No Words? - NO Wördel!

I am actually at a loss for words; I have NO words regarding several events last week. I will specifically mention two, as they led to immediate consequences in this current game:
- Interested players are flooding us, and within less than 12 hours, all word slots were filled!
- I forgot to set DUBby as a beneficiary last week.
Consequence #1: This week, we are playing with 15 words!
Please keep your fingers crossed that I can stay on top of things - the 100% manual evaluation of just 10 words is already a huge challenge for my concentration... 😂
Consequence #2: DUBby’s share is doubled!
This week, DUBby will receive 50% of the rewards, which will then be distributed among all successful players. In a way, this is a good thing since the pot is now divided among 15 instead of 10 players.
Just spread the word a bit— the Steemit teams haven’t supported this game for highly talented word artists in a long time.
The Wördel rules have moved for the sake of clarity in this article!
Please make sure to read the Wördel rules!!!
I can tell quickly if you haven’t read them... 😎
- Every participant who guesses a word correctly will receive a share of the rewards for this post, paid out after payout by payout bot DUBby.
- For fine-tuning, I will spread a few higher comment votes.
Please don't forget
- to give a Witness Vote to DUBby's developer @moecki
- to support Proposal 89 - Modernise Interface by @the-gorilla
Word 05
Okay, laß uns spielen... Obwohl... Ich bin eigentlich kein
Och, die Erhaltung des Spieltriebs ist keine schlechte Sache. In manchen Situationen bin ich gern ein wenig
GAM ERIs klar. Du schickst mich vorzeitig in den
Einen ganzen Monat zu früh? Das würde sogar ich bemerken. Nein, wir haben noch nicht
PRI L0.00 SBD,
0.56 STEEM,
0.56 SP
Oh. Nur Buchstaben verschoben. Das ist...
0.00 SBD,
0.65 STEEM,
0.65 SP
Aber einer ist hinzugekommen. Ansonsten gilt: weiter schieben... 😎
SC A RY0.00 SBD,
0.33 STEEM,
0.33 SP
Okay. Dann eben...
0.00 SBD,
2.35 STEEM,
2.35 SP
Word 07
QU IC K0.00 SBD,
0.34 STEEM,
0.34 SP
0.00 SBD,
0.44 STEEM,
0.44 SP
The word is almost
BU I L D0.00 SBD,
0.13 STEEM,
0.13 SP
0.00 SBD,
1.97 STEEM,
1.97 SP
Word 01
Without support, she belonged to ,NO community, with only AUDIO recordings to fill the silence...
my guess: AUDIO
Ah, a good choice, those many vowels. You chose my husband's permanent opening word:
AU DI OAha! At this RATIO I may guess it sooner...
Ouch... U and D were in the right position!
A, I and O were crossed out, so they are NOT in the word you are looking for...
Next try after correcting
R A T I O(NO correct letter)Awww... I understood otherwise...
Ok, I won't BUDGE
wlmost...BU D G EO my FUDGE
Auf das A wäre ich jetzt auch reingefallen.
Okay, ist etwas schwer zu erkennen. Muss man halt SteemWorld benutzen... 🤷♀️
Word 06
Oh yeah we are GOING towards that 50 words Wördel edition 😃
Haha, 50... At the moment it looks like I'll be selling tickets soon so that some people think about whether they should really play... 😂
Oh well, let's keep
GOI N GI think most users are READY to give it a try!
The attentive professional players among us are always
ADY0.00 SBD,
0.20 STEEM,
0.20 SP
Yes, the way they ORDER their words is fascinating, isn’t it?
0.00 SBD,
0.00 STEEM,
0.77 SP
Indeed. Unfortunately, you did not exactly place the
RD E Rah.. I'm getting OLDER with this game!
0.00 SBD,
0.00 STEEM,
4.26 SP
Word 02
Here we go again another week of joy
I wish I could WACTH the word in my first try
I'm sure you mean the word
W ATC HSecond round I will try with
F I R STMaybe i'm in DOUBT with you my friend
0.00 SBD,
0.44 STEEM,
0.44 SP
Really? Please, better no
D O U BTThis is a great EVENT that you make
0.00 SBD,
1.79 STEEM,
1.79 SP
Word 03
Hi friend I take part in this game with the word
Okay... If you're not @rosselena or her husband (grabbing two words with second accounts is unfair...) and don't downvote this account (as you unfortunately did...) you're welcome. Please be honest!
I don't down vote it's was a mistake and I'm not @rosselena I'm @strong56 her husband if I can't participate just because I'm her husband it's unfair but I understand
You know exactly that it's not about being Rosselena's husband...
By the way, welcome "back" to Steem after weeks of inactivity. Coincidences happen... Ah, whatever, the main thing is that you have fun on Steemit. The same goes for this game...
