
THIS IS SO MUCH FUN I AM LAUGHING OUT LOUD. Calling all creative writers! @deirdyweirdy, @feltbuzz, @carolkean, @byn (xo), @kimberlylane, @free-reign, @hlezama, @fitinfun, @goatgirlz, @wales. I thought of you guys first, so maybe it's something you would like to do. But it's a mind-blowing gas, not hard at all. Use wordcounter.

Thanks for the support, @owasco, although, I fear that you may have downplayed the difficulty of this exercise but I won't tell anybody otherwise. ;-) haha

I know! I did! I was only three sentences in at that time! lol

I know! I did! I
Was only three sentences
In at that time! lol

                 - owasco

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

El-o-el, haiku bot, is three syllables

What an adorable gif!
I'm totally daunted by the numbers but your provocative use of the word JAZZ might provoke me to try this time-consuming, brain-cell straining sport. "Jazz" has been declared the word of the year... gotta hunt down the link for that now...or not. (Just write, right?)

Haha! Just write, yes. - I'm sitting here thinking about. Is that not enough? What do you want from me?!?!

The word "Jazz" comes from the mouth of John T. Gatto. I loved the way he spoke about it so I borrowed it.

I really do hope I get to read your entry, either this one or one of the next ones.

One word was used to epitomize the entire 20th century: #jazz, "to describe not only music, but the sweep and swing of the quintessential American century, and the cultural flows that invigorated it." Ok, it's not the word of the year for 2019, it's the word for the whole 20th C. (Did I mention math, clocks, calendars, counting, and all that jazz, to be my weak spots?)

Who gets to decide such weighty, wordy things? The little-known American Dialect Society (ADS), founded in 1889, and dedicated to the study of the English language in North America.
ADS has been picking a word of the year since 1990, longer than any other entity. Its members selected jazz from dozens of possible words in January 2000. source:
App. Fake news. Hashtag. What will be the word of the decade? And who decides?

Now to see what Gatto said about jazz:

(Just when I thought I was done googling for a minute!)
Over in China, the revered Shanghai Conservatory of Music can’t even believe the principles of jazz are real! That with enough courage and trust in yourself, you can hear a piece of music once, and ring dazzling changes on it forever and ever. They can’t duplicate our jazz. But everything else we make doesn’t worry them a bit.
....The road to wealth comes from understanding yourself. Doing what you do best, not what other people do best.
--John Taylor Gatto,
author of Dumbing Us Down, The Exhausted School, A Different Kind of Teacher, and The Underground History of American Education. Formerly a three-time New York City Teacher of the Year and New York State Teacher of the Year, he “dropped out” of teaching in 1991 via an article in the Wall Street Journal, claiming he was no longer willing to hurt children. He has been writing and talking about non-schooling ever since.

Oh my goodness I love this guy! Here's the letter he wrote when he quit

Thank you for this!!! He speaks for me. And Lenore Skenazy-ish free spirits like you and @owasco and @goat-girlz and.... all of us at @freewritehouse, I suspect.

Government schooling is the most radical adventure in history. It kills the family by monopolizing the best times of childhood and by teaching disrespect for home and parents.
An exaggeration? Hardly. Parents aren’t meant to participate in our form of schooling, rhetoric to the contrary. My orders as schoolteacher are to make children fit an animal training system, not to help each find his or her personal path.

Public schooling has lobotomized us, as it was intended to do. We are know nothings who think we know everything. You've really got me going now. I sound like I do on FB. Hey! Did you ever get a friend request from me?

I responded to that friend request ages ago... let me see if it went through....
Someone else with a similar name is Wellness Advocate at doTERRA Essential Oils USA....

You can find me on fb as tristan j carax.

Awesome stuff. I'm glad he resonates with you.

(Did I mention math, clocks, calendars, counting, and all that jazz, to be my weak spots?)

haha! @agmoore2 also said something like that.

Loved the article. I never knew.

I loved the quote! It is perfect for this contest. Thanks for finding it.

When I had a psychological break down, while living in New York, just after Hurrican Katrina, I was invited over to my friend's house after he talked my blubbering, angry, confused self into coming over. There is where I was introduced to John T. G. So many lights were going off that tied back into things I had experienced in the schooling system and why I lacked the skills, supposed to be taught to you during your schooling career, necessary to truly strive in the world of which I was waking up to. He was a teacher I always dreamed of having. His words touched my soul.

I have for the last five years had a another seba (teacher) who stands up to those standards of mine. In this way, I'm blessed.

You've come a long way from the "angry, confused self" you describe post-Katrina! Finding a mentor and teacher is indeed a great blessing. Your experience parallels millions of children oppressed by institutionalized education -forcing children to sit still and stay quiet all day in a hard chair is not my idea of how to teach life skills and prepare our little ones for adulthood. Most kids SEEM to turn out ok with this system, but I'm haunted by photos of Native American children in matching school uniforms sent to boarding schools. Their childhoods were stolen, they were punished for speaking in their native tongue... ok, I stop now. This is too depressing to recall. Back to MEMORY LOSS... story prompt....

I always picked up on that aspect regarding the Indigenous peoples of this land and that of the Afrikans. Things just looked off.

Thanks for the heads up but I did see the challenge and it's way beyond my meagre capabilities. Did you see agmoore's entry into the last round?

Yes! I have two more sentences to write. They are proving to be diabolical. I love it though. If I can do it, you surely can. I highly recommend this!

You have garnered support from the @bananafish community. We appreciate you're fine work and hope that you will continue to produce awesome content for us to feast our minds on.

Hi Tristancarax,
This is so tempting, but I've got several complicated blogs on my plate, family obligations, and I'm trying to refresh my memory of geometry (if you can believe that). So I can't join in, but I am resteeming.
Good luck with this... a very interesting, challenging, contest.

Thanks, @agmoore2. No worries. Join when time permits. I'm happy for the support. Geometry was always difficult for me. Algebra I was fine with.

I do hope it catches traction. Last week, probably because of the holiday, was a dud. We shall see what this week brings. Better rewards so hopefully that will help.

I can't wait to read one of your entries again, but, until then, do what you do. 8-)

Heh @tristancarax: it seems you drew topnotch writers out of winter retreat. This exercise is unique. That's something. I'm off to read more of the entries. So far I've read and supported a few. Happy to see creativity blossom :)

It's blowing me away who is coming out. I love this.

You underestimate yourself, @agmoore2, but family complications, I get - our grandson at age 3 just underwent eye surgery Friday morning. We had his little sister Thu-Sun, her first time ever away from him and from home for so long. She was a trooper! But I digress. Looking forward to your writing whatever format or challenge you respond to, agmoore! and THANK YOU @owasco for the nudge and @Tristancarax for your amazing challenges and ways you support others at Steemit. Do you ever find time to sleep and eat??

Me skippy eat and sleep is akin to saying I did't go to the bathroom all day. Doesn't happen very often. 8-)

You are extraordinarily productive in your waking hours, then!

Just read your nimble piece @carolkean. Loved evidence of the struggle :))
Believe me, I don't underestimate myself. There's more obstinacy than anything else in my effort. Every now and then inspiration strikes, and that is beautiful. But I don't have your skill. Take my word for that.
As for your grandchild. So sorry about the surgery. My granddaughter was born with thumbs that didn't work. Had undergo surgery before she was two to fix it for life. Bad time. So I understand the stress. Thumbs work great now. Hope the eye surgery was as successful.

Opposable thumbs that oppose the body they're on.... poor little granddaughter and thank heaven for modern medicine! Not that long ago, mothers and witches were blamed for "birth defects." Genetic anomaly sounds nicer... thank you for the kind words! BTW, the more we write, the more inspiration strikes. It's like if you never exert yourself by opening the window, you'll never let the sun in. Or something like that. I love your writing!

Thanks for the update and call for this wonderful great challenge... I will rack my brain and submit my entry as soon as possible

Glad to have you back. Can't wait.

First blood!

Haha!!! Just kinding. Do it as much as you like.

Twelve hours of work later. I may have underestimated the task, but I enjoyed it.

Supper sweet! Can't wait to read it.

You rocked it, @owasco!!!
The lady and her fading memory, and her herbal lore, her chats with bots - HILARIOUS!
Bot Clobbered, or... something like that. :)
I'm still hunting for the deadline.

It's tomorrow I think. But thank you!!!!


Get some rest. You deserve it.

@tristancarax, Kindly find my piece below for your reference.

Keep up the good work and stay blessed.

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Didn't Finish before the deadline, but here's what I had so far, before it fell to hell, and now it will be some time before I put this Humpty Dumpty together:

Hey! You still have another three hours to go. No. Don't ...

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