steemgood-good (39)in #motivation • 7 years agoPerhatikan Tulisan Pada GambarSalam Steemians Sejati Hallo Teman Steemians semua. Perhatikan tulisan di gambar yang saya posting dan pahami isi…steemgood-good (39)in #kr-join • 7 years ago요리 Jabchae 맛있는 혀를 waggles안녕 친구 요리 jabchae 먹고 가장 맛있는 음식을 매우 혀에 동요. 맛있고 맛있는 음식은 가격이 비싸지 않습니다. 인도네시아의 음식 애호가가 드물지 않기 때문입니다.steemgood-good (39)in #esteem • 7 years agoBenefits of Watermelon Consumption / Manfaat Mengkomsumsi Buah SemangkaGreeting the True Steemians Good evening friends Steemians this time I will discuss about watermelon fruit that can…steemgood-good (39)in #animal • 7 years agoHuman Super Sniper Giant / Manusia Super Penjinak Ular RaksasaGreeting the True Steemians Good afternoon friends Steemians On this very sunny afternoon I want to show something…steemgood-good (39)in #health • 7 years agoNatural Secrets For Male and Mighty / Rahasia Alami Agar Jantan dan PerkasaGreeting the True Steemians Good afternoon friend Steemians. Today I will tell you about the mighty drug for our…steemgood-good (39)in #help • 7 years agoIdentify the Formalin Ingredients / Kenali Ciri Bahan Makanan BerformalinGreeting the True Steemians Good afternoon friends Steemians, on this afternoon I will give information about…steemgood-good (39)in #esteem • 7 years agoRegret Always Coming In The End / Penyesalan Selalu Datang Di AkhirGreeting the True Steemians The behavior of these two women is indeed very embarrassing but this behavior is who is…steemgood-good (39)in #health • 7 years agoThe Leaves of Perindu Can Relieve Chills / Daun Malarindu Bisa Meredakan Demam MengigilGreeting the True Steemians Hi Steemiand, this time I will post the leaves of plants that can be made in medicine…steemgood-good (39)in #life • 7 years agoLove the Job Although Climbing Coconut / Cintai Pekerjaan Walaupun Panjat Kelapain #health • 7 years agoDigestive System Food In The Human Body / Sistem Pencernaan Makanan Dalam Tubuh Manusia.Greeting the True Steemians Humans need energy to move. Energy can be obtained from food consumption. Usually foods…steemgood-good (39)in #health • 7 years agoHow To Treat Traditional Cunts / Cara Mengobati Usus Buntu Secara TradisionalGreeting the True Steemians Good afternoon steemian friend how are you going this time I will post about how to…steemgood-good (39)in #news • 7 years agoComing to Champions League Final / Jelang Laga Final Liga ChampionsGreeting the True Steemians The final game of the final announces two giant clupes between Real Madrid vs. Liverpool…steemgood-good (39)in #sport • 7 years agoDisappointment of Supporters to Trainers / Kekecewaan Suporter Terhadap PelatihGreeting the True Steemians Good afternoon friend Steemians. Day I want to post about world soccer sport. I am one…steemgood-good (39)in #esteem • 7 years agoPantoen MeucewekSaleum Steemians Seujati I Kreung Cunda ile meurek-rek Tempat meucewek si aneuk dara Ka dua lhee thon ulong…steemgood-good (39)in #poetry • 7 years agoPoetry of a Distressing Child Country / Puisi Anak Negeri Yang MenyedihkanDear Steemian Sejati BAHASA ENGLISH This is our country Country result of child struggle of the country Until I…steemgood-good (39)in #health • 7 years agoHow To Overcome Bad Breath Odor / Cara Mengatasi Bau Nafas Tidak SedapGreeting the True Steemians Good afternoon Steemians friends wherever you are in this afternoon I want to post or…steemgood-good (39)in #dsound • 7 years agoJax Jones- you don't Know me ( feat Raye )screenchot You don't know me... Kau tidak mengenalku... (What you-what you gonna do?) (Apa yang akan kau…steemgood-good (39)in #esteem • 7 years agoExcerpts of Buya HamkaGreeting the True Steemians If Working Just to Work, Apes also Work If life, just life Pigs in Huta Also Lively Buya Hamka##steemgood-good (39)in #sport • 7 years agoSurfers Find Black Things In Sea WaterDear Steemians Good afternoon friend Steemians today I want to post about a strange invention under the sea. Surfing…steemgood-good (39)in #religion • 7 years agoHari Puasa Pertama Saya Minta Maaf Agar Mendapat Berkah Di Bulan Yang Suci IniSalam Steemians Sejati Mohon maaf lahir batin dan Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan ini jika teman…