Just realised this: 1 YEAR ON STEEMIT!

in #1year6 years ago (edited)

As the title say, I received the 1 Year award since I registered successfully my beloved account & username.

1 year.png

It has been a long trip as I feel that I'm not the same.

I spent this whole year more involved than ever with blockchain tech, different cryptocurrencies and communities.

Definitively a lot of interesting stuff happening everywhere. I think we are witnessing the start of a very big change. The beginning of the end of the 'old' system.

After these long bearish months, I feel more confident than ever to start building again my Steem stack.


Steem on.


Great job man! I’m glad your still here :)

I've never left. Just hibernating I guess. Thanks for your support :)

Encara creus en steem?


Després de donarme una temporada de reflexió m'he adonat de certes coses molt rellevants que fan d'Steem una bona inversió 'en valor'.

+95% de tot el mercat de cryptos no té això.

Escriuré al respecte aviat.

Espero que tot bé company! veig que segueixes per aquí nonstop! :)

Com bitcoin, ara es el millor per acumular steem també 😜

Posted using Partiko iOS

Felicitats Ferran! Endavant, fem-ho créixer entre tots!
Salut company!

Poc a poc i bona lletra, encara m'estic posant al dia amb els updates del HF20.


Nice congrats! I remember when I made my first year. It's been interesting to see how much it has grown.

Congratulations. At least you are still here and that is what counts. Hope to see you around.

In my opinion would be silly to know about bitcoin, their potential and do nothing....
Back and forth, It's worth to be present.

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STEEM 0.17
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