seedvault (60)in #nature • 7 years agoTrees of Canada - Balsam FirBalsam Fir, a common species of the Canadian boreal forests and certainly one of the most perfect Christmas…seedvault (60)in #nature • 7 years agoTrees of Canada - Black WalnutEvery autumn, walnut makes itself known. Its numerous, substantial seeds cover the ground. These green, lime…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoPlants of North America - Star CucumberThis climbing vine has leaves and tendrils reminiscent of a garden cucumber, but the fruit itself is very strange.…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoPhoto Collection - Flowering Horse-chestnutHorse-chestnut isn't edible like a chestnut, but the flowers are very extravagant. Scientific name: Aesculus…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoTrees of Canada - Staghorn SumacCommonly known as just 'Sumacs' where I'm from, these can grow from a small shrub into a sizeable tree. Staghorn…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoPhoto collection - Cinnabar polyporeThe polypore mushrooms are a diverse and varied category. This is certainly one of the most colourful.…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoTrees of Canada - Sitka spruceOnce you reach the western coast of Canada, these trees face the Pacific Ocean and tower the tallest. Sitka…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoEdible finds - Citrus fruitsDid you know there are hundreds of varieties of citrus fruits descended from a few core species? Citrus fruits…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoTrees of North America - White firOne of my personal favourite trees, the White fir is a great addition to any landscape. The white fir, abies…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoPhotography collection - Pollinator in a thistleI had to lean in very close to get this picture, but it was worthwhile. This bumblebee was very interested in…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoPlant science - Microscopy photosI used a digital microscope to take some backlit photos of various tree leaves, and the results were interesting.…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoPhoto collection - Spiky gooseberriesNot something you'd want to ingest whole, that's for sure. However if you give it time to ripen and chew…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoSummer photo - Ripening cherryA delicious specimen of sour cherry. They are bright red and their juicy, tangy taste is worth picking lots. One…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoFlowers of Ontario - Daisy FleabaneDoes it look like an aster? Don't be fooled, it's a different genus entirely. This common flower of the summer…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoSummer photo - Birdsfoot TrefoilAn easy to miss plant, but it grows in abundance in fields. Birdsfoot Trefoil, or (Lotus corniculatus) . It…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoGarden photo - Gooseberries ripeningThey're getting close, can you taste the sourness? Anyone who's eaten gooseberries before they're ripe knows what…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoNature snapshot - Viburnum flowersThe flowers of the Viburnum are very striking up close. Most likely Maple-leaf Viburnum there are over 150…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoTrees of Canada - SassafrasFound only in the warmest climes of Canada, Sassafras grows in the rich Carolinian forests of southern Ontario.…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoWildlife of Canada - Creatures of SummerA departation from my regular botany-based blogging, I'd like to share some pictures of Canadian wildlife.…seedvault (60)in #nature • 8 years agoGarden tour - Food cropsThere's a few things I like to grow in the garden every year. I'd like to share a few with you, along with my…