power Up some of that liquid STEEM (or better yet, all of it) and/or Transfer Out some of that liquid STEEM


Shared Wallets

This is a slight aside but something I'll sometimes look at. Pandev has a shared wallet with the user @muktaraliu and looking at muktaraliu's introduction post, I believe there's nothing amiss here so we'll quickly move on...


Activity - Posts, Comments, Votes and Tags


There's a lot to look at over the course of a year so I'll break down Pandev's posts by month and by community starting from the month he joined.

MonthCommunity (Posts)
MarchWorld Of Football (1)
Lifestyle (3)
Newcomers' Community (2)
Writing & Reviews (3)
SteemitCryptoAcademy (1)
Steem Ghana (6)
Steem Schools (1)
Account Booster (1)
Venezolanos Steem (1)
Steemit Nursery (1)

I've realised that this is going to take far too long so I'll fast forward to some thoughts...

My first thought is that from the outset, Pandev has been bouncing around communities (and my interpretation of this is that he's searching for rewards). If you look at the communities that he is a member of, there are a lot including many of the ones I simply don't get (zzan for example). The only really consistent presence is within "Steem Ghana". This makes a lot of sense but Steem Venezuela and Steemkids (for a non-parent) doesn't make sense to me. I mentioned "Football" earlier as one of the few hobbies mentioned in the introduction, there are very few football related posts with the most recent being 3 months ago.

Many of the tips that I read in my early days were based around consistency and persistence. I see both here but I believe that consistently jumping around communities will leave a trail of very few people getting to know him and his content.

Recommendation 2: Narrow down the communities that you're active in to a handful that match your interests. Steem Ghana, World of Football, WOX Sports (shameless plug) for example


If there were too many posts to categorise, I'll need a different approach to comments and for this, I'll look at the past couple of months. For me, comments are an important part of Steemit - they differentiate between the broadcasters (those who post and run) and the truly engaged (who make meaningful replies to everything) - most people will sit somewhere on this scale.

Source 1,Source 2 & Photoshop

I'll exclude contest entries and community verification from my thoughts and I can see that Pandev's comments are probably split 50/50 between replies to comments in his own posts and comments on posts by others. I don't think there's much to be read into this but the crucial thing that I do see is the "depth" to the comments - almost all of the comments are short (fewer than 10 words) and whilst you can see high effort going into his posts (notice that this is the 1st time I've mentioned the quality of his content), there doesn't appear to be much effort going into building meaningful relationships with other users - perhaps reflective of the "bouncing around communities".

Recommendation 3: Try to write more significant comments that will make the person remember you for good reasons. These relationships will reward you in the long-term


Outgoing Votes - There's a wide range of votes going out and Pandev doesn't seem to favour any particular users. I don't have much thought on this - having been on the platform for a year, I have formed fairly obvious biases towards a core set of users.

Incoming Votes - Similarly, there's a wide range of votes coming in. The larger votes tend to come from the Steem Ghana community - is it a coincidence that the community Pandev's been involved with from the beginning of his journey to now is the one that he receives the most support from? Certainly not. Consistency. Let people get to know you. And you get to know them.

But one username jumps out at me...


A BIG NO-NO for me is krsuccess. It's the most widely used and most widely spammed tag here on Steemit. It's ubiquitous use to earn $0.02 just makes absolutely no sense to me and I know that I'm not the only user who will turn away from anybody using it.

Tags are important. If you are writing a post about how to help Korea become a more successful nation, then use krsuccess. If you're falling asleep writing about something, use zzan. Or zzzzzzzzzzzzzan.

Other than krsuccess, the tags look good.

Recommendation 4: Stop using krsuccess



Having been writing this for I don't know how long and not actually discussing Pandev's content, should demonstrate that writing good content isn't enough. The old saying "Content Is King" is probably not true on Steemit but it does help. Oh, and proof read your content. I probably spend more time proof reading my content and making edits (even after I've published my post) than I spend writing the original draft. It doesn't matter how good your content is if the reader is distracted by typos or poor grammar.


Closing Thoughts

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to dissect any of Pandev's content - I am surprised by the lack of football content given it's one of the few things that got a specific mention in his introduction post.

