stop5941 (32)in #photography • last year5种实用拍花构图技巧,让你拍风景没烦恼!场景千千万,怎么拍才好看?今天给大家分享5个一学就会的使用拍花构图!不论是想拍大场景还是微距特写镜头都能满足你! 1、突出主题使用前景散景形成框架式构图…stop5941 (32)in #health • last yearWhy can’t I control my emotions and break down easily when we quarrel? How can I improve it?I find myself easily losing control over conflicts in the middle - when conflicts occur, I may feel threatened or…stop5941 (32)in #health • 2 years agoHow to relieve anxietyRelieving anxiety can be a personal and individual process, as different techniques work for different people. Here…stop5941 (32)in #health • 2 years ago长期静养与天天锻炼的人,谁更长寿?调查22398名老人,给出答案一、长期静养与天天锻炼的人,谁更长寿? “上了年纪的人要通过运动增强体质”、“上了年纪的人身体不好,更需要静养”,这两种说法乍一看都有道理,到底该相信哪个呢?…stop5941 (32)in #sport • 2 years ago想问一下有没有哪位运动爱好者能告诉这个包叫什么名字?请问有谁知道这个种形状的包叫什么包型吗,我只知道这叫水袋包,水袋包非常适合运动和户外活动,如徒步旅行、远足、骑行、登山等。它可以方便地携带水源,保持您在活动中的水分补给,确保您保持身体健康和水分平衡,除此之外我不知道它的任何细节了。我很想知stop5941 (32)in #food • 2 years ago煮米饭只加清水,难怪不好吃!多加2样多做1步,粒粒分明不发黏【家常煮米饭】 用到:大米、清水、白醋、食用油 1、准备一碗大米,接上水开始淘洗,淘洗2遍就可以了,不需要淘洗太多次,洗干净之后接一碗水,将大米浸泡着。…stop5941 (32)in #amazononline • 2 years agoOnline shopping platform [Amazon] shrinks by more than $1 trillionOnline shopping platform [Amazon] shrinks by more than $1 trillion Amazon became the world's first publicly traded…