candiceji resteemedczechglobalhosts (79)in #travel • 7 years ago30 SBD giveaway: Share your most romantic travel photo to celebrate the St. Valentine’s Day!WARNING: The use of images that are not your own on which you claim the ownership will be flagged - HELPING TO STOP…candiceji resteemeddobartim (83)in #bestsmile • 7 years agoCompetition - The Challenge Of a Best Smile ( The Prize Is 30 SBD ) - 7 Days - Day #6 - The Registration Is In ProgressSmile is a mirror of the soul, your sincere emotions shine in your beautiful smile, it's time to take action - set…candiceji (54)in #food • 7 years agoDaily Food Photography #1 蒜蓉芝士虾 —— Garlic Cheese ShrimpsHello friends, as a lover of shrimps, everday I will eat it as my dish for lunch or dinner. Today's lunch, I will…candiceji resteemedrivalhw (75)in #cn • 7 years ago人无信不能立-郑重承诺“月旦评”第三期获奖奖金 SBD 45(折合美金$620¥或人民币约¥4000)如期发放!早上还未起床,就收到一位网友发来的信息: 大伟哥,SBD现在已涨到15美金,这期“月旦评”的SBD奖金还会发放吗?…candiceji resteemedhannahwu (66)in #meetup • 7 years agoWe enjoyed the happy first ever China Suzhou Steemit Meetup this Afternoon 第一次Steemit中国苏州正式聚会After preparing for a month, we are holding the first major Suzhou Team Steemit Meetup at October 15th. We have tried…candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years ago迟到的莫干山之行,曾经的生活缩影——【Somewhere Called Mogan Mountain,A Microcosm of My Past Life 】秋风起,莫干山的竹林便也随风摇摆,化成了片片竹海。繁忙而又燥热的夏天渐行渐远,在 @hannahwu 和 @herlife 的建议下,趁着短暂的周末时光,请上两天假,来了一场说走就走的旅行。而莫干山中的小村庄,便是这趟旅行的终点。…candiceji (54)in #selfportrait-contest • 8 years agoSelfportrait Contest with @nicolemoker —— 跟着Nicole画自画像Hello everyone, several days ago, @nicolemoker launched the drawing contest to celebrate that she had joined Steemit…candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years ago旅行时,你会选择民宿还是酒店【How To Choose Hotels When You Are Traveling 】时常出门旅行,可能是每个人都期待的生活。但是现如今快节奏的生活,让我们每天都过得身心俱疲。尤其是生活在大城市里的人,时时刻刻都渴望着能有机会,逃离这个牢笼。作为一个忠实的旅行爱好者,我每隔一段时间都会去不同的地方游玩,不管远近,找个地方,放candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years ago如果,爱情 || 七夕中文社区征文比赛鸳鸯双栖蝶双飞, 满园春色惹人醉, 悄悄问圣僧, 女儿美不美, 女儿美不美, 说什么王权富贵, 怕什么戒律清规, 只愿天长地久, 与我意中人儿紧相随. (图片来源于网络)…candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years ago你情我不愿的爱情,不一定没有结果【参加谷歌点名第四期活动“情”】适逢七夕,怀着对爷爷奶奶爱情故事的向往之情,写下这篇文章,来参加 @jubi “谷歌点名”活动的第四期“情”。 爱情,是一种很玄的东西,它既热情奔放,又含蓄内敛。它不仅是鲜衣怒马,陪你看尽烈焰繁花;更是素面白纱,陪你度过恬淡年华。…candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years ago苏城游记——江南水乡,园林老街,忆古之旅【A Trip to Recall the Past】After returning from the Hulunbuir Grassland,I hardly can calm down for the stunning grassland sceneries. But slowly…candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years ago一川草色,半缕斜阳,呼伦贝尔的逐梦之旅【Journey of Dreams--Hulun Buir Grassland】Grew up in the south of the Yangtze River, I am always full of yearning for the grassland in the north of China.…candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years ago狮子回头望虎丘——可是如果狮子走了,老虎是否会寂寞儿时记忆中的乐园,即将搬离它待了整整20年的地方,内心无比伤感,于是便提笔写下了这篇文章。 The amusement park in memories of my childhood is about to leave the…candiceji resteemednicolemoker (66)in #steemit • 8 years ago(Hints added!!!加了提示!!!) (GIVEAWAY ! ALL OVER THE WORLD👏🏻)Hong Kong's Steemit Tee #3【 贈送!全球通用 👏🏻 香港的Steemit T恤 #3 】Hello Steemit friends ❤️, Welcome to my post and hope you are doing good today! 🌞 Thank you for supporting me from…candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years ago一条颐和路,半部民国史 【A Road Called YIHE LU Represents Half History of Republic of China 】南京,六朝古都。…candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years ago人生第一次——不仅有酸甜苦辣,更有悲欢离合由于刚加入steemit不久,我毫不犹豫的错过了 @jubi 第一期的“谷歌点名”活动,今天下班回家,正逢我爸爸在追忆过去,于是便抄起笔,有了我 @candiceji 人生之中的“第一次”。…candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years ago心远地自偏——愉快的农家二日游,采葡萄,喂鸭鸭采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。 这是陶渊明的诗句,这也是一种向往,一种境界。…candiceji resteemedhannahwu (66)in #cn • 8 years ago蒜蓉粉丝虾——DIY Cooking: Shrimp & Bean Vermicelli with Minced Garlic作为一个十足的吃货,除了吃之外,当然还要有做菜的好手艺,这样才能满足自己挑剔的味蕾。 非常感谢 @hannahwu 今天给我这个机会,把自己亲手制作的蒜蓉粉丝虾分享给大家。作为一个新人,虽然我的主页 @candiceji…candiceji (54)in #food • 8 years agoLose Weight with Healthy Food—健康饮食,健康减肥作为一个妹子,减肥真的是每天都在喊的话题。越来越多的骨干妹子加入了减肥大军,每天吃的比喵🐱还少,天天喊着我很胖我要减肥。但是,我一直坚信,运动才是减肥的最好方式。 一天一个苹果,这是我妈曾经的减肥大餐…candiceji (54)in #cn • 8 years agoFour Girls' Trip to Malaysia Sabah——四个“疯婆子”的马来西亚之旅——世界这么大,我想去看看 ——来一场说走就走的旅行 这两句话,真的是已经被说烂了,但是依旧挡不住我们出去游玩的决心。…