Perhaps this lack of football content is due to the decreasing activity within the Sports communities and the desire to find a home where the rewards are. I see a lot of users follow the money, follow the booming votes, follow the steemcurators - looking for the tags that get the votes and try to "copy" what others have done. ALWAYS one step behind and not seeing the opportunity to do something that others aren't doing.

I'm very much of the opinion that you should get noticed for doing something original rather than another clone who inevitably ends up complaining about not getting votes.

I'm talking in general terms now rather than specifically about Pandev (forgive me for calling you Pandev for my entire post, I did look at your real name but thought it better if I go with your username). And I'm also aware that I'm slowly going off-topic...


Whilst many will have seen Steemit's Engagement Challenge and interpreted it as a challenge for community leaders, that's not how I see it. We don't need more communities telling us that our content isn't plagiarised, that we're not in a club because we didn't use a club5050 hashtag even though we do 100% power-ups, that we do or don't delegate to their community.

This kind of engagement is soulless, and borderline spam. (Note that with the example I've linked here, plagiarism requires a "recheck" which received a laugh and a right royal "fuck off" from me so I won't be posting there again. (Stop. Be Nice. Continue.) I'd previously replied to one of these comments with a question and received no reply. If this is what "Engagement Challenge" is expecting, I hope that Steemit reconsider what they're asking for.)

The real challenge that I believe Steemit is asking for is meaningful comments, meaningful engagement, Top Commenters. It's these relationships that make people stay and make people feel valued. When you resort to complaining about money and nothing else, that's not where the real problem lies. Which reminds me of the "Bath Model"...


Notice how little influence "Pay" has on "Commitment", "Motivation" and "Satisfaction". Whether we realise it, or are willing to acknowledge it, as users, we're looking for more than to just "get paid".


I hope that this post was useful and gives you plenty of food for thought. As always (I almost wrote "it goes without saying" and then I realised that by saying "it goes without saying" that "I was saying"...), please share your thoughts in the comments and I especially look forward to hearing from @pandev - I hope that I was nice and that you find this useful 🙂


I for one regard steemit as social media(which they have stated emphatically).

The problem is that whilst others are committed to building relationships and making the most out of it, others are going round complaining. Most of these users dont even know what the newest initiatives are on steemit.

For a user who wants to earn money, the best place to do that is the crypto academy where you can learn more about cryptocurrency.

Am not a 100% in support of how the curators do their curation but i must say its not an easy job and they certainly cannot curate every single user. This is why booming + curator teams have been created to help cover all these other users.

Curation doesn’t come very easy as i was once in charge of a community curation account and then when one has this opportunity you begin to see the problem with posts and instead of curating them to later have problems, you will prefer leaving them as they are.

In this case you will realise that you begin to centralize your votes around users who have spent a substantial amount of time building their brand on the ecosystem.

 2 years ago 

In this case you will realise that you begin to centralize your votes around users who have spent a substantial amount of time building their brand on the ecosystem.

This is the main source of a lot of the complaints and it can be difficult to avoid.

Am not a 100% in support of how the curators do their curation

What would you do differently?

What would you do differently?

When I joined steemit the curators used to vote contest winners . This motivated a lot of people to participate in contests with quality entries. This days we notice that contest winners only recieve rewards from the community account.

If contest winners were assured of votes from the curator01 or curator02, the community accounts will only have to organise the contest and they wont have to be worried about where they will get rewards to send out to winners.

One other problem i have is with the daily top posts of communities. You realise that it came to a time that only the curation accounts were voted and the selected posts were not voted on.

If this is brought back, more users will be covered.

 2 years ago 

I remember when contests became popular and I suspect that I know why support for them ended... So many contests were created, dozens per day and they would all tag sc01 asking for (or demanding) support. Then when the support didn't come, prizes wouldn't be shared or worst still, the winners would be their alternative accounts or family members. Like so many initiatives that have the power for good, there are too many people capable of ruining it for everybody else.

In many ways, sc01 still support contests and I can only speak from my experience - My Fantasy Sports posts get an occasional sc01 vote which plays a significant role in how much I can distribute in prizes. Admittedly, to the user, it's not the "lottery win" of an sc01 upvote but over the course of the season, my contests will have given away over 1,000 STEEM. I know that sc01 supports the work that disconnect does too so although sc01 won't be openly supporting contests, I'm fairly sure that they still are indirectly. I also expect that some contest entries get supported if they're good posts too but I rarely look at contest entries to know.

