steembaby (45)in #cn • 2 years ago婚房内发生关系,男子居然被控强奸新娘,拘留超百日这世道,男孩们出门在外要小心了。连订婚之后的对象都不安全了。…steembaby (45)in #cn • 2 years ago不同阶段的女人与白馒头的关系未婚女:相当于热乎的大白馒头,让人看了就想上去咬一口。 离异无孩女:相当于馒头掉地上粘了点灰,吹干净继续吃。 离异带女孩:相当于馒头沾点屎,切掉可以吃剩下的。 离异带男孩:相当于馒头在粪水里泡透了,吃了死的很惨。steembaby (45)in #cn • 2 years ago杀死普里戈任的幕后真凶藏不住了!嗨,你看了这个新闻没?瓦格纳的老大普里戈任坐飞机去旅游,结果飞机在半路上突然爆炸了!飞机上还有其他六个瓦格纳的高层领导,全部都遇难了。…steembaby (45)in #cn • 2 years ago伤心的人应该听的20首歌雨滴敲打在窗棂上,心中涌起一丝暖意。你在对面座位专注地阅读,浓密的睫毛在阅读灯下投下一小片阴影。我悄悄端详着你认真的侧脸,和嘴角噙着的淡淡微笑。…steembaby (45)in #app • 9 years ago11 Reasons Why You Might Download an APK Outside of Google Play StoreGoogle Play Store has more than 3,000,000 apps to meet nearly all kinds of needs. But there are 11 reasons that you…steembaby (45)in #app • 9 years agofooView: A unique & smart floating dot App for Android phones, just like assistant touch button for iOsMany of my friends like to use assistant touch in iPhone. That small floating white dot is very helpful in many…steembaby (45)in #how-to • 9 years agoHow to install APK from outside of Google Play Store and get back the missing half fun for Android phonesThe Android system is designed to be very open. We can install apps from various sources just like how we install…steembaby (45)in #test • 9 years agotest -- my posts disappeared! went down a few hours ago. my posts just disappeared.steembaby (45)in #photography • 9 years agoSummer is going away. Take some photos to memory. 夏天就要走了,拍几张照片纪念狗尾巴草,遍地都有,是大自然赐予的,打发时光最好的礼物。 夏天散步的时候,总会看到他们。 乘着夏天还为远去,留几张照片做个纪念吧。 再要看到绿色的狗尾巴草,就要等到来年了。 Foxtail is everywhere in…steembaby (45)in #app • 9 years agoTop Practical Apps Banned On Google Play StoreThe vast majority of Android users only ever install applications from Google Play. It is not the first time for apps…steembaby (45)in #how-to • 9 years agoHow to Boost Up An Old Sluggish Android Phone Like A Boss?If you just get an old cell phone, or your phone becomes slower & slower, you need some optimization indeed. Most of…steembaby (45)in #app • 9 years agoIs there an App Market to download apps that has been removed from Google play store?What Do I Do When One of My Favorite Apps Gets Pulled from Google Play Store? It really sucks when that happens.…steembaby (45)in #cn • 9 years agoGoogle is developing a new OS for All the Things -- Google悄悄开发的全新操作系统FuchsiaGoogle is developing an OS called “Fuchsia,” runs on All the Things. It could be argued that with Android and Chrome…steembaby (45)in #how-to • 9 years agoHow to download Hindi movies into your android phones with VidMate?Where to download Hindi movies? VidMate provides a special section for Hindi movies. Here are some popular Hindi…steembaby (45)in #photography • 9 years agoDance of Death: Black Romantic Portrait -- Photography from Eliza KinchingtonEliza Kinchington is a young female photographer from Australia. She is talented in black & white photography. Here I…steembaby (45)in #video • 9 years agoGet vidmate to save videos from YouTube/Facebook for offline watching on your Android phoneHow to download YouTube video to Android phone /tablet for offline watching? YouTube video can quickly drain your…steembaby (45)in #cn • 9 years agoHow to watch games in Olympic stadiums without tickets - 四年一次的奥运会……再不炫耀一把就晚了!Olympic Games come once every 4 years. Don't be too late to show off in instagram. 四年一次的奥运会……再不炫耀一把就晚了!steembaby (45)in #how-to • 9 years agoHow to get immediate likes & followers for your Instagram accountIf there is one thing on social media, make everyone happy, it's getting more followers and likes. So, you've…steembaby (45)in #how-to • 9 years agoWhat’s the Best tool to Record Your Screen on Android? Without root of course.Want to create demonstration videos on your Android device, perhaps to help a friend or relative, or to show how an…steembaby (45)in #photography • 9 years agoMy photographs about Florence, ItalyI travlled around Florence Italy for a week. Deep impressed by Italian sculptures. Here are some of my impressions.