bats123 (29)in #cn • 6 years ago尋找合作夥伴尋找合作夥伴,本人提供第一手中國大陸農村純天然的特產,比如砂仁,竹筍幹,白花油,紅花油……絕無污染,絕無參假,保證純天然,支持驗貨,歡迎實地考察!——我不求賺大錢,只求混一口飯吃,養妻活兒,我願意讓出大部分利潤給您,希望與您長期合作,合作共bats123 (29)in #cn • 6 years ago香港的朋友或者在香港工作的朋友看过来本人诚意寻找香港或在香港工作的朋友合作生意,将大陆农村纯天然特产带到香港销售,比如砂仁,竹笋干,白花油,蜂蜜等等,绝对无污染.无添加.无参假的天然绿色特产,期待你的合作,合作共赢!欢迎评论留言bats123 (29)in #nc • 6 years ago中国大陆农村纯天然特产焖鹅肉鸭肉猪脚的上等食材——竹笋干!bats123 (29)in #cn • 7 years ago今日币圈总汇1、【2023年区块链医疗市场总规模将达8.29亿美元】据Reportbuyer近期发布的一份报告显示,预计到2023年,区块链医疗市场总规模将达8.29亿美元,按照 2018年5390万美元的基数计算,年复合增长率为72.8%。…bats123 (29)in #nc • 7 years ago再活20年就够了唉😔,不好了,才37岁就患糖尿病了,真倒霉!现在啥都不想了,只想一心一意调理好身体,希望老天爷再给我20年时间就够了,让我能够看着儿子结婚,女儿出嫁……bats123 (29)in #cn • 7 years agoPictures from rural China中国农村景象bats123 (29)in #cn • 7 years agoHappy new year.过年了The year of China has come, here to give you a new year, I wish compatriots overseas compatriots and international…bats123 (29)in #cn • 7 years ago欢迎朋友们来我家做客~Welcome friends to my house!If your friends are willing, come to my home 😄 image ![image如果朋友们愿意,就来我家做客吧If your friends are willing, come to…bats123 (29)in #cn • 7 years agospring-cleaning~大扫除China's lunar new year is coming soon, people are busy doing health, cleaning, make the home clean, to meet the new…bats123 (29)in #cn • 7 years ago家bats123 (29)in #cn • 7 years ago中医穴位按摩肩中俞 【功能主治】 咳嗽,气喘,肩背疼痛,目视不明。 【穴位配伍】 配肩外俞,大椎治肩背疼痛。 【穴位治法】 斜刺0.5~0.8寸。bats123 (29)in #cn • 7 years ago回家了今天终于放假啦,回到家了😁bats123 resteemedslowwalker (80)in #travel • 7 years agoThe Most Beautiful Garden in Korea and the Irony of expressionFrom this posting I’d like introduce you the most beautiful garden in Korea which was listed on UNESCO. It was once…bats123 (29)in #cn • 7 years ago图片上传错误(Image upload error)请教一下大家,我在写文章时想插入图片,但是每一次都提示我“上存错误”,我该怎样操作才能正确上存图片呢?谢谢! Ask everyone, I want to insert pictures when writing articles…bats123 (29)in #cn • 7 years ago人到中年的危机感人到中年了,肩上的担子越来越重了,上有父母下有儿女,工作基本不稳定,私营的小厂,没有五险一金,没有存款。半夜总是辗转反侧难以入睡,心里很压抑,很迷茫,不知何去何从,唉!--生活(生存)对于我来说是艰难的。bats123 (29)in #f • 7 years ago人到中年的危机感人到中年了,肩上的担子越来越重了,上有父母下有儿女,工作基本不稳定,私营的小厂,没有五险一金,没有存款。半夜总是辗转反侧难以入睡,心里很压抑,很迷茫,不知何去何从,唉!--生活(生存)对于我来说是艰难的。bats123 (29)in #file • 7 years agoImitate this game, also very popular in your countryIn China, q & a games on multiple platforms are popular, with bonuses ranging from 50,000 to millions in each phase…bats123 (29)in #life • 7 years agoHi, everybody! [hi,大家好!]I 'm from a small village in southern China. I 'm glad to share our life on this world-class platform. I hope you guys…