Any Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste : 31 Sentence Contest
The 31 Sentence Contest: Round 12
Random number sentence sequence:
22, 21, 27, 29, 2, 10, 15, 9, 20, 17, 31, 3, 28, 12, 30, 19, 8, 1, 25, 23, 13, 26, 11, 18, 4, 16, 24, 5, 6, 14, 7

In late October, the wind felt chilly as Charles sat testing his new gadget he’d recently found sifting through the nearby rubble.
He uttered in a low voice that sounded as if he'd contracted bronchitis, “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.”
Some of the makeshift tools I’ve collected over the years and other tools I’ve secured from people who threw perfectly good items away came in handy today.
I’m as clever as any of those fancy folks strutting past me looking down at my surroundings in disgust, then hurrying past turning their uppity noses up at me.
No matter.
If only all the passersby knew who I really am.
They’d be shocked to know I have a rich family and attended a fancy school.
I was most certainly living in high society too.
But one day I found some really cool friends who introduced me to some medicinal drugs that were just awesome.
Sometimes I don’t feel well because I’m anxious and have nightmares about people taking all my stuff.
Then sometimes I feel like they are just trying to steal all the information in my brain because of all the enhanced parietal lobe activity I have working continually in overdrive.
I had jobs.
But those narrow minded and highly educated computer science nerds just wouldn’t let me reconfigure the test data underlying the newly developed software programs for their flight simulators.
I had the completed algorithm all figured out in my mind already.
But I lost it when they sent me to that place where they sent Charlene after she died because they said I started acting weird like she did.
They’re just jealous because I’m the only one who can see visions of the future and nobody else can.
One day I’ll write down all my visions.
Just joking with myself because everybody at those stinking jobs knew I was brilliant than all of them combined with those degrees over their desks.
My family is a bunch of traitors the whole lot of them calling my jobs and telling everyone about me in that place.
Besides, that was a long time ago when I used to see Charlene.
How I miss my talks with her because she was my twin sister and only friend in this world that I trusted to keep my secrets.
They told me Charlene had to go away to get better.
I don’t believe them because Charlene always comes to visit me to tell me things about our enemies.
I love my Charlene.
She was the only person who believed everything I told her and never once looked at me funny.
I need to stop thinking about all this negativity because it gets into my head and keeps me from completing my task at hand.
I’m working on secret assignments.
When I finish, I’ll show them.
They’ll all congratulate me and tell me what an asset I am to society.
Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.
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So many people are judged by the cover before anyone gets a chance to find out who they truly are.
I, too, have delusions of grandeur - I'm a daydreamer. For people like me, it is tough because we tend not to fit in with the group very well because we're thinking beyond what most people can see. Then again, getting too caught up in the daydreaming isn't healthy if we go to the extreme and refuse to come back.
I believe the dude who started "Hot Topic," a store that caters to emo youth, was homeless when he came up with his concept for the store.
I often struggle with this thought, people will only like me because I'll have money. I'm homeless right now. I don't get asked to go to a lot of places or hang out because of the position I'm in; but, if I had money, I'm sure I'd have more people that would want to do things with me. If people can't hang with me when I have very little material stuff, why do I want them around when I have something?
I completely understand @tristancarax I was homeless, until just before I found Steemit. I actually published an article about it soon after joining that was well received, but the fact it sparked a conversation was amazing, and really helped to shatter some major stigmas. Believe it or not finding my tribe here helped the healing process.
I wish you rapid onset of prosperity and stable footing.
And I'm going to enter your contest just as soon as I figure out the rules ;)
Peace, love and good mojo 🐈
Hello @arbitrarykitten Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my post. I appreciate that you "get it" especially since you say you were without a home once. That can be a traumatic event.
The way this society has evolved just makes me sick inside to see so many kicked to the curb.
Hope things are looking up for you. Have a great day, and take care.
My son and I used to take the ferry to downtown then metro through it, 5 days a week.
This was 2015 & '16.
We counted new tents, on the sidewalk, every day.
More and more tents, constantly being erected in the doorways and parking lots of hot shot celebrity lawyer offices, luxury jewellers and clothiers, and billion dollar banks. It was disturbing and disgusting.
Now its 2020. And there's only more. Many, many more. Sigh
The answer to that is simple @tristancarax DON'T. True friends will be no matter what. If money defined a person, millions upon millions of people would be friendless.
We were poor growing up. Meaning my family's status was labeled that. But we didn't know that until someone pointed it out to us that we were in a different category than them.
I often pass by while riding and see numerous people standing on a corner with a sign that says "Homeless, Please Help." But how do you help when you don't know the specific needs? Also, you don't know that person's mental state.
