myapple (40)in #game • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.《絕地逃亡:刺激戰場》:真正的吃雞遊戲,精彩,逼真,有趣!"The Jedi Escape: Stimulating the Battlefield": A real chicken game, wonderful, lifelike, and fun!《絕地逃亡:刺激戰場》:真正的吃雞遊戲,精彩,逼真,有趣! "The Jedi Escape: Stimulating the Battlefield": A real chicken game, wonderful…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years ago参观湖南长沙雨花非物质文化遗产特色街Visit Changsha Changsha Yuhua Intangible Cultural Heritage Street参观湖南长沙雨花非物质文化遗产特色街Visit Changsha Changsha Yuhua Intangible Cultural Heritage Street. 分别是:蝴蝶石、评弹、变脸、香道They are:…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years ago参观湖南岳麓书院:千年学府,巍巍长存,惟楚有才,于斯为盛。Visiting Yuelu Academy in Hunan Province: The Millennium Institute has a long history of survival.参观湖南岳麓书院:千年学府,巍巍长存,惟楚有才,于斯为盛。Visiting Yuelu Academy in Hunan Province: The Millennium Institute has a long history of…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.新思考:在steemit应该写什么样的文章?New thinking: What kind of article should be written in steeemit?新思考:在steemit应该写什么样的文章? 最近,很多网友都在反思steemit未来方向的问题。这是非常令人欣喜的,因为大家开始把cn区跟其它几个区相比较,开始放眼世界,做出各种提升cn区人气、质量、份量的新见解。…myapple (40)in #flower • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.五月花:May flowers.五月花:May flowers. 让我们的生活,就像盛开的鲜花一样,五彩缤纷,灿烂摇曳。 Let our lives be like colorful flowers, colorful, bright and swaying.myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemit的一个Bug:妙笔生金,你的思想是有有价值的(这里多了一个“有”字)One of Steemit's Bug: The wonderful pen was born gold. Your thoughts are valuable (there is an additional "have" word here).steemit的一个Bug:妙笔生金,你的思想是有有价值的(这里多了一个“有”字),我曾经尝试联系网站管理者,没有收到回复。 另外,按照汉语的写作规则,这句话正确的表达方式应该是这样—— 妙笔生金,您的思想是有价值的。…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.韩国电影《昆池岩》:被网络夸大了的恐怖片,豆瓣7.3已经是非常高估了。The Korean film "Kun Chi Yan": The horror film exaggerated by the Internet, Watercress 7.3 has been very overestimated.韩国电影《昆池岩》:被网络夸大了的恐怖片,豆瓣7.3已经是非常高估了。The Korean film "Kun Chi Yan": The horror film exaggerated by the Internet…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.我的steem.ren博客正式上线,目标是向中国用户普及steem的知识,引导更多愿意创作内容的网友加入到steemit.com中来,壮大cn区。我的 My blog was formally launched. The goal is to spread the knowledge of steem to Chinese users and guide…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.五一国际劳动节的护城河畔花团锦簇 / May 1st International Labor Day flower moats五一国际劳动节的护城河畔花团锦簇 / May 1st International Labor Day flower moatsmyapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.北方雪茄品鑒會Northern Cigar Tasting北方雪茄品鑒會 雪茄在城市中越來越流行,每個會所都有雪茄室。 隨著雪茄價格的平民化,越來越多的人開始接觸它。 春節前後,濟南進行過多場雪茄品鑒會,尤其是在中心商務區,已經成為一種新的時尚。 Northern Cigar…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.数字货币EOS和Steem的井喷即将到来。The blowout of digital currency EOS and Steem is coming soon.数字货币EOS和Steem的井喷即将到来。 steemit.com的兴盛未来可期。 The blowout of digital currency EOS and Steem is coming soon. The rise…myapple (40)in #cn-sport • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.奥林匹克运动会@myapple俯卧撑运动,消灭大肚腩,增长胸肌,迎接夏天奥林匹克运动会@myapple俯卧撑运动,消灭大肚腩,增长胸肌,迎接夏天 所在城市:济南 季节/气候/气温:春夏之交,北温带,摄氏27度 运动展示: 窄距俯卧撑15个×2组 宽距俯卧撑15个×2组…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.用塔羅牌來預測EOS和steem的漲跌?Use tarot to predict the rise and fall of EOS and steem?用塔羅牌來預測EOS和steem的漲跌? 塔羅牌的奧義十分深邃,很多人正試著用塔羅牌來指導自己的生活。 連續一周,每天清晨第一張牌都是正位,分別是國王正位、皇后正位、騎士正位等等。…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.EOS依旧来势汹汹,每次回调,都该上车/ EOS is still raging. Every time you make a call, you should get on the train.EOS依旧来势汹汹,每次回调,都该上车/ EOS is still raging. Every time you make a call, you should get on the train. 未来没有极限。 相信,steem也是如此。myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.今日steem的走势,大有希望!The trend of steem today, there is hope!今日steem的走势,大有希望! 最高到了4.3557,振幅21.19%,获利空间不错。 希望明天会更好。 The trend of steem today, there is hope! As high as…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.推薦一個很棒的ps2光碟遊戲:《武僧》Recommend a great ps2 CD game: "Mongoose"推薦一個很棒的ps2光碟遊戲:《武僧》 可以單打,也可以雙人同時遊戲。 這不但是一個武打闖關遊戲,而且帶有解謎性質,非常耐玩,等於是《街霸》和《古墓麗影》的結合體。…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Steem在火幣網上線交易,這是一個絕對的利好消息。Steem is trading on the Firecoin Online Line. This is an absolutely good news.Steem在火幣網上線交易,這是一個絕對的利好消息。 Steemit裡有位網友已經撰文發過同樣的消息,看來大家都對於steem的前途相當關心。 我個人大膽預測,steem在數字貨幣領域會越來越佔有一席之地,單價能到100美元。…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.隨筆:美好的遊戲時代回憶:psp隨筆:美好的遊戲時代回憶:psp / Essays: Reminiscence of a good game era: psp 今天收拾書房,把psp都拿出來充電。…myapple (40)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.網路懸疑小說《詛咒樹洞》節選 (16)An Online Suspense Novel "Curse of the Cursed Tree" Selected (16)網路懸疑小說《詛咒樹洞》節選 (16)An Online Suspense Novel "Curse of the Cursed Tree" Selected (16)…myapple (40)in #kindle • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.要不要更换iReader T6? Do you want to replace the iReader T6?要不要更换iReader T6? iReader T6是最新一代电子书,我之前已经有了两个Kindle,带背光的和不带背光的各一个。…