Wördel Rules
We play Wördel according to the succinctly summarised Wordle™ rules.
The implementation of the game as an exclusive Deutsch Unplugged blockchain variant is completely unplugged - i.e. handmade - as follows:
Five-letter words are being sought. These were determined under notary supervision and sent as an encrypted message to @chriary.
You grab one word comment (downstairs in the comment section) and guess any five-letter word.
The referee marks the letters as follows:
- Letter crossed out: Letter NOT present in the searched word.
- Letter in italics: Letter present in the searched word, but not in the position.
- Letter in bold: Letter is present in exactly this position in the searched word.
In the second turn, you must now use the information you have received to combine another five-letter word.
Five moves are possible according to exactly this scheme, the sixth word MUST be correct at the latest.
Play 1 - EQUAL. Referee:EQUAL
Play 2 - BUDDY. Referee:BUDDY
Play 3 - UNITY. Referee: U N I T Y - Yeah!Each player guesses his/her word (first come, first served...) until the end, the referee appears at least once a day.
PLEASE... If you have an automatic browser translation running on your phone, the formatting of the letters (bold, italic, crossed out) is not always displayed. To confirm, go to the original article, PLEASE...