$1,000 a Month with Affiliate Marketing for Free [Here's How]

in #10006 years ago

Most people that start affiliate advertising never get the results they're wanting therefore today we'm gonna instruct you making $1,000 monthly with affiliate advertising regularly therefore allow's jump to my laptop computer and jump engrossed now the first means some individuals can make $1,000 monthly with affiliate advertising is by selecting a winning offer then delivering a lot of paid traffic to it they invest a lot of money optimizing that advertisement demonstrably until finally they see a consistent ROI on that advertisement invest but to be entirely truthful we really don't like e-commerce model so wewill skip it you know we'm not saying it doesn't work or it can't work we do know other people that have implemented successfully personally but simply personally for me I feel like it's very inconsistent and there are better methods around we simply desired to recognize this because it's a means that other people do monetize affiliate advertising we simply personally don't like it we don't like wasting money on paid advertising to an offer you really demonstrably never own you're delivering customers to somebody else's offer in which for that reason you're not maintaining that customer long-term and there's no guarantee you know your advertisement invest will stay how it's therefore there's no guarantee of that traffic or that ROI you have to carry on spending money on it now before we do move on to those other methods that we do really suggest we want to strongly urge you which is something you'll see as we show you the products that we'm suggesting therefore know the whole process of exactly how about we go through this in another we want to strongly urge you just to suggest affiliate products and offers you do actually stand behind yourself and preferably you know hopefully utilize it's not worth jeopardizing in my opinion your reputation for a ten-dollar affiliate Commission or heck even $100 for they Commission you know the hardest customer getting is initially that first customer the hardest thing to do is turn somebody from a lead to a consumer once you get a consumer that customer will stay around much longer and is easier to you know demonstrably maintain than getting a new customer that's why we don't like the you know having to pay traffic and investing your hard-earned dollars to monetize somebody else's offer like we see right here you should full-heartedly believe in what you are suggesting one final thing if you stay until the end of movie i'm gonna present my three yes three most useful guidelines to make more consistent affiliate commissions and make more money with affiliate advertising we utilize all of these guidelines myself and we recommend you do besides since we got that out of how allow's talk about the first affiliate advertising strategy that we actually do suggest which is one you dudes are all gonna recognize Amazon Associates now yes we have to talk Amazon Associates because it's a means that a lot of individuals monetize affiliate advertising therefore is very beginner friendly and very easy to implement now we'm gonna present two examples of exactly how we successfully implement this in another but this is hands-down the worst of methods we'm gonna recommend or at least it's for me we do know personally other people that make upwards of 10 K monthly just with Amazon Associates so there's a lot of possible around we simply never personally like it the best because the Commission's are low there are advantages to it never get me incorrect wewill talk about that in another but we simply don't like it because the Commission's are low compared to other offers to get fundamentally in any niche there's so many offers around you'll merely Google X offer choose your your your favorite service or product regarding the or niche you're in and Google an affiliate system and nine times out of ten or 99 times out of 100 one will appear to join and make more Commission's than Amazon Associates a perfect example of that might be like a technology review channel you know in which their sole function is to digest different high-end technology products you know therefore greater greater margins demonstrably with a higher expense product makes a lot of feeling you know you're gonna make more on a $500 digital camera or $1000 digital camera then you know a ten buck phone situation for instance or a five buck book like we're gonna talk about in another therefore currently i'm just making $100 monthly with this method you know and keep in mind that that's the cheapest of affiliate things we're gonna talk about right here but hey that's $100 passively every single month you know to suggest stuff that we currently utilize and believe in therefore I will go this is the latest movie that we really circulated before today's movie therefore's my investment strategy for 2019 therefore'll see right here if we scroll entirely to the base there are many affiliate products that we suggest and most of them are Associates so you'll see right here these are things that we utilize daily in my business these are other things that wewill talk about inside future so these are not Amazon Associates but there are all other things that we utilize on a day to day foundation but my youtube set up all these are straight an amazon associate links so the great part about this as are the other books down right here the top 10 books that we suggest to business owners and success in business you know those are Amazon associate links we suggest all these products at completely heart full heartedly utilize them and believe in them but the key with the Amazon Associates is you never fundamentally simply have to sell them on that product therefore hypothetically let's say somebody interested in you know possibly starting YouTube wise precipitates right here and they want a lavalier mic and a band light let's say they click that link hypothetically therefore takes them to the band light but they decide you know for whatever explanation they never desire purchasing the band light today or they're not offered on it the cookies stay active on their real Amazon Associates so if they buy anything with the next four next 48 hours we make a payment on whatever they buy we never have to sell them simply you know these things we never have to sell them simply on a guide we simply have to get them to click the link then let the cookies do their task and hopefully they'll buy something next 48 hours and we'll make Commission on you simply desire to transform the simply click then once you convert the simply click let the cookies do the work therefore YouTube videos is a great means we suggest a lot of things in my youtube videos and like we stated we never make that much money from these amazon associate links down right here but it's like an extra hundred dollars monthly for me with Amazon Associates simply suggesting stuff therefore hey we'll go it's passive you might as well go equivalent path so i monetize affiliate links not simply Amazon Associates i monetize affiliate links in a lot of other methods so if we view this movie right here online arbitrage and we do this frequently not just do we sell my on the web arbitrage program in all videos we link an affiliate link for jungle scout which is fundamentally if I show you right here if we go to you know doing product research for on the web arbitrage well this Chrome expansion right here jungle scout I have an affiliate link for and we suggest that to individuals because it's vital when you're doing on the web arbitrage so you'll see the numbers and product sales and possible income to know if it's a good product or not that fundamentally identifies you fundamentally identifies a great product you should follow and answers issue is this worth purchasing can we make this product or not that's why we suggest that and we do that very successfully in a lot of my on the web arbitrage videos so these convert pretty well with the jungle shot Chrome expansion even if individuals never desire purchasing the program often they go through and decide to try to do it on their own and simply grab the expansion and we make a payment when doing that another great example of that inside movie really has started to inflatable recently previously you know we guess it's most likely two months now it was getting it had like 1000 views for the longest time YouTube has all unexpected started to suggest it to individuals therefore it's got about 70,000 therefore's simply continually to develop and we suggest to friend which normally something we utilize although we'm not signed in today with literally my youtube channel on a day to day basis it's very valuable in understanding different analytics you know searching different key words therefore know optimizing you know literally anything from you your click-through price entirely to other analytics to view it's a super valuable tool we suggest that inside movie and previously month approximately when this has been blowing up I have all unexpected transformed at about $300 to to friend in which you know frequently we was doing like between like 40 to 50 monthly before that so another great means therefore can literally find an affiliate link for anything it's very regarding the movie that we created so why not connect an affiliate product there it converts pretty high therefore know we we wish this movie continues to inflatable so we can consistently gather more affiