konero78 (-1)(1)in #bcnex • 6 years agoBCNEX: The Ultimate Blockchain Trading Platform:THE GENERAL CONCEPT OF BCNEX PLATFORM: Introduction: BCNEX is a digital asset trading platform developed to…konero78 (-1)(1)in #virtualpark • 6 years agoVIRTUAL PARK: Is A Platform Combining Modern Virtual Reality Technology:Concept of Virtual Park Project: Introduction: Virtual Park is a platform for the development of the Virtual Reality…konero78 (-1)(1)in #globalpropertyregister • 6 years agoGLOBAL PROPERTY REGISTER: A Decentralized Ecosystem That Gives To the World A FIRST Global Blockchain List:The Concept of Global Property Register: Introduction: Global Property Register is a decentralized ecosystem that…konero78 (-1)(1)in #fanchain • 6 years agoFANCHAIN: The Sports Token Based On Blockchain Technology:Overview Of FanChain Project: Introduction: The FanChain project plan is to create a unique global entertainment…konero78 (-1)(1)in #livenpay • 6 years agoLIVENPAY: Provides Convenient Use Of Cryptocurrency To Pay For Goods And Services Using Loyalty Programs:Concept Of The Livenpay Project: Introduction: The LivenPay project is a specific set of mobile applications…