ajaxtiwo resteemedpumpkinnetwork (28)in #airdrop • 7 years agoPumpkin Airdrop Announcement - Spread with PumpkinWelcome to the Pumpkin Airdrop! Fair token distribution and user engagement are both taken very seriously at Pumpkin…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist的 多代币区块链浏览器多代币区块链浏览器是…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years ago区块链北京见面会 ——投资者会议2018年7月25日 Cryptassist首席执行官Henri Oostebring在公关经理Samantha Haeberli和中国社区运营经理Tonjia女士的陪同下于…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Corporate Social ResponsibilityAn important element of the Cryptassist philosophy is to donate back to the environment. To demonstrate…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoDon’t miss your chance to join the Cryptassist Revolution. Join the ICO now!• Max coin supply is 88 Million coins • ICO runs 31/07/2018 – 12/09/2018 or until hardcap is reached, whichever…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Website IntegrationsTo assist Cryptassist users with gathering the latest information on market capitalization rankings, mining…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist - Win a Tesla RoadsterAs a thank you to buyers during the Cryptassist ICO, for every purchase of $250 US a ticket will be given for the…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist - выиграй машину Тесла родстер.За каждую покупку в 250 USD во время ICO всем покупателям Cryptassist в качестве благодарности будет предоставлен…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST OTC – SELL YOUR CRYPTO OVER THE COUNTERThe over-the-counter (OTC) cryptocurrency market sees hundreds of millions of dollars worth of coins moved on a daily…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Community ForumOne of the biggest problems in the crypto world is that there are many resources for sourcing information, but very…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST - Интеграция веб-сайтовЧтобы помочь пользователям Cryptassist собирать самую последнюю информацию о рейтингах рыночной капитализации и…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Freelancer – Hire Your Talent – Pay With CryptoCryptassist will offer as an integral part of its ecosystem, a freelance talent service feature, linking businesses or…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Trading SolutionThe Cryptassist Trading Solution application is a revolutionary cryptocurrency trading tool that will arm the everyday…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist CryptopediaAnother essential feature that Cryptassist will offer users is a database linking available websites, forums and…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoDIE „CRYPTASSIST“ PHILOSOPHIECryptassist wurde auf der Idee gegründet, dass Kryptowährung allen zugänglich sein sollte, nicht nur Kryptoexperten.…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoWhy Did Cryptassist Choose A Dag Based Algorithm?It is believed by many in the cryptosphere that DAG will become the next generation Blockchain. Blockchain 3.0. In…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST CRYPTOGO – HAVE FUN – WIN CRYPTO!Who hasn’t heard of or played the augmented reality game Pokemon GO* that stormed the world in recent years? And what…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoThe Cryptassist Core ValuesThe Cryptassist philosophy is to make crypto simple and useful in everyday life. In order to provide users with an…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST CHATPAY – SOCIAL MESSAGING AND ONLINE PAYMENT APPCryptassist ChatPay is more than just a messenger. Free to download, ChatPay allows for free encrypted messaging and…ajaxtiwo resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoTHE CRYPTASSIST PHILOSOPHYCryptassist was founded on the idea that cryptocurrency should be accessible to everyone, not just crypto experts.…