E A STHi my friend i think the word is THUMB
0.00 SBD,
3.27 STEEM,
3.27 SP
Wow! I seriously checked whether I had really encrypted word 3... 😉
🏆 2 Attempts
!DUBby 6,6%
Word 04
I wonder and STARE
Ah, the "little" new star choses
A REI’m sure all of us like some STEEM in our wallet
My guess is : STEEM
This word is a bit too specific, so it is not
M0.00 SBD,
0.19 STEEM,
0.19 SP
Oh lord, STEER me towards the correct answer
0.00 SBD,
0.15 STEEM,
0.15 SP
Poor guy. It's always hard to just guess when you have so few options...
RI will keep PEDALing until I get to the correct answer
0.00 SBD,
0.17 STEEM,
0.17 SP
Word 08
I will take Word EIGHT please.
Think about your teeth and never eat After Eight after
EI GHTThere are literally no words that can fit so I hope you feel GUILTy about this.
If this is wrong, I’m done for!
Wow, another magician! Or just a native speaker?! Well, whatever, either way, not my
🏆 2 Attempts
!DUBby 6,6%
„Diese“ Ergebnisse lassen Raum für Verschwörungs-Spekulation , ich werde Euch auch weiter im 👁️ behalten wenn nötig bis es drift 😢
0.00 SBD,
0.35 STEEM,
0.35 SP
Hm, ich habe in dieser Runde bereits dreimal fassungslos den Kopf geschüttelt und sogar überprüft, ob ich die Nachrichten an meinen Alt-Account auch wirklich verschlüsselt habe. Alles korrekt, sagt der Notar. Und verschwörerische Absprachen laufen garantiert nicht, meine Weste ist blütenweiß.
LG dein 😇 (nomen est omen)
0.00 SBD,
0.06 STEEM,
0.06 SP
Every other word in the English language that ends in 'T' and contains a 'I' and 'G' is formed -IGHT (that I can think of anyway)...
I really hope that none of these words ever appear because that would be an absolute nightmare!
You should use a dictionary and not the script from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
There once was a knight, bold and bright,
Who vowed he would always do right.
With his sword held so tight,
He’d fight through the night,
By light of the moon in his sight.
That's quite some word skillz
0.00 SBD,
0.35 STEEM,
0.35 SP
R IGHT ??? What?? I can't make a new word out of that! Surely that's impossible?!
0.00 SBD,
0.00 STEEM,
0.47 SP
What's going on here!? 😱
The second player with 2 attempts! I'm impressed! 👍
🥳 it would be a lie to say it is anything other than pure luck!
This comment has been voted to compensate you for the downvote by @bullionstackers on this comment.
For more detail and how to support this initiative, please read this post.
Word 13
Da bin ich aber froh, dass noch ein Wort übrig ist.
Nummer 13 macht doch
Puh, und ich hab' schon gedacht, du kommst nicht mehr... Da isser aber, juchu! So we both are very
U C KY0.00 SBD,
0.37 STEEM,
0.37 SP
Ja, ich habe im Moment nur wenig Zeit für den Steem, aber für manche Dinge muss man sich die Zeit einfach nehmen...
... im Moment also NO YIELD.
0.00 SBD,
0.35 STEEM,
0.35 SP
Ebenfalls recht knapp in der Zeit, sage ich schlicht
I ELD0.00 SBD,
0.40 STEEM,
0.40 SP
Oh man, ich bin echt spät dran...
0.00 SBD,
0.35 STEEM,
0.35 SP
Och, wenn du in der Geschwindigkeit weiter machst, schaffst du deine sechs Versuche bis Samstag... 😎
FL O AT0.00 SBD,
0.38 STEEM,
0.38 SP
Wenn die Queen zur Eile ruft, werde ich mich doch nicht widersetzen. 😇
0.00 SBD,
2.38 STEEM,
2.38 SP
Word 10
It may be a particularly poor starting word for Wordle,
but in honor of the Oasis, the BYT Club, and the second most flagged account of the week,
I’m starting with
Ja, schön wär's ja gewesen, nach den Zähnen auch noch mit der Bürste ganz steil durchzustarten... Kann natürlich noch kommen, mit der
BRU S HIch könnte wetten es ist dabei. Ich habe mit der 10 nur das falsche Wort ausgewählt. :)
Meine MRI Auswertung sagt mit
besteht eine 84,51% Wahrscheinlichkeit diese Aufgabe in 3 Versuchen zu lösen.
Nah, Adlerauge, "brush" war schon letzte Woche dabei... 🤷♀️
Boah, fast 85%. Ich bin gespannt. Allerdings lautet das gesuchte Wort nicht
TRE A D0.00 SBD,
0.21 STEEM,
0.21 SP
Tread is
0.00 SBD,
0.44 STEEM,
0.44 SP
Jo. Zwei neue korrekte Buchstaben aber still
0.00 SBD,
2.02 STEEM,
2.02 SP