You realise that it came to a time that only the curation accounts were voted and the selected posts were not voted on.

This could be for the same reason as the contests but I don't know this. I know that posts that WOX have recommended before have been looked at with some voted and some not. It could also be linked to the author's club status but I really don't know.

If this is brought back, more users will be covered.

It's certainly possible - although given what happened last time, I expect the Steemit team to look for different ways that will be less prone to the inevitable scammers.

This could be for the same reason as the contests but I don't know this. I know that posts that WOX have recommended before have been looked at with some voted and some not. It could also be linked to the author's club status but I really don't know.

This comes down to the reputation of the community. As we have all seen that the wox community have strived and built a brand for themselves, it is easier to vote on the selctions that they make.

It's certainly possible - although given what happened last time, I expect the Steemit team to look for different ways that will be less prone to the inevitable scammers.

This time round I don't know what happened the last time. Do you care to tell me😂😂

 2 years ago 

This time round I don't know what happened the last time. Do you care to tell me😂😂

Oh, nothing more than what I'd already said - some communities thought that if they started any old competition, it would result in an sc01 upvote. Sorry to disappoint!

Gracias por abrir este tema de debate, muchos usuarios a traves de este post pueden aclarar algunas dudas existentes, yo Antes usaba con frecuencia krsuccess luego me di cuenta que ese voto es técnicamente innecesario concordando contigo en que fomenta el uso de bots gratuitos o compra de votos.

Existe una gran cantidad de autores destacados por sus contenidos que en mi punto de vista personal merecen mas apoyo. Luego de revisar un poco sus cuentas me percato que su interacción con otros miembros es muy poca. Lo que me trae como reflexión es que aparte de ser buenos autores debemos preocuparnos tambien por interactuar con todos los miembros de steemit. Esto con el proposito de generar lazos de hermandad y buenas practicas de sana convivencia dentro de la plataforma.

Es importante destacar tambien que en muchos casos la desmotivación hace que eso suceda. "Algunos autores pensarán igual nunca me votan" he visto casos en los que sc01 a votado publicaciones con 2 o 3 comentarios y al momento de subir el post a las tendencias ese mismo post que no tenia comentarios ni interacción alguna rapidamente se llena de comentarios y reesteem. Esto es una realidad que tambien es palpable.

Muchas comunidades han optado por crear grupos de discusión y promoción de post, en WhatsAap, Telegram y Discord. los cuales han brindado resultados positivos en cuanto a la interacción pero aun es necesario asumir con mas efectividad estos puntos. E incentivar a nuestros usuarios a la interacción y sana convivencia dentro de la plataforma.

Muchas gracias por abrir este tema tan importante @the-gorilla. Excelente publicación.

Concuerdo contigo en tu apreciación.

Hace falta ser más simpático y empático cuando estamos frente a la publicación de otros, cada uno sabe el esfuerzo por realizar una publicación de calidad. Ciertamente, es a veces feo por decirlo así, que una publicación es votada y le llueven los comentarios. Yo he optado por no botarlos después de que ya tienen su voto. Si siento que debo incrementar mi participación en comentar más. Pero estamos aquí para aprender y este espacio es súper beneficioso para todos. Saludos.

 2 years ago 

I completely agree and thanks for sharing your thoughts. The WhatsApp, Telegram and Discord groups are an interesting addition that are being used by communities to increase engagement - The difficulty that I see with these is the lack of transparency compared to those same conversations happening on-chain. (Some of my experiences of these private community groups have not been positive.)

I have wondered with this post whether the level of engagement would have been the same if sc01 had not added their thoughts. I'm lucky in that my posts regularly attract good comments but rarely from so many users that I've never interacted with before.

My curiosity makes me wonder if a sc01 comment (or vote) leads to more interaction with a post - my instinct says "yes". But this could be as simple as the post "Trending" although I think it's also likely that many users watch sc01's comments and votes closely. (e.g. I've asked sc01 a question before and people unrelated to the post or community have replied.)

Me he preguntado con esta publicación si el nivel de participación habría sido el mismo si sc01 no hubiera agregado sus pensamientos.

