SEC-s20w2: Fitness Training 👉 Abs Attack

in SteemFit & StayFit8 days ago (edited)
Dear Steemians, I am back to "SEC-s20w2: Fitness Training 👉 Abs Attack" with my personal version of fitness training and ready to show you how I do it to stay fit especially as the topic is the stomach.


👉Do your warmup programs as in week #1

As a former badminton and cricket player I am well aware of the importance of warmup and always do it by light workouts. In fact, at the point of age I am in, the warmup is sufficient but being a fitness freak I have my own ways of keeping fit and I will tell you all in my own style. I hope it works for me in this week's contest too.

👉Pick at least 3 of the abdominal programs we have explained above if you can't do all and practice them.

I consider myself an advanced student so I will show you what I do to keep fit but as I said at my age strenuous exercise is not suggested so I will show you what I do at my own pace and in my own style. After all, exercising is all about keeping fit, isn't it?

✅For advanced students, you will need to do 4 to 5 sets of 12 repetitions for each of the programs

I appreciate you having put this topic on because weakness in the abdominal muscles leads to many problems. These problems include digestive problems and constipation.

To strengthen the abdominal muscles, we can make changes in our diet as well as in our lifestyle.

But, we can overcome stomach-related problems by exercising. We can also do yoga asanas to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Today people want to do everything quickly because we are all short on time. So I do this workout to fulfill my limited schedule and to stimulate the abdominal muscles.

We must know that even a little carelessness can lead to the accumulation of belly fat, which is very difficult to eliminate. Some of you must have felt that it is easy to accumulate belly fat but difficult to reduce it.

One of the easiest ways to prevent it from increasing is to exercise to tone our stomach, especially for people like me who sit in front of the screen for a long time. I use this exercise bike to keep myself fit and also consume a well-balanced diet.

With this exercise bike, I remain free from my belly fat, and I think it is one of the best ways to get a toned stomach. We should know that there are two types of belly fat.

  1. Subcutaneous fat
  2. Visceral fat

Subcutaneous fat is the soft fat that accumulates just below the upper layer of our skin. On the other hand, visceral fat is a type of hidden belly fat that is found deep inside our skin. Normally, visceral fat should not exceed 10% of our body fat and it is dangerous for us.

So if we can tone our belly, it means that first we have to prevent fat from accumulating on the belly, and if it has accumulated, then it becomes necessary to reduce belly fat and increase muscle mass.

So, riding this exercise bike helps me tone my belly. I think that this way I am doing a form of cardio and working on belly fat by burning calories.

I consider this an aerobic exercise that not only burns calories but also reduces excess body fat. Along with this, I maintain another healthy lifestyle by taking a proper diet regularly.

So I can say that this type of cycling helps to reduce belly fat and tones your entire stomach, including both the upper and lower parts.

To do the exercises shown in this video, all you need is a mat, some space, and a little motivation. I did them in a park, but you can do them in your house.

Keep in mind that doing this entire workout can be challenging, so I shorten or modify it according to your fitness level. But if you're up for the challenge, do the full workout. This is one of the best exercises for your abs.

I lie down with my left knee bent, my left foot flat on the floor, and my right leg extended toward the sky, with my left hand pointing toward the ceiling and my right hand down beside me.

Without moving my hips or shoulders, open my raised leg to the right and my raised arm to the left. Focussing on my abs, bring my raised leg and arm back to the center.

I repeat this 10 to 12 times. Then, I switch sides and do it once.

Yoga poses to strengthen the abdominal muscles:

Boat Pose

Boat Pose is a very simple yogasana. It strengthens the abdominal muscles. Also, it is helpful in reducing belly fat. It strengthens the arms and shoulders. Apart from this, the digestive system improves, and the problem of constipation is relieved.

This asana calms the mind and increases concentration. To do this asana, sit on the ground, then straighten the legs. After this, open the hands towards the feet at shoulder level. After this, slowly lift the legs upwards. Stay in this pose for about one to two minutes. You can repeat this pose four to five times.

Move from the waist: Whenever you turn, make sure that the movement is from your lower rib upwards. Make sure to keep your hips stable.

Bow Pose

Bow pose is beneficial for the stomach as well as the spine. It strengthens the muscles of the shoulders and chest. To do this asana, I lie down on my stomach and try to touch my ankles by opening my hands.

While doing this asana, I do it by lifting the chest upwards while breathing. This asana is called Bow Pose. To strengthen my abs and protect my lower back. I keep exhaling and inhaling as much as I can during this period.

I hold this pose for 20 to 30 seconds. It was a bit difficult at first, but after a few days of practice, I can do it easily now.

I invite @josepha, pea07 and sur-riti

Thank you all for reading and watching my humble effort


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Curated by : @nahela

Thanks a lot, @nahela, so kind of you!

Seeing that you are no longer young, I hope you can be careful in doing fitness exercises sir. Stay healthy.

I thought I must answer you because I live in Australia where people my age start their young age. In fact, age is only a number and you're as old as you consider yourself. A man at 70 is capable and can do it all if he is young in his mind and a man at 40 is as old as 80 if he has already given up. Have a nice time ahead Steeming.

What you are saying is tantamount to self-suggestion and self-motivation, although there is some truth to it.

But I hope you don't push yourself too hard, I just did some of the exercises given in this course, and the results made my stomach feel painful.

I am a badminton player and I have played with Indonesians during my younger age. So I know my limit and how to handle it. I understand your concern though because you suffered in the past. Take care but if you know the fundamentals of exercising even you can handle it, my best wishes.

If I meet you, I am ready to serve you playing badminton or table tennis.

My playing style is always attacking and always hitting hard, when you lose I don't want to hear the reason "age factor." Just ask @fantvwiki because some time ago I managed to beat him in the final round.


My playing style is always attacking and always hitting hard.

I am no more playing badminton so you will have no chance to beat me in badminton. But maybe chess, after all, I am an aged guy 😄

Yeah, you're pretty good at that age when you're playing table tennis against me.

On other occasions I think you have to try a lot harder. 😄

Practice harder, and I will pray more.

Because I firmly believe that the power of prayer can defeat those who work hard.

A slightly erroneous thought, not about prayer because it's a secret.
But hard work is a different thing that humans have to do.

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¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

La bicicleta es un excelente aliado para trabajar el abdomen... Lo he experimentado y el encanto es fascinante. Ahorita lo estoy practicando como la bicicleta acostada y me gusta mucho.

Te cuento que no conocía la clasificación de esos dos tipos de grasa... Pensaba que solo se concentraban en grasa abdominal. Voy a investigar más detalles de eso.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Keeping fit is a good thing we all should be doing to avoid feeling pain and for the benefit of making our bodies more flexible. I enjoyed watching your video, and I can tell that the person closer to you was eager to join you in your exercise. I wish you good luck.

Hi! Wow it's great to see you exercising without so much trouble, I repeat, at your age I would love to be in that physical state, no doubt you and my father are a great inspiration, my father is a person who loves to go for a walk every day, there is no way to stop him; he is a little over 70 years old but he doesn't look like that, I have the same impression when I see you. I wish you the best of luck this week.

Have a nice day!

Hola amigo!

Tu rutina completamente personalizada es muy buena ya que con el tiempo has mantenido tu cuerpo en buenas condiciones pese a que ya no prácticas esos deportes que tanto te gustan.

Exitos en esta semana!


Thank you so much, yes I am no longer regular at power games but still play for fun however, I never miss my regular workouts, especially walking and jogging. Biking is my love and passion.

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