The same people who look down on anyone on their way up may have to face the same thing one day one way or another. Unfortunately homelessness has a gigantic stigma attached.
There is a stigma attached to anyone who is different because no one takes the time to understand that person to see what the issue may be and if there's any way to help. Or that person may just be different.
Being without monetary liquid resources mean people don't have access to a quality of life that the normal person would who has the ability to find and keep a job, own a vehicle to travel back and forth, medical care, and most importantly clothing and shelter. Maslow's Hierachy of Needs.
Wonderful meeting you! You have a new follower :)
Thanks #powerhousecreatives
It's nice to meet you too @arbitarykitten. From your comment above, I'm going to take the time and read your true story. We all have different stories and paths that lead us in various directions. My family was poor when I was young, but my parents through the help of our neighborhood with neighbors helping each other since we were all in the same "boat", managed to keep us in a small home.
At an early age, I vowed never to be in that position again and to help others if I ever got the chance. In one of my stories I recall how I didn't have shoes to wear to school. I look back on my life now and see how those events instilled in me a fortitude that I needed to survive and thrive. They made me strong in my convictions.
Thank you very much for giving me a FOLLOW. I truly appeciate it.
That's amazing. I respect how you learned and grew from past experiences (with not all of them completely yours due to the fact young children often don't have their own- rather are going along for the ride) and morphed and shaped your life, while retaining a bit of 'humble' and not allowing your life to become jaded. So many take a different path.
I appreciate your view and attitude.
I'm interested in hearing your thoughts and observations upon learning my true story :)
Loved it, and I love this contest!
Thank you so much for your nice comment @blueyes8960 I appreciate you taking the time to view my post. So glad you liked my writeup. I was trying to convey his state of mind without saying he needed help.
Have a great day.
That was crazy and poetic, I have to recognize that sometimes I have that kind of thoughts :D You're a very good writer, keep at it!
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Thanks so much @trendotoken for stopping by and leaving me a TRDO token. I appreciate your support.
Hi @fenngen I didn't want to say he was suffering from mental illness. I wanted to portray it with his thoughts. Hope it did that with the ramblings sometimes coherent, other times way left field.
Thanks for recognizing it. I have to admit...I've had some too where people looked at me and said. WTH..but worse than that, lol
Appreciate you stopping by.
Fantastic! I love this! Sooo good. Your one word sentence is the best one word sentence I have read for this contest yet. Excellent entry.
Thanks so much @owasco I wanted to show with words his state of mind without saying he needed help. Appreciate you stopping by and viewing my post and for the nice comment. Your continued support is awesome.
Take care and have a great day.
You have garnered support from the @bananafish community. We appreciate you're fine work and hope that you will continue to produce awesome content for us to feast our minds on.
Hello @bananafish So gracious of you to stop by and bring glad tidings of support from you and your community. Much appreciated.
This entry is just special. Mental health issues are usually so delicate and painful. I think the most painful thing about it is how we've stigmatized the entire topic.
Awesome read.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes, the issue of homelessness, mental health, and all other social issues are painful to watch. I feel lost as how to help @tezmel. These are complex issues way above my head to even try to figure out. I can just do my part to at least donate to research, housing, and well being. But I don't profess to have any answers.
I wish I did. A have an extended distant family member who was incarerated at a young age. He just never seemed to recover from that. Sometimes I feel he is forever lost. Sometimes I feel he has made gains in his life. But then suffers a setback. And he's back to square 1. So I don't have far to look to see the effects on not only the individual, but also the family involved. It just tears at you.
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my post. I appreciate the support.
Complex yes but I am also glad to hear that you play your role in whichever capacity you can. What a beautiful soul. Imagine if the majority of us were like you, positive change would be ours.
Can I share a secret even though we've just visually met? Incarceration does that to someone. It robs one of everything and his going back to square is partially something that cropped up during his sentence.
I would know. I was once incarcerated. But that's a story for another day.
Your family member needs loads pf love and reassurance. He also needs to talk to someone (would highly recommend a professional) so that he unlearn some painful lies he may harbour about himself.
Love and light.
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Hey interesting contest. I really enjoyed the read. I'm not a good writer maybe this would be a great practice.
You are your own worse critic @watersnake because I've read you. And you are an amazing writer. It takes a bit of compassion, craziness, and imagination to create as we do in our minds then transfer it to paper. I'm just glad that we've been given the opportunity to express our ideas in the outlets available on Steem.
You keep up your great work because each individual approaches any given situation with a different viewpoint based on their exposure and experiences.
Thanks for stopping by and viewing my post on this subject. I appreciate your support and encouraging me in my writing.