qmes (25)in #knowledge • 7 years agoknowledgeIf your knowledge does not give you ideological freedom, you are living the life of another. QMESqmes (25)in #conocimiento • 7 years agoConocimientoSi tu conocimiento no te da la liberta ideologica, estas viviendo la vida de otro. QMESqmes (25)in #opportunities • 7 years agoOpportunitiesThe opportunities for those who decide to go to take them, not for who waits for them to arrive.qmes (25)in #oportunidades • 7 years agoOportutidadesLas oportunidades son para quien decide ir a tomarlas, no para quien espera a que les lleguen. QMESqmes (25)in #greatness • 7 years agoGreatnessGreatness is measured by humility, not by successes. QMESqmes (25)in #grandeza • 7 years agoGrandezaLa grandeza se mide por la humildad, no por los éxitos obtenidos. QMESqmes (25)in #stupidity • 7 years agoStupidityStupid that one that can have you and does not value you.qmes (25)in #estupidez • 7 years agoEstupidezEstupido(a) aquél(lla) que te puede tener y no te valora. QMESqmes (25)in #spirit • 7 years agoSpiritYour story is not over as long as you spirit is alive.qmes (25)in #espiritu • 7 years agoEspírituTu historia no ha terminado mientras tú espirítu este vivo.qmes (25)in #grateful • 7 years agoGratefulGrateful to God for giving me life and health, which is the only thing I need to eat the world, grateful for each goal…qmes (25)in #agradecido • 7 years agoAgradecidoAgradecido con Dios por darme vida y salud, que es lo único que necesito para comerme el mundo, agradecido cada meta u…