shawkim (31)in #cn • 6 years ago女子租法拉利458,雨天失控撞护栏,还碰了宝马X3,维修费百万2018.6.21号下午4点左右,浙江温岭女子开法拉利458失控,结果撞了护栏,458前脸基本报废,如果修复起码百万,而且这辆车还不是自己的,这是花4500元/天租来的车,面对天价的修理费,网友瞬间想到了广东陈田村。…shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years ago“中国人真丑!滚回中国!”你傲慢的样子才是最丑的上周,美国加州,詹姆斯 · 安(James Ahn,音译)驾车行驶在 Fremont 大道。…shawkim (31)in #funy • 7 years agoThese fishnet stockings made from the table’s shadowshawkim (31)in #travel • 7 years agoDubai Dubai, what else can you do?Dubai’s new landmark reappeared. The Dubai Frame, officially opened this year, is about 150 meters high and 93 meters…shawkim (31)in #robot • 7 years agoLEORY R4 Original Cady Wile RC Robot Cute Remote Control Voice Control Intelligent Robot With Piggy BankFeatures: (1) there are three kinds of control modes: remote control, voice control and gesture control. Multiple…shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years ago以太坊在两小时内突然暴跌估值下滑约16% 大鲸可能随时操纵市场[Ethereum suddenly plunged within two hours. Valuations are down about 16% whales may be manipulating the market at any time]加密鲸鱼通常被认为是富有的交易者,然而,最大的鲸鱼不是交易者,而是拥有数百万以太坊的ICO,价值几十亿美元。估计以太坊总供应量的3%以上是在ICO项目方手里,当这些项目兑现时,这些影响可能是巨大的。…shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years ago【区块链早知道】 【秘密文件显示NSA对比特币用户进行秘密监控】[BLOCKCHAIN NEWS UPDATE]【秘密文件显示NSA对比特币用户进行秘密监控】…shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years agoQunQun将上线首个基于区块链的虚拟社区资产区块链社区平台QunQun今日宣布,首个基于区块链的虚拟社区资产将于3月21日18:00上线开放预注册。届时所有用户均可以抢注自己的唯一名称社区。这是继加密猫等区块链游戏资产之后,又一全新类型的虚拟资产上链。QunQun将同时启动品牌社区合shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years ago韩国加密货币交易所Cashierest正式上线 【24小时最新快讯】[24 hours news updata]【韩国加密货币交易所Cashierest正式上线】…shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years ago截止16.07分,24小时快讯16:07 【G20领导人对加密货币监管存在分歧 可能不会采取具体行动】…shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years ago韩国Kakao将加深在该国加密货币领域的参与度,将加密货币应用于公司各种非常流行的平台。South Korea's Kakao has begun to touch every conceivable community platform: KakaoTalk chat app, kakaomusic Music app…shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years ago78%的ICO项目价格跳水 (78% of ICO project Price drop)2018年对于加密货币市场来说是艰难的一年,首当其冲的就是ICO。今年一季度的ICO难以盈利,大部分交易所的代币交易,不管是USD还是以太坊,都出现了亏损,。因此,预售环节是实现盈利的唯一时机,即便这样不太会成功但至少也是种尝试。…shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years agoHave Fun Time! Great Roommate |开心时光!一个好室友的重要性The roommate is going home, he's got a glass in his room, and he doesn't know what to do.…shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years ago如何区分茅台集团、茅台镇、茅台股份公司的酒?说到茅台,大家都很熟悉,然而市场上也经常看到各种各样的茅台酒,仔细看商标你会发现,有的出自贵州茅台酒股份有限公司,有的产自贵州茅台集团,还有的产自茅台镇的其它酒厂。令不少消费者犯迷糊,现在就详细了解一下产自这三个地方的酒的区别。…shawkim (31)in #cn • 7 years ago为什么有很多人在全职跑滴滴?全职的赚钱是肯定赚的,只是赚多赚少的问题。我有段时间无聊跑过滴滴快车,总共跑了400单左右,加入一个群,里面有很多高手,每天流水加吃完奖励在500-600之间,加气的利润高一些,注意,我说的是一天,基本在13-14个小时工作时间,早上6点过shawkim resteemedura-soul (75)in #steemocean • 7 years agoSurprise! @adamkokesh Hits The Top Spot For The Highest Self Vote Payout On Steem Recently | Steem OceanAfter a day's outage due to a technical error.. Ok, I made a typo when moving Steem Ocean to it's new server - The…shawkim (31)in #aceh • 7 years agoIt's awesome! This thing can crack the iphone only for 50 bucks.An iphone called "Graykey" unlocked the tool, and through the small box, an average of 50 dollars was needed to crack…shawkim (31)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoApple is poorly regulated, with software for mining plug-ins logging into the Mac app StoreA recent security agency has reported that the number of malware on Mac OS side has increased 2.7 times-fold in 2017.…shawkim (31)in #photography • 7 years agoSwimsuit hippie Krabi Island, ThailandThe main is snorkeling, seawater is very green water in the fish a lot, you can experience the dive and deep dive…shawkim (31)in #photography • 7 years agochestnut Iris The sign of the LangkawiLangkawi Island, Malaysia, there is a giant Eagle Square, a wing-launched "Li Kite" sculpture stands on the seaside…