cryptonomics (37)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoThe #FlippeningHere's a basic math formula: Bitcoin can only handle 240 Tx / Min. What happens if 340 Tx / Min hit the Mempool…cryptonomics (37)in #ripple • 7 years agoMonetary Value: Why Ripple is WorthlessThe Cryptocurrency Revolution is the reestablishment of Currency (the medium of exchange between goods and services)…cryptonomics (37)in #pivx • 7 years agoWhy Economics MATTER in Cryptocurrencies: A Case StudyOn June 20, 2017 I wrote an article warning investors about ZCash and its massive inflation rate - paid to miners.…cryptonomics (37)in #pivx • 7 years agoPIVX: Bitcoin Lightning Network - DONE RIGHT.So let's review what he just said: Lightning Network is an Off-Chain (not actually a part of the Bitcoin Record) way…cryptonomics (37)in #pivx • 7 years agoThe Cryptocurrency that Went from $600M Market Cap to $600 M Market Cap while investors lost 27.6% - in 2 months.I wrote this article 2 months ago: On June 20, 2017: ZCash Market Cap was $611M. Price was $394. Coin Supply…cryptonomics (37)in #pivx • 8 years agoThe Proof of Stake Currency that Maximizes DecentralizationDecentralization of a Cryptocurrency is not possible without pure Proof of Stake... DPOS (Distributed Proof of…cryptonomics (37)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoThe Monetary Cycle and the Rise of CryptocurrenciesIf one day everyone woke up, and the Sun started shining a different colour... a deeper orange colour that cast an…cryptonomics (37)in #bitcoin • 8 years agoBack to the Start - Why DCorp ICO Proves We've Learned NOTHINGThe Only Lesson History Teaches, is that History Teaches us Nothing. We are at the terminal end of the Monetary…cryptonomics (37)in #zcash • 8 years agoZCash Market Cap Going to the MOON!ZCash Current Market Cap is $600 Million... it's seen incredible Growth. Within 1 year, it's market cap will be at…cryptonomics (37)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoThe Coming SEC / FBI / IRS Crytpo CrackdownWith the recent spike in Cryptocurrencies, from $20B to $110B in market Cap in just the past few months, let alone…cryptonomics (37)in #crypto • 8 years agoThe Cryptocurrency DotCom BubbleMost Cryptocurrencies today are nothing more than “Pump and Dumps” – and in the Cryptocurrency Unregulated Market, the…cryptonomics (37)in #dash • 8 years agoThe Coming Paradigm Shift in CryptocurrenciesI believe there’s a Paradigm Shift that is about to happen in Cryptocurrencies – from blindly ignoring the costs, to…cryptonomics (37)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoThe Coming Crypto Superspike: This “Bubble” is SMALL Compared to What’s Coming.To understand what is about to happen, I need to explain Keynesian Economics and Monetary Policy. Once you understand…