leonardzheng0 (31)in #cn • 2 months ago生活大智慧(野驴和狮子)为了能够更容易地捕获食物,野驴和狮子缔结了互助条约,野驴跑得快,负责寻找食物,狮子有力量,负责捕捉食物,二者结合在一起共同发挥作用。果然,它们很快就捕到了一份肥美的食物,由狮子来实施分配方案。它将食物分成三份,说:“我拿第一份,因为我是百兽leonardzheng0 (31)in #cn • 2 months ago绿萝什么时候浇水好给它浇水要注意时间,时间若是不合适不仅不会吸收水分,还有可能给植株带来伤害。不过时间也要根据季节来定。若是夏季应在早晨或傍晚浇水,春秋季在早上或者下午,而冬季就相反,应在中午进行,这时水温和土温才更接近。此外,还要注意浇水方法…leonardzheng0 (31)in #cn • 2 months ago发财树小盆栽怎么养发财树作为小盆栽养殖,光照这一点一定要满足,把它放在阳光充沛的地方,充分接触到阳光。刚栽入到花盆中时,需少施加水分,春季和秋季需多施加。在5-9月生长迅速的时候,每半个月施一次养料。可用透气性好的花盆,里面填的土可用腐叶土,加上一点底肥。leonardzheng0 (31)in #globa • 2 months agoTactics for Job-hunt SuccessIf you're finding it tough to land a job,try expanding your job-hunting plan to include the following tactics: Set…leonardzheng0 (31)in #cn • 3 months agoThere are many watermelon bacteria overnight, can you not eat it?As long as the new watermelon is stored properly, it can still be eaten after overnight. If you feel that watermelon…leonardzheng0 (31)in #global • 3 months agoOsteoporosis is a matter of the elderly, and it has nothing to do with young people?Osteoporosis is not limited to the elderly, and young people may also be affected. Osteoporosis is a decrease in the…leonardzheng0 (31)in #global • 3 months agoIs generating hangnail due to lack of vitamins?It is wrong to say that "generate hangnail is because of the lack of vitamins". At present, there is no medical…leonardzheng0 (31)in #steem • 3 months agoCan shaving heads make the hair more dense?The thickness of the hair mainly depends on the number and health of the hair follicles, and the number of hair…leonardzheng0 (31)in #steem • 3 months ago"Long spots" on the eggshell, can't eat it?There are many reasons for the formation of spots on the egg shell, which may be caused by the diet, health or genetic…leonardzheng0 (31)in #steem • 3 months agoDon't run frequently, otherwise it will cause joint damage?Reasonable running will not only damage the joints, but will help enhance joint health. Running can promote the…leonardzheng0 (31)in #cn • 3 months agoThe more protein eats, the more muscles will grow?Although protein is crucial to muscle growth, it is not the only decisive factor. To want muscle growth, it also…leonardzheng0 (31)in #cn • 4 months agoWhy is there only twenty cigarettes in a box of cigarettes?Because the half -life of Nicotine is 30 minutes. After 40 minutes of smoking, the nicotine content will drop to 30%.…leonardzheng0 (31)in #global • 4 months agoWhy do birds sing at dawn?According to the Woodland Trust, this early singing is known as the dawn chorus, and it can start as early as 4 am and…leonardzheng0 (31)in #global • 4 months agoDaily sharingWe only come to this world once. A hundred years from now, neither you nor I will be here. We spend a lifetime…leonardzheng0 (31)in #global • 5 months agoDo you not know cold knowledge?I learned a word today, the elegant saying of "food": the Engel coefficient is very high, but it is not poor.…leonardzheng0 (31)in #steem • 5 months agoWhat are the three major life problems that everyone face?Adler believes that occupations, social and gender are the three major issues that everyone must face. From the book…leonardzheng0 (31)in #global • 5 months agoWhat Life Could Mean To YouThe recent book "Inferiority and Excellence", the English name is "What Life Could Mean to You". Share a paragraph…leonardzheng0 (31)in #steem • 5 months agoStudy for freedom?I saw a word today, I like it very much, and share it with everyone: "Learning is for freedom. When you learn how to…leonardzheng0 (31)in #steem • 5 months agoIt turns out that there are four ears in the cat?Each cat has four ears, but the other two are hidden in a more hidden position, and they are the roots of the cat's…leonardzheng0 (31)in #steem • 5 months agoDo you know a single illegal country?Paraguay is about 7 million in the total population in central South America, and the total area of the country is…