(Risas) Justamente lo que hablamos, pareciera que un comentario de sc01 o un voto blindara de magia una publicación. Al volverse "tendencia", se genera una lluvia de votos y comentarios pero Esto es algo sin sentido.

aunque creo que también es probable que muchos usuarios observen de cerca los comentarios y votos

La Herramienta Steemworld frecuentemente es usada con este proposito, muchas personas utilizan esta herramienta para seguir el rastro de 01. Pero seria mas útil hacer uso de estos conocimientos en investigación para votar, dar reesteem y apoyar contenidos originales y de calidad.

Querido amigo muchas de tus reflexiones son compartidas por los usuarios pero existe un cierto nivel de temor para expresarlas.

 2 years ago 

Querido amigo muchas de tus reflexiones son compartidas por los usuarios pero existe un cierto nivel de temor para expresarlas.

It's understandable. When a person is fearful that they will lose something (e.g. a vote), they will prefer to keep silent rather than share their opinion - even if their opinion has the potential to change things for the better (or write their opinion from an anonymous account that lacks the history and credibility that the true author would have had).

Pero seria mas útil hacer uso de estos conocimientos en investigación para votar, dar reesteem y apoyar contenidos originales y de calidad.

There's an even better use of this information which sc01 has left many clues to... but I won't write it because their job's hard enough already 😂

You might have thought of it too and once everybody's moved on and no longer looking at this post (which they might have done already), I'll share it with you (if I don't forget).

(o escribir su opinión desde una cuenta anónima).

El anonimato muchas veces es el primer recurso que se utiliza por ese mismo temor fundado. La libertad de expresión es un derecho fundamental que no debe ser coaccionado ni censurado jamás.

Valoro mucho tu liderazgo en estos temas taboo en Steemit.

Hay un uso aún mejor de esta información sobre la que sc01 ha dejado muchas pistas

Asi es. 😁

Es posible que también lo hayas pensado

💪👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🙈 Seguro querido amigo.

 2 years ago 

Engagement really used to be enormously important on Steemit, particularly in the early days. I would say that for a good two years or so, it was not unusual for my posts to get between 10-15 to as many as 50-60 comments each.

Which was great because it was a stellar way to increase my followers/following... but on the downside, I was often out of energy to visit other people by the time I was done responding to comments left for me.

At the risk of being controversial, Steemit is always going to be "unfair," as long as your primary focus is getting rewards, rather than just doing your thing and having a good time. I have little idea what's at the top of the "trending" feed, and even less idea why it's being rewarded to the tune of $200-300.

But that doesn't mean I'm running around shouting "unfair" because my posts get $2-3, even after five years and more than 1,600 posts.

This is a long game of patience!

Very kind of you to do such a thorough analysis of someone's posting habits!

 2 years ago 

on the downside, I was often out of energy to visit other people by the time I was done responding to comments left for me.

😆 I'm in the process of going through and replying to all of the comments at the moment... on and off for the last 3 hours so far!

I don't think what you say is controversial at all... Steemit will always be unfair or at very least, perceived to be unfair - especially from a purely rewards point of view. Somebody said to me a long time ago that in many ways, Steemit is a reflection of the real world.

One of my "mantra's" (for lack of a better word) is "enjoy what you have, don't be concerned by what you don't" - which makes "having a good time" so much easier because you're never left "wanting" for anything. It's very Buddhist.

I can't remember the last time I looked at the "Trending" feed but I do know that anything earning $200-$300 is down to an UPVU delegation. Ignorance is bliss 🙂

Very kind of you to do such a thorough analysis of someone's posting habits!

Thank you - I find things like this interesting and if it helps somebody else in the process, all the better.

Me disculpa si no comienzo hablando directo del personaje, como dices no es necesario hablar o mencionar algo que incluye a muchos en steemit, ¿Puedo hablar de mi? ¿Mi punto de vista?
Como sabes no tengo mucho tiempo en steemit, cuando comencé me dicen debes seguir muchas comunidades, estaba confundida y seguí sin sentido, el punto es como puedo seguir tantas comunidades cuando realmente no cumplen mis expectativas o no pertenezco allí, no puedo tener tiempo para toda, debes enfocarte en las que realmente te sientas cómodo y puedas ser parte de ella.(aun sigo a muchas🤦‍♀️)

Me gusta dibujar (dibujo feo 🙋‍♀️) me gusta viajar, conocer la cultura, historia del pais que visito, me inspiro a través y disfruto observar en @worldofxpilar, sigo a @steemvenezuela es mi tierra, donde me vi crecer con gente trabajadora, mi educación.

