horace0812 (8)in #kr • 8 years ago새로운 ICO (ATS), 10 달러를 무료로 보낼 수 있습니다.전자 메일을 제공하는 한 무료 $ 10 (75 ATS)horace0812 (8)in #jp • 8 years ago新しいICO(ATS)、10枚のナイフを無料で送る限り電子メールの提供、あなたは無料10ナイフ(75 ATS)を得ることができますhorace0812 (8)in #cn • 8 years ago新ICO (ATS), 免費送10刀只要提供email, 就可以免費得到10刀 (75 ATS)horace0812 (8)in #ats • 8 years agoEarn Authorship Tokens for free & chance to win 10 USDAuthorship are reserving 1million free tokens for holders of existing ethereum addresses. Their ICO investment is in…horace0812 (8)in #btc • 8 years ago0.01 BTC giveaway #1 (continue...)Hi all steemiters, I am going to giving out 0.01BTC to who upvote and comment this post. There is going to be 1…horace0812 (8)in #btc • 8 years ago0.01 BTC giveaway #1Hi all steemiters, I am going to giving out 0.01BTC to who upvote and comment this post. There is going to be 1…horace0812 (8)in #cn • 8 years agoOddEvenBets.com - 莱特币赌博游戏平台欢迎来到虚拟货币赌博游戏平台! OddEvenBets.com 我们提供吸引的赔率, 和一个可靠的公平系统。 1% 的赌场优势! 198%的回报! 在1个确认后将会派彩 我们接受Litecoin!…horace0812 resteemedniceviewsua (49)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoBitrad.io - Out of Beta ! Earn Cryptocurrency listening to thousands of radio stations around the world!Bitrad.io A wonderful crypto currency came out of the beta testing stage, now you can listen to thousands of radio…horace0812 resteemedniceviewsua (49)in #news • 8 years agoAntpool and Bitcoin.com began to procure blocks with SegWit support !!!While the bitcoin community continues to actively discuss the fixation of the proposal to improve the BIP 91 protocol…horace0812 (8)in #art • 8 years agoBallpen paintingSorry that I can't post photo here =[horace0812 (8)in #travel • 8 years agoGoing to Jeju (Korea) soon, Anyone interested in receving a Post Card from me?Heading to Jeju (Korea) in early August, leave me a msg if you interested to receive a Post Card from me ;) Post…horace0812 resteemedarcange (73)in #steemittoolbar • 8 years agoIntroducing the Steemit Toolbar Chrome Extensionhorace0812 (8)in #music • 8 years agoChester Bennington...R.I.P.Really sad to hear the news, and I was shocked...T_T R.I.P.horace0812 (8)in #cn • 8 years ago英國密件﹕李嘉誠1989年有意入英籍【明報專訊】根據英國國家檔案館新一批解封的檔案,時任基本法起草委員會委員、香港首富李嘉誠,1989年3月曾與當時的英國首相戴卓爾夫人見面,會議紀錄顯示她知悉李「有興趣取得英國公民資格(Mr. Li's interest in…horace0812 (8)in #cn • 8 years ago[認真一問] 89年6月4日中國發生了甚麼事? [Question] What happened in China on 4-June-1989如題...煩請告知 As topic stated, can anyone tell me?horace0812 (8)in #cn • 8 years agoSome Photos of 8964That's something China want to HIDE!!!horace0812 (8)in #cn • 8 years ago六四笑話 (1)中外記者一直在追問中共:“六四之夜到底殺死了多少學生和市民?”中共內部也一直在研究標準答案。李鵬的意見是:“其實老百姓沒死多少。老百姓雖然手無寸鐵,畢竟有數百萬呀!我們二十幾萬解放軍荷槍實彈就打只了一個晚上,說到坦克碾壓,也就幾百輛坦克而已。”horace0812 (8)in #cn • 8 years ago為何中國容不下法輪功?為何中國容不下法輪功?創辦人李洪志當初聲明僅是氣功團體?為何練到被鎮壓?法輪功做了哪些事讓中國如此痛恨?小小氣功團體如何震撼中南海? 邪教?中國指稱法輪功為:「教主崇拜、精神控制、誘使自殺、生病不就醫…」,是事實嗎?…horace0812 (8)in #cn • 8 years ago中國新model - 平板64唔知大家有無興趣買horace0812 (8)in #cn • 8 years ago霸气!她58岁离婚不拿丈夫33亿财产 还倒贴6300万男方是63岁的关彦斌,上市公司葵花药业(002737,SZ)的董事长,女方是58岁的张晓兰,葵花药业前董事、副总经理。两人中,一位已过花甲之年,而一位则即将步入花甲。…