leraakulenko (30)in #cathay • 9 years agoShort stories in EnglishMany teachers incorporate independent reading into their curriculum. Ask a reading of excerpts from classical works or…leraakulenko (30)in #cathay • 9 years agoJack London. To Build a FireThe man walked down the trail on a cold, gray day. Pure white snow and ice covered the Earth for as far as he could…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoMy summer holidays were wonderfulHello! My name is Lisa. I live in Moscow. I want to tell you how I spent my summer holidays.In June I took part in the…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoU.S. considering sanctions against Russia in response to a hacker attack on the organization of the Democratic party"According to several informed sources, U.S. officials are discussing whether to impose economic sanctions against…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoSalad with corn and cucumberRefreshing, light, bright, rich salad with corn and cucumber, dressed with yogurt dressing. The salad can be used as…leraakulenko (30)in #steemit • 9 years agoA strong personality in the historyEveryone there are such situations when the hands are lowered, "the sky is the limit", the mood at zero, and it seems…leraakulenko (30)in #gusta • 9 years agoThe world of strong women"A galloping horse will stop in a burning hut..." These well-known lines about women's strength and resistance once…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years ago25 Невероятных фактов о КосмосеНаша Вселенная-это неповторимое место, которое человек пытается понять на протяжении всей своей истории. Хотя…leraakulenko (30)in #food • 9 years agoРецепт гречаниковГречаники - блюдо украинской кухни, которое готовится из мясного фарша с добавлением вареной гречки. Пропорции фарша и…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoCanary IslandsКанарские острова - архипелаг из семи островов вулканического происхождения в Атлантическом океане недалеко от…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoЛАДА ВЕСТА (LADA VESTA) ОТ ОФИЦИАЛЬНОГО ДИЛЕРАСтальной корпус нового дизайна Лада Веста - новинка автопрома Тольятти впервые был представлен публике на Московском…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoLADA GRANTA СЕДАН ДЛЯ ВСЕЙ СЕМЬИПоистине семейный народный автомобиль – такова модель LADA Granta седан. Она отличается стильным исполнением: кузов…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoThe cars with dogs driving crashed into a supermarket building in United StatesA car driven by a dog, crashed into the building of a supermarket in the U.S. state of Michigan. The victims in the…leraakulenko (30)in #steemit • 9 years ago"THE EXPERIENCE OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES IN SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF HOMELESS ANIMALS (DOGS AND CATS)"1. The problem of homeless animals: causes and consequences for the population of cities Stray animals pose a…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoExtreme.Water types of extreme tourismСпрос на экстремальный туризм в России значительно вырос. Фирм активно предлагают рафтинг, путешествия на лошадях…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoThe news about the end of the world", Astronomers have determined the area of location of Planet XScientists Matthew Holman and Matthew Payne of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics (USA) pointed to the…leraakulenko (30)in #steemclean • 9 years agoThe author of the book "How I saved the marriage" received a life sentence for the murder of his wifeТри года назад, Медина застрелил жену пистолет, стрелял в него и положил мертвую женщину в социальной сети. В США…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoThe killing of pilot whales in Denmark – a terrible traditions of the peoples of the worldOnce a year in the Faroe Islands, several coastal towns, civilized European country of Denmark, you can see a terrible…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoSURFING IN THE CANARY ISLANDSInevitably it is approaching summer vacation. Wanted to rent a yacht and go on a journey to distant Islands. The dream…leraakulenko (30)in #steemit • 9 years agoSystem marketsSystem markets is a single set of a plurality of markets for various purposes. This set was formed under the influence…