Adoro todo lo relacionado con la naturaleza @garden y hace poco delegue en @colombiaoriginal lo tengo a 4 horas de mi frontera, viví un cierto tiempo, disfruto de su estadía en vacaciones y muchos hermanos venezolanos se encuentran allá.

El punto es que realmente tengo tiempo para todas, puedo dar el mismo apoyo, lo intento pero disfruto estar sumergida en cada una de ellas.

Ahora no entiendo la etiqueta leo y vuelvo a leer #krsuccess porque lo hacen por unos pocos centavos, estemos claros ¿ A quien no le gusta el dinero ?consigues vienes materiales, viajes comida, pero debes esperar tu buen voto, tu veras si eres inteligente y sabes distribuir, steemit te da las herramientas y tus veras si las cumples.

Observo que muchos llaman a los curadores, moderadores, delegadores, si no pasan es porque en algo estamos fallando o no tienes calidad de publicación, no pones tu interes de interactuar, no lees las recomendaciones, en cualquier momento pasan no somos tres personas en este mundo virtual 🤷‍♀️

PD: Ojo respeto a las otras comunidades y se que tienen el empeño de crecer, pero opino que todos tenemos derecho a elegir, somos libres de pensamientos, agradezco lo que he conseguido con steemit y trato de dar lo mejor de mi!

 2 years ago 

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Your journey makes a lot of sense in that you spent some time looking around and gradually honed in on the communities in which you are happiest. Which allows you to interact with others without ever needing to "force" a comment or a post and you can express yourself rather than being the person that you think the community wants to see.

As you know, I've seen a lot of your comments 😲

Hi @the-gorilla

Well, hehe, I loved reading you. did you know? I have always thought that the problem of some discouraged or confused people in Steemit is due to their motivation.
Everything will depend on what "moves" you in Steemit. There has to be something more, there has to be heart, soul, and even a passion for writing, for sharing, for creating relationships, and the rewards would be a little lower on that list of motivations.

Your conclusion is simple: you have to be with all your heart and not with one foot in and the other out: it is called more than commitment, it is will and desire to be.

Thanks for sharing and I really fully share your thoughts on this.

 2 years ago 

Ha ha, I didn't know so thank you. I enjoy your comments too and believe that we're of the same mindset with this 🙂

The votes won't always be there, but the enjoyment of writing always will be ✍️

Mi cuenta la cree hace años (2018) sin embargo abandone la plataforma justo por lo que todos mencionan, no recibir votos donde según yo eran “buenos post” (Ahora los veo y no son tan buenos XD). Pero yo estaba en ese momento pensando solo en dinero y mas dinero, publicaba y ya que lluevan los $$$ sin siquiera pasar a comentar alguna publicación de un paisano.

Años mas tarde, en abril del año pasado más precisamente, regrese y me dedique no a ganar dinero sino más bien a divertirme con lo que me gusta que es hablar y analizar el deporte, consegui la comunidad World Of Football y la hice mi amiga fiel, gracias a eso recibí más recompensas y votos dentro de la plataforma muchas veces sin siquiera pensar que llegarían, interactúe y forme lazos de amistad con personas que compartían ese amor por el deporte en general que me hizo también crecer un poco en cuanto a interactividad. Luego fui llamado a formar parte de otras comunidades nuevas que eran dedicadas al deporte y obviamente accedí (Con situaciones “extrañas” hechas por los altos cargos que desconocía por cierto xD)

Lamentablemente esto que esta pasando actualmente con estas comunidades me ha desmotivado muchas (por no decir todas ya que al menos World of Football freno el apagado) me ha llevado a pensar en variar un poco el contenido y las comunidades que frecuento, y si bien me puedo expresar mejor en cosas que también me apasionan como el Excel, las salidas y actividades físicas, música o literatura; no hay nada que me haga divertirme mas que el deporte, y me niego a dejar de hacer cosas que me gusten dentro de Steemit.

Por mas que ya no reciba votos de #SC01 seguiré expresando mi opinión en los eventos deportivos mas resaltantes de la actualidad y también participando en dinámicas donde se promueva el deporte en general. A veces se nos olvida que Steemit es una plataforma donde podemos interactuar y hacer amistades, todo es una pelea constante porque no recibo votos y ya. Es muy desmotivante dejarle un comentario bonito a alguien y que te ponga solo “Gracias por leerme”.

