leiyu (34)in #confusion • 6 years agoHello everyone, I'm back againI usually get busy at school and being a research student in East China University of Science and Technology can be a…leiyu (34)in #life • 6 years agoWhy the variable of time need to be deteleted out of schedule ?Zha liangyong once said that "What the hell is love ? Why it can disturb and distract a man so much that he can…leiyu (34)in #mathematics • 6 years agoThe detailed list of some examples of specilistsa cohomologist, a combinatorialist, a modulist, a categorician, a fibrologist, a ramificator, a sheavologist and an…leiyu (34)in #mathematics • 6 years agoWhy odds tend to be 9 to 1 ?Two gamblers betting with an infinity supply of cards which has two consecutive numbers n and n+1 with total number of…leiyu (34)in #mathematics • 6 years ago4 axioms between Hardy and LittlewoodAxiom 1: no matter what have been written is right or wrong Axiom 2: It is not necessary to read and write back…leiyu (34)in #cn • 6 years ago你有什么在微信里想说而又不敢说的话呢?发表一篇朋友圈动态,你总会思前想后,要么碍于父母的关心,要么碍于同行的质疑,要么害怕被拉黑,要么害怕被屏蔽。思前想后,踌躇不前。…leiyu (34)in #flag • 6 years agoMy new flagAfter the next two papers, I will forever reside in the field of mathematics for the rest of my life.leiyu (34)in #cn • 6 years ago不停地给自己立Flag为了提高我的睡眠质量,我决定 每天晚上7点之后不吃东西,睡前保持空腹状态,冷水洗澡,全裸入睡,积极刷牙,上床不带手机,睡前不看电视剧和色情影片,不听音乐,不撸管,可以翻翻《数理人文》 To improve my sleeping…leiyu (34)in #income • 6 years agoIncome wishlistThe first income in the rally of EOS will be used to get 300,000 yuan cash for my lost in capital. The second…leiyu (34)in #food • 6 years agoChinese spicy food and junk foodI love spicy food and junk food ! If you want to know what commercial spicy food I love most, currently my answer…leiyu (34)in #mathematics • 7 years agoI found an interesting French mathematics free resource websiteThe website is which you can read and download the maths works of some mathematicians and their works published in…leiyu (34)in #mathematics • 7 years agoSome great contemporary mathematiciansDavid Mumford Algebraic geometry Bryan John…leiyu (34)in #cryptocurrenccy • 7 years agoDash is going up recently to 300 dollarI read a post last night which says that the price of dash would rise to 300 dollar. And I bought some DASH. Good luck…leiyu (34)in #i • 7 years agoA day in libraryAt present, we are sitting still in the hot weather of Shanghai. I have to store a lot of bottles filled with drinking…leiyu (34)in #mathematics • 7 years agoWhy the concept of complex numbers was not conceived in Chinese culture ?Complex number can be viewed either as an ordered pair of numbers, or as a point in the Euclidean plane, or as a…leiyu (34)in #chemistry • 7 years agoElectrodeposited polysaccharide antimicrobial hydrogel film电沉积制备具有抗菌活性的天然多糖水凝胶膜材料 摘要…leiyu (34)in #politics • 7 years agoWhy Chinese Culture is Non-Conflictable ?The core of Chinese culture is harmony and peace. Though there were wars from time to time in the history of China…leiyu (34)in #cn • 7 years ago蒙大统领的名曲《爱得剩我一个人》熟悉《琅琊榜》的朋友都应该记得陈龙扮演的有些萌的禁军大统领,他正直善良,武功绝顶,但是在林殊和梁王之间周旋,是一个有点萌的武人。…leiyu (34)in #cn • 7 years ago观《知青》 有感文化大革命是中国新政权与民间走资派之间的冲突与矛盾。当时,许多贫穷的人是毛泽东主席的超级粉丝,因为打土豪,分田地,解放了农村生产力,政纲得到了大多数农民的拥护。在高等教育界,一些红色的人认为教书授课的内容偏向颂扬西方资产阶级文化的腐朽内容,leiyu (34)in #life • 7 years agoMaster degree final stageReading a profession that you don't like is such a torture and I'm sure all the unhappiness will flow away as time…