smeet resteemedlove520 (66)in WhereIN • 4 years ago高速半日游?!我的天...高速半日游?!我的天哪😂 事情是这样的,原本和朋友约好一起去参加数字福建峰会,结果车子开到离海峡中心3.8公里处就开始拥堵,不是一般的拥堵,可以比拟春运期间的高速排队………smeet resteemedwindowglass (68)in WhereIN • 4 years ago杯子红的新品这个月杯子红西餐厅的创新主题是健康无负担,推出了几个新品:黑松露滑蛋鸡扒谷物包、低脂鸡胸肉南瓜沙拉、时令香芒鲜蔬沙拉、日式红薯条、岩烧谷饲肥牛肋骨扒……健康吗?不知道哦……总觉得除了沙拉,西餐的制作方法就注定了不会太健康………smeet resteemeda9876 (66)in WhereIN • 4 years ago小区门口路边车又被城...小区门口路边车又被城管贴上条了! 今天早晨,我出门上班,看到路边一字排开的二十多辆小车全部贴上了违规停车告知单,看来这次的罚款是跑不了了!…smeet resteemedvickyli (75)in WhereIN • 4 years agoThe diary game 20210426 心有余悸的一幕今天在来上班的路上,差点,差点就享年了。现在想起来都还是心有余悸。 昨晚其实睡的还不错,所以今天早上来上班精神也挺好,还没有平时那么晕乎乎的。每次来上班,都是上班高峰期,只要出了家门口,路上的车辆就是川流不息。…smeet resteemedwangqiyong (61)in WhereIN • 4 years ago人生是一场漫长的跋涉...人生是一场漫长的跋涉。 驮负的太多,就会不堪重负,囿于原地。 所谓,大道至简,以简驭繁。 只有丢掉一些东西,才能做到起舞轻盈 [WhereIn Android] (smeet resteemednickxu (68)in WhereIN • 4 years ago如何促进员工行为的改变?管理实践中,不可避免会要求员工做某事,比如要求员工每周日下班前提交周报;或者要求员工不做某事,比如,要求员工每天准时上班,不能迟到。…smeet resteemednutbox.mine (69)in NutBox • 4 years agoThe official website of Nutbox is online! | Nutbox官网上线啦!We are excited to declare that: our official website is online now! The closer friends of ours may know that we have…smeet resteemedwherein (69)in #wherein-esp • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.回收代理通知 Delegation withdrawal notice大家好鸭。又是我微印小能手为大家发帖报告一下现况。 由于最近用户增加,所以我的点赞能量杯严重撸损。昨天一度掉到59%。眼看再这样撸下去,大家都没有好处,所以我调整了一哈点赞力度,以便在短时间内恢复给大家的福利。…smeet resteemedlightsplasher (68)in #life • 7 years agoArchangel Disk RecoverySaturday night I was out playing disk golf with my son and we were throwing the disk towards a basket right behind a…smeet (50)in #writing • 7 years agoReunion Force ‘8Sun rays burst through the glass walls at a height of 50 floors. In my office almost the entire building is made of…smeet (50)in #writing • 7 years agoA Scavenger Heart RecordThe day was approaching at dawn, it was time for the mind to get ready to make a living on the roadside. Do not…smeet resteemedpinkspectre (78)in #food • 7 years agoCaprese SaladAs you may have heard me mention before, caprese salad is one of my absolute favorite things to eat. I truly don’t…smeet resteemedsteemcafe (72)in #spanish • 7 years agoLima, Perú y Machu Pichu. Steem Fiesta del 9 al 13 de octubre del 2018¡Hola a todos! Esta publicación es el anuncio del Steem Fiesta , una gran reunión entre usuarios, desarrolladores…smeet resteemedcreativecrypto (79)in #art • 7 years agoAnnouncing The Creative Crypto's Initial Magazine Offering [IMO]Let's Make it Real Introducing - Volume 1 of IMO It's time for our Initial Magazine Offering. The ‘CryptoArt’ world…smeet resteemedsteemmonsters (75)in #steemmonsters • 7 years agoSteem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 12Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! It's time for our 12th Common Card Fantasy Story Contest…smeet resteemedmnur (66)in #writing • 7 years agoMeeting BlessingsThat afternoon saw a man walking down the street, with a lackluster look and with a black eye bag under his eyes, a…smeet (50)in #motivation • 7 years agoI used to be differentSometimes I have to cry leaving what I have to leave. But I don't blame anyone, let alone God. It is an honor for me…smeet (50)in #motivation • 7 years agomotivation story : Wait for youThat afternoon, in the same corridor every week. I drifted again in the past. Look at the tiles that are always clean…smeet (50)in #writing • 7 years agoThe Meaning Behind a LeafThat afternoon, Raskia looked annoyed. He stepped into the house that was not far from the school. Accompanied by his…smeet (50)in #ulog-surpassinggoogle • 7 years agoCreativity in everyday life special story for teacher @surpassinggoogleIn everyday life parents can give creative examples to children. For example, when you walk home from school, you find…