Que buen que hayas tomado la iniciativa de crear el WOX Sports, no había tenido la oportunidad de decírtelo, pero seguro me veras por allá publicando alguna novedad que me haya llamado la atención. ¡Saludos!

 2 years ago 

Thank you - Sports will live on, we'll make sure of it 💪

There are some users whose content I've commented on too and not even received a "thank you for reading me" - given the time and effort that I put into my comments, I decide that I won't be revising that person again.

no hay nada que me haga divertirme mas que el deporte, y me niego a dejar de hacer cosas que me gusten dentro de Steemit.

Great attitude and if you didn't have it, we wouldn't have met and you wouldn't be winning so much of my STEEM 🤣

Aún quedan muchos STEEM por ganarte, pero si continuo con esos movimientos malos como en el Fantasy de la liga no ganaré mucho 😂.

Es desmotivante nisiquiera recibir un gracias por leer te entiendo y también he dejado de escribirle a usuarios por eso.

Hello friend, very good post, it is important to listen to the users. In my case I have been in steemit for 4 years and I consider that I have done my job very well, I try to help, to be visible to others and to keep my communities high. Always generating quality content that promotes steemit.

The work of the curators is not easy, I am currently curator of the SC06 account and it is a job of great responsibility, but I know that with my effort and perseverance I have managed to be where I am today.


 2 years ago 

I consider that I have done my job very well

I don't think there's a single user who would disagree with this 🙂

The work of the curators is not easy

I'd read a lot about this prior to joining the curation team and without the "rules", I've never found it difficult to find posts that I like. I also thought that with the various tools I've created and my new interface I'd find it straightforward but this hasn't proven to be the case (it didn't help that I'm curating sports at a time when the sports communities are powering down!)

I know that with my effort and perseverance I have managed to be where I am today.


Hello dear friend, thank you very much for your words and support, I am glad to know that you support my work. Greetings!

It is admirable to see your ability to analyze and perspective of the situations that are currently taking place in Steemit, I think that all the points are important for each user to assume the commitment and build their blog and interaction based on their interests, thanks for opening this topic , I will be giving restem and if you don't have any inconvenience, will you be writing some publications for our country community quoting your text? If I have your permission I would work on this. Thank you for your attention and dedication to Steemit. @the-gorilla.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the praise - I'm happy for you to quote parts of this post to support your own content. I look forward to reading your thoughts 👍

Excelent, thanks Friend 👍

Well, to be honest, I haven't had the opportunity to handle the curator account before, which I believe that one day, that privilege will be given to me, but not withstanding, I now understand why sometimes, it looks difficult to get the support of the curators.

I remember a comment made by awesononso, where he said that the steemit team is making steemit a centralized system... that comment made me think for a while but now, I know that our understanding needs to be adjusted.

Steemit operates on a Proof Of Brain mechanism and the steemit team are really doing their very best to support quality content.

I was also guilty of not commenting on the post of fellow steemian, but with this detailed explanation by @the-gorilla, I have seen the importance of engagement on the steemit platform.

I hope all users will comply and assist the steemit team to make steemit a very enjoyable platform for all.

What I have learnt from all that has happened is that, sometimes we may not understand the operation of the steemit team, we shouldn't be hasty to make unnecessary conclusions...we should endeavor to get all the facts before jumping at conclusion.

I really appreciate the work of the steemit team.

We keep steeming hot 🔥🔥🔥
See you all at the top

 2 years ago 

he said that the steemit team is making steemit a centralized system

I hear this said a lot and I always have 2 questions -

  1. What do they consider centralization to mean?
  2. Is centralization a bad thing?

sometimes we may not understand the operation of the steemit team

I always find comments like this interesting... and another question's incoming 😉

Why is the operation of the Steemit team important?

If Steemit weren't on the platform, if steemcurator and booming accounts didn't exist, would you act differently? If the answer's yes, then why?

Without the Steemit team, my path would have been different but would I have still tried to achieve the same goals? Perhaps this will be the inspiration for my next post 🙂

I'll eagerly await your next post, I need to learn more from you 🌝

 2 years ago 

Ha ha, thanks. Although I don't see myself as much of a teacher!

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