aspnetcore (25)in #byzantine • 7 years ago【Byzantine Generals Problem】深度了解区块链——拜占庭将军问题深入探讨(二)拜占庭帝国想要进攻一个强大的敌人,为此派出了10支军队去包围这个敌人。基于一些原因,这10支军队不能集合在一起单点突破,必须在分开的包围状态下同时攻击。在这种状态下,拜占庭将军们能否找到一种分布式的协议来让他们能够远程协商,从而赢取战斗?aspnetcore (25)in #cn • 7 years ago特朗普推特“拉黑”用户,结果违宪IT之家5月24日消息 说到美国总统特朗普,相信大家都不会感到太陌生了,日常在推特上“执政”也是广为人知,他经常在推特上就美国的内政外交问题发表各种言论。不过,因为推特屏蔽用户的事情,特朗普摊上大事了。…aspnetcore (25)in #altcoin-generate • 7 years agoDevelopping BitCoin Yourself-altcoin generate, make altcoin, bitcoin, coingen!Developping BitCoin Yourself-altcoin generate, make altcoin, bitcoin, coingen! It can support any algorithm (sha256…aspnetcore (25)in #steemit • 7 years agoSteemit API Documentation -FeedFeed Endpoints Example responses get_feed_history { "id": 5, "result": { "id": "2.14.0"…aspnetcore (25)in #steemit • 7 years agoSteemit API Documentation - CategoriesCategory Details get_trending_categories params: tag(string), limit(integer) get_best_categories params:…aspnetcore (25)in #steemit • 7 years agoSteemit API Documentation - DiscussionsDiscussion Endpoints get_discussions_by_active params: tag(string), limit(integer)…aspnetcore (25)in #steemit • 7 years agoSteemit API Documentation - Content Endpointsget_content params: account(string) get_content_replies params: account(string) Example responses…aspnetcore (25)in #steemit • 7 years agoSteemit API Documentation - Block Endpointsget_block params: block number(uint32_t) get_block_header params: block number(uint32_t) Example responses…aspnetcore (25)in #steemit • 7 years agoSteemit API Documentation -Accountsget_account_count get_account_history params: account(string), from(uint32_t), limit(uint32_t)…aspnetcore (25)in #introduction • 7 years agoAPI Documentation-IntroductionWelcome to the steemit API and developer wiki portal! Steemit is the social media platform where everyone gets paid…aspnetcore (25)in #blockchain • 7 years agoWhat make steemit so popular ?What make steemit so popular ? 1、Give me your adive ? 2、What benifits you have got from steemit ? 3、Why your…