insideus (25)in #cn • 6 years ago我的真朋友:不要怪渣男套路多,没有对比就没有伤害,心疼店长!《我的真朋友》第21集,兰姐 范湉湉 霸气登场,去花园店找店长说明真相。 渣男 林致轩 欺骗 曾店长 的事情终于暴露了。 渣男虽渣,但也并不是完全毫无破绽, 邓伦 所扮演的 邵芃橙…insideus (25)in #cn • 6 years ago这部翻拍的脑洞韩剧,希望不会烂尾!你的完美男友,来了!又是一部脑洞韩剧《绝对男友》,看热议度还不错,就看了两集。 第一集的画风是这样的。 浓浓的韩国偶像剧风。 然后我就惊喜了,这邪魅的笑容,好像在告诉我接下来要发生什么很了不起的事情。…insideus (25)in #movie • 6 years ago纠结了一下,还是决定推荐一下这部国产剧,很友情!当我们看剧的时候,看的是什么? 这是我一直在思考的问题,而这几天得到一个答案: 为了不能实现的愿望——只有在看剧的时候,才能找到另一种生活,才能找到平行世界里的另一个自己。…insideus (25)in #movie • 6 years ago思密达的第一个戛纳金棕榈诞生!奉俊昊还有哪些韩国好电影必须看?奉俊昊,1969年出生,处女座,韩国人。导演、编剧、演员。作品曾多次提名戛纳电影节。 2019年05月25日,凭借《寄生虫》捧得第72届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖,这也是韩国电影第一次摘得戛纳金棕榈。…insideus (25)in #cn • 7 years agoThe Personal Evolutionary ProcessAs I mentioned before, I believe that life consists of enormous number of choices that come at us and that each…insideus (25)in #drama • 7 years agoFinally, Sheldon and Amy hold their weddingBig Bang Theory is one of my favorite TV shows. 生活大爆炸是我最喜欢的电视剧之一。 In the last episode in Season 11, Sheldon and…insideus (25)in #business • 7 years ago004 Anchoring EffectAnchoring or focalism is a cognitive bias that describes the tendency for an individual to rely too heavily on an…insideus (25)in #cn • 7 years ago作为普通人的我们,参与区块链的几种方式币圈也好链圈也好,最近一年风云变幻,你不懂一点,似乎都不好意思说自己在做投资,甚至,当我们在聊投资的时候,如果不提到区块链,都不能被认为是在聊投资…insideus (25)in #business • 7 years ago003 Sunk costWhat you have paid for it is named as "Sunk cost", a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered.…insideus (25)in #cn • 7 years ago002 Semantic EffectChange the word you are using can help your change others' mind, and their decisions. Such as emphasis the "LOST"…insideus (25)in #cn • 7 years ago001 Mental AccountsEveryone values the same object into the different mental accounts. That's why they perfer to pay for this but not…insideus (25)in #drama • 7 years agoJ-Drama【Love Rerun】This comes from a J-Drama named as "Love Rerun", adapted from the series with the same title. Now it is broadcasting…