atyh (72)in #iweb3 • last yearNew to meTried the turkey food at the street stallatyh (72)in #iweb3 • last yearGo US to have Chinese cuisine ?Can’t understand why we had to go Chinese restaurant for dinner in the USatyh (72)in #iweb3 • last yearFinal preparation on set upWorking very hard to set up the shelf of our boothatyh (72)in #iweb3 • last yearSet up boothThe second day of my trip in the NY: went to the exhibition and set up booth for the showatyh (72)in #iweb3 • last yearNice busThis bus on the street really caught my attention while I was visiting at Time Squareatyh (72)in wormhole3 • 2 years agoLast night was too busy inLast night was too busy in house hunting as I am moving out soon, when we done it was already 9:40 pm and all…atyh (72)in #iweb3 • 2 years ago掃興週末現在一到週末或放假、除了睡死就是睡到更死、起床的時候都一點多了、早餐錢也省下來、還能減肥、不錯不錯! 本來想騎車出去看看、可惜又是一個掃興的下雨天、吃完飯乖乖上樓發呆好了!#iweb3atyh (72)in #life • 2 years agoSo good to get up earlyWhile the others are still sleeping at 6:50 am, I already crossed the border from Shenzhen to Hong Kong, and I nearly…atyh (72)in #wherein • 2 years agoCoffee helps to fight again sleepy at the morningOne day to National Holiday in China, don't really want to get my ass off the bed but I have no choice, otherwise my…atyh (72)in #cn • 3 years ago隱世桃源那天和老婆見完貓姐, 之後臨時有下半場, 老婆另一個閨蜜約出來下午茶...我剛剛那個牛排都不消化完, 又吃? 不管了, 還是那句, 不知甚麼時候封城, 有的見就先見了 (不出所料, 今明兩天深圳各區都自發封了…atyh (72)in #zzan • 3 years agoTrying to cheat me gambling on the future markets?It's funny to seeing that the exchange has gave us the trial fund for the derivatives account. obviously they are…atyh (72)in #foodie • 3 years agoNo matter how long, it's never enough for the reunion when you didn't see your friend for long timeThose pictures were taken in Aug back in 2021 while I was back to Shenzhen visiting my wife, my old colleague moved to…atyh (72)in #steemexclusive • 3 years ago反彈完未? 星期五了, 上多一天班又可反彈完未? 星期五了, 上多一天班又可以休息兩天, 真好. 昨天去看醫生才知道完來自己不是生濕疹而是生蛇 (帶狀疱疹), 怪不得痛到我人都神智不清了. 昨天中午見到大盤反彈, 我就覺得可以看漲試試…atyh (72)in #wherein • 4 years agoLonely Christmas由疫情爆發至今,一直盼望聖誕節, 因為一直幻想今年能夠收到我最想要的聖誕禮物 - 通關. 不過好可惜,這個願望已落空. 不是單身但要過Lonely Christmas, 還真是人生第一次, 希望亦是人生最後一次. 雖然心情極度失落…atyh (72)in #wherein • 4 years ago飯後逛一逛飯後逛一逛 吃完飯心血來潮想去UNI QLO逛一下看看有沒有便宜貨, 現在不是說零售市道好差嘛, 搞到我以為現在到處都能撿便宜貨, 所以吃完就跟經理一起出去逛一圈, 在路上滿心以為等會一堆便宜貨等著我們啦. 到步後才發現...嗯…atyh (72)in #wherein • 4 years ago食得是福又是時候晒一下由昨晚起的三餐啦, 昨天工作上...都是靜到沒朋友, 跟我一樣, 疫情期間孤單到沒朋友, 想找人出來聚下都幾乎是不可能的任務呢.雖說昨天是冬至, 但我自己都已經完全感受不到冬至的氣氛, 亦都不會有心情去想做節的事…atyh (72)in #wherein • 4 years agoHero-Wars 最強水系泰坦人入手原來我有一段時間沒寫Hero-Wars的帖了, 今天是時候寫一下囉. 這段時間以來在遊戲突破了不少, 副本第8章最後被我三星通關, 現在卡在第10章後半段.…atyh (72)in #wherein • 4 years ago繼續不敢下床經過昨晚睡了一整天之後總算好一點了,不過今天以都是安全起見,除了吃午飯和晚飯,都幾乎全天沒下床活動,感覺這樣睡2天又要胖幾斤囉! 今天午餐吃了一整個pizza,沒錯是一整個,作為一個芝士怪,只要有芝士,我便多多都能吃!吃完pizza…atyh (72)in #wherein • 4 years ago耳石症復發耳石症復發 如果大家知道甚麼是耳右症的話(類似耳水不平衡的一種,但又不會令你失去意識暈倒的那種程度)都知道這是一個好麻煩的小病,病發時你會頭暈到天旋地轉、嚴重一點會不停嘔!而這個小病是沒藥可治,只得靠大腦用時間適應!…atyh (72)in #wherein • 4 years ago又一週無驚無險又一週過去,這兩天一直真忙搞mock up sample 給客人,本來也不會那麼趕,只因工程部有同事的外傭中招了,搞到全個工程部變成在家工作,光是找東西都花了半天!…