289 Teachers Trained Dissemination of Information on Islamic Education
A total of 289 teachers are equipped with information dissemination of basic and characterized Islamic education in Hall Hall of Banda Aceh, Tuesday, 26-28 September 2017.
"Participants will be divided into three batches; today 97 people, tomorrow and the day after each 96 people. The material is Islamic education and its application in school. Character education based on Qanun Aceh Number 11/2014 and education of aqidah and morals, "said Mukhlis Jafar, Chairman of the Regional Education Council (MPD) Banda Aceh.
Mukhlis Jafar hopes to socialize the content of Qanun Aceh Number 11/2014 on the Implementation of Education as well as the pattern of character and Islamic education on teachers who teach in Primary and Secondary Schools.
Vice Mayor of Banda Aceh Zainal Arifin called a noble profession teacher for shaping the character of the child and laid the foundations of the nation's foundation.
Education, he added, is one of the three main pillars of the City of Gemilang which became the focal point of Pemko Banda Aceh today, in addition to the other two pillars of religion and economy. "Therefore, this activity is important for us to carry out the education sector in Banda Aceh better," he said.
"I propose an exemplary teacher will be able to depart a comparative study to other areas where the basic education system is advanced so that we adopt best practice there," he said.