joseph1117 (34)in #negocios • 7 years agoLA META ES VIVIR Y EXPANDIRSE!!!!CADA DIA CADA MES, CADA AÑO NO IMPORTA EL TIEMPO QUE SEA NI EL MOMENTO,,,SOLO SI TIENES LA OPORTUNIDAD APROVECHALA Y…joseph1117 (34)in #ensglish • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.EXTRA MONEY SECURE!NEOBUX ANOTHER OF MY SOURCES OF INCOME THAT STILL GROWING AND IM STILL EARN EXTRA MONEY SINCE 2008 AND I EARNED FROM A…joseph1117 (34)in #spanish • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.DINERO EXTRA SEGURO!NEOBUX OTRA DE MIS FUENTES DE INGRESO QE SIGUE CRECIENDO Y HE FORJADO Y COBRADO DESDE TIEMPO ATRAS Y SIGUE ACTIVA Y…joseph1117 (34)in #english • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.BUSINESS RECOMENDATIONI highly recommend the business of my friend Jesus Peña, already on sale his products, and growing more and more like…joseph1117 (34)in #spanish • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.RECOMENDACION DE NEGOCIOSRecomendadisimo el negocio de mi amigo Jesus Peña,ya a la venta sus productos, y creciendo cada vez mas al igual que…joseph1117 (34)in #english • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.REAL AND PROFITABLE BUSINESS PORTFOLIO!Do you want to have income from the comfort of your home and without investing much time or money? Do you want to…joseph1117 (34)in #spanish • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.PORTAFOLIO DE NEGOCIOS REALES Y RENTABLES!Quieres tener ingresos desde la comodidad de tu casa y sin invertir mucho tiempo o dinero?quieres recibir pagos de…joseph1117 (34)in #english • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.BUSINESS TO MAKE REAL EXTRA MONEYToday .again the system and business that i worked today surprises me again as previously I already told. I arrived…joseph1117 (34)in #spanish • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.NEGOCIOS PARA GANAR DINERO EXTRA REALHoy nuevamente el sistema y negocios que trabajó hoy en día me sorprende nuevamente como anteriormente ya conté.…joseph1117 (34)in #english • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.BITCOIN UP AND DOWN !!!Bitcoin up and down! Some people in panic and others already know what to do with these prices....and you know what…joseph1117 (34)in #spanish • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.BITCOIN A LA ALZA Y A LA BAJA!!!Bitcoin a sube y baja ! algunos entran en pánico otros ya saben que hacer y saben a lo que me refiero es hora de…joseph1117 (34)in #english • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.WILL THIS YEAR BE THE BEST FOR BITCOIN?How much will grow up our favorite cryptocurrency? whatever the result we are waiting to win with bitcoin so many of…joseph1117 (34)in #spanish • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.SERA ÉSTE EL MEJOR AÑO PARA BITCOIN?El mejor año para bitcoin será este? cuanto más podrá subir nuestra criptomoneda favorita?Sea cual sea el resultado…joseph1117 (34)in #english • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT TO EARN ON ONLINE AND REAL BUSINESS?How much would you like to earn in your online or physical businesses how much are you willing to invest how much are…joseph1117 (34)in #spanish • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.CUANTO QUIERES GANAR EN NEGOCIOS ONLINE Y REALESCuanto te gustaría ganar en tus negocios online o físicos cuánto estás dispuesto a invertir cuánto estás dispuesto a…joseph1117 (34)in #english • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.MUSIC IN MY DAY BY DAYThe music accompanies me in my day to day.I listen to the music daily and helps me a lot to relax in tense moments and…joseph1117 (34)in #spanish • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.LA MUSICA EN MI DIA A DIALa música me acompaña en mi día a día la escuchó diariamente y me ayuda mucho a relajarme en momentos tensos me ayuda…joseph1117 (34)in #english • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.BITCOIN EXPLODES AGAIN !!!!!Again!!! Again bitcoin explodes where many won,others lost,and others perhaps did not invest and others were just…joseph1117 (34)in #spanish • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.BITCOIN EXPLOTA NUEVAMENTE!!!!!Nuevamente bitcoin explota donde muchos ganaron otros perdieron y otros quizás no invirtieron y otros se quedaron sólo…joseph1117 (34)in #english • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.REAL OR IRREAL COMPANIES?Many of the companies that exist, have moved to the internet. But many others exist only on the internet and they…