fact-check (51)in #nutbox • last year所以馬來西亞很像古印度,或者說大千世界的縮影,六道共存於一個國家在馬來西亞作底層,相當於就是墮入惡道了 所以馬來西亞很像古印度,或者說大千世界的縮影,六道共存於一個國家 以前馬來西亞的階級流動性還是很大的,現在有越來越固化的趨勢…fact-check (51)in #cn • 3 years ago浙江大学学术论文挂名服务 林东强 姚善泾 林佑杰博士 梁慧仪Dr Lin Yu Kiat Zhejiang University Peer-reviewed Research Papers Authorships Sale | 盎真科研 Anzen Science Company https://sci.zone/anzensci | 吴庆珂Wu Qingke [89-92]No Project Title (can be general scientific field title, it is fine without exact title) 中文翻译 关键词 Impact…fact-check (51)in #cn • 3 years ago林佑杰博士 Dr Lin Yu Kiat | 盎真科研 Anzen Science Company https://sci.zone/anzensci | 吴庆珂 Wu Qingke | 浙江大学学术论文挂名服务 Zhejiang University Peer-reviewed Research Papers Authorships Sale [1-4]No Project Title (can be general scientific field title, it is fine without exact title) 中文翻译 关键词 Impact…fact-check (51)in #love • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Of course there are incels across the whole sexuality spectrum.Of course there are incels across the whole sexuality spectrum. Most men decide on the maximum cost they are willing…fact-check (51)in #stem • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.He describes how he and the team are building Parities, the first blockchain that can be built from scratch, on top of a custom-built, proprietary, custom programming language called Parison.org (pronounced 'Paris On'). Joshy Orndorff gives an introduction to Parity Technologies' Substrate, a modular framework for building custom…fact-check (51)in #stem • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.SRML: Modular & Pluggable"On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. 'Tis a silly place." Clinton: "I want to see you in jail" Trump:…fact-check (51)in #stem • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.12:00 | 16.3 | 496“Pro-government activists” just sounds really odd. Indigenous communities and deforestation of their homelands is a…fact-check (51)in #cn • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.# 31 SUN 鐵树開花 🌲❁26 夢到 在看一個介紹一處海邊地形的節目 开工第一天 OAC 带我介紹工作環境 上厕所时 我不会用紙巾盒 一抽就抽出很多张纸巾 Amazing修车行搬走 🔧🚚👋 装修而已 ayg PU -…fact-check (51)in #covid-19 • 4 years agoAccording to scientific research, coronavirus vaccines may turn you gay........He notes that the virus can be transmitted by sex, and that it's impossible to know the extent to which the effects of…fact-check (51)in #covid-19 • 4 years agoAccording to scientific research, coronavirus vaccines may turn you gay........"It's clear that this is a strong and positive test of an infection-related phenotype," says John A. McRae, a…fact-check (51)in #steemitblog • 4 years agoAccording to scientific research, coronavirus vaccines may turn you gay........According to preliminary research, coronavirus vaccines can lead to increased homosexualism in some people. The…fact-check (51)in #cn • 4 years ago请问在拉曼读的人 你们有廉耻心吗?汪精卫在日军没有出国土之前谈和,所以他是汉奸(陈嘉庚说的) 你们在麻花还没被赶出管理层之前就去读,你们跟汪精卫有什么不同?你们有廉耻心吗?汪精卫在日军没有出国土之前谈和,所以他是汉奸(陈嘉庚说的) 你们在麻花还没被赶出管理层之前就去读,你们跟汪精卫有什么不同?你们有廉耻心吗?…fact-check (51)in #nutbox • 4 years ago### b. Explanation of Judah Loew Judah Loew, a 16th century scholar, likewise interprets this Talmudic law within the context of a fear of judicial collusion. Loew goes even further than Chajes, providing a deeper rationale for the acquittal. b. Explanation of Judah Loew Judah Loew, a 16th century scholar, likewise interprets this Talmudic law within the…fact-check (51)in #cn • 4 years ago# 31 下午下雨 双日并陈 红月/血月 蓝月31 下午下雨 双日并陈 红月/血月 蓝月 北美洲有一个 Shasta 部落,流传着先民首领 Coyote 杀九日和九月的传说,和《山海经》。 夸父追日…fact-check (51)in #upfundme • 5 years ago# 10 夢到 掉髮 AmRe 高官朋友 ZnS 解毒9 SUN 動態紀錄 ✔ 瘋婆 尾隨 💃 KSL UNHCR MBO 戲院有開🈺🏤 二樓 東南角理髮店沒有開🆑✂ 10 夢到 掉髮 AmRe 高官朋友 ZnS 解毒 CEF 說之前看到…fact-check (51)in #cn • 5 years ago秦始皇將馬來人驅逐出中國 導致了今時今日馬來人的困境 繼承秦始皇政權的人應該為馬來人的困境負責秦始皇將馬來人驅逐出中國 導致了今時今日馬來人的困境 繼承秦始皇政權的人應該為馬來人的困境負責 秦 - 漢 - 魏 - 晉 - 宋 - 齊 - 梁 - 陳 - 隋 - 唐 - 後梁 - 後唐 - 後晉 - 後漢 - 後周 -…fact-check (51)in #cn • 5 years ago不要拿歐美來比較,它們的病毒是殺傷力較大的A型和C型 所以馬來西亞是很適合群體免疫的 諾希山制定的防疫策略是不科學也沒有效率的不要拿歐美來比較,它們的病毒是殺傷力較大的A型和C型 所以馬來西亞是很適合群體免疫的 諾希山制定的防疫策略是不科學也沒有效率的fact-check (51)in #cn • 5 years ago雖然政府拿華人的錢貼 Rohingya 華人很不爽,可是日常生活中跟 Rohingya 其實都沒有什麼衝突 反而是馬來人好像個個被 Rohingya 殺了父母一樣,天天要把 Rohingya 趕出馬來西亞雖然政府拿華人的錢貼 Rohingya 華人很不爽,可是日常生活中跟 Rohingya 其實都沒有什麼衝突 反而是馬來人好像個個被 Rohingya 殺了父母一樣,天天要把 Rohingya 趕出馬來西亞 琢磨醬紫的?fact-check (51)in #bitcoin • 5 years ago2020/03/28 | 0.0005 | 6245 | 0.0004 | 10 | wwwww | wwwwww | BitMex, AT: big pump coming; 2020/03/28 | 0.0005 | 6245 | 0.0004 | 10 | wwwww | wwwwww | BitMex, AT: big pump coming;fact-check (51)in #cn • 5 years ago武汉肺炎大爆发加上世纪经济全面崩盘,不要说希盟,就算诸葛亮和刘伯温联手也扭转不了情势 希盟布局假装内讧让国盟傻傻以为政变成功捡到了便宜,没想到接手的是烫手山芋武汉肺炎大爆发加上世纪经济全面崩盘,不要说希盟,就算诸葛亮和刘伯温联手也扭转不了情势 希盟布局假装内讧让国盟傻傻以为政变成功捡到了便宜,没想到接手的是烫手山芋 希盟这一局明输暗赢,实在漂亮