johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoJAIMITO AND MAMAFUENTEIt arrives all bit bored to the house because they made a lot of bullin, and the mother asks daddy why that…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoJAIMITO Y MAMAFUENTEla mama le pregunta papito por que esa cara, le responde jaimito, me dicen consentido, que soy muy consentido, y…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE BAKERFUENTEYou know which is the height of a baker, and it is not that the son gets a roscon, but that the woman for a churoo, jajajajajajajajajohnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoEL PANADEROFUENTEUstedes saben cuale es colmo de un panadero, y no es que el hijo le salga un roscon, si no que la mujer lo por…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE TEACHERFUENTEAll the happy people come to tell their beloved mama, mami mami, I see that in the biology class I am the person…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoEL PROFEFUENTELlega samuelito todo contento a desirle a su querida mamita, mami mami mira que en la clase de bilogia soy la…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoA CHICKFUENTEOnce a chick I said pio-pio, another chick answered with a pao-pao, and pun lo MATO, hahahahahajohnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoUN POLLITOFUENTEUna vez que un pollito le dije pio-pio, otro pollito le contesta con un pao-pao, y pun lo MATO, jajajajajajajajohnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoMommy mommyFUENTEMother, mama, look at me in the streets of the town telling me all facebook, and the mother all comomedora…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoMAMA, MAMAFUENTEMadre, mama mira qu en la calles del pueblo me estan diciendo todo disque facebook, y la madre toda conmomedora…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoPassing heatFUENTEIn a street in Barcelona two people, each with their help canes, because both were blind, but the most…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoPASANDO CALORFUENTEEn una calle de Barcelona van dos personas, cada una con sus bastones de ayuda, pues ambas eran ciegas, pero lo…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoREQUESTING THE CELL PHONEFUENTEI was pablo trying to ask the cell phone to a very beautiful woman, who throws himself to ask for it, and said…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoPIDIENDO EL CELULARFUENTEEstaba pablo tratando de pedirle el celular a una mujer muy hermosa, asta que se lanza a pedirselo, e le dijo…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE CHAMPO AND THE LAVAPLATOSFUENTETwo very fat friends are arguing and chubby A says to B, I will not continue using the same call, in the bottle…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoEL CHAMPO Y EL LAVAPLATOSFUENTEDos amigos muy gorditos estan discutiendo y el gordito A le dice al B, ya no seguire usando el mismo chamo, en…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoSOMETHING OF ENGLISHFUENTEThe English teacher in class tells jaimito to come to the front to present his exam, jaimito happens and the…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoALGO DE INGLESFUENTELa profesora de ingles en clase le dice a jaimito que pasara al frente a presentar su examen , jaimito pasa y la…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoEL PROFEFUENTELlega samuelito todo contento a desirle a su querida mamita, mami mami mira que en la clase de bilogia soy la…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoGOOGLE VS YAHOOFUENTE Acontinuacion a joke out of category, a man tells a woman, hears your name you google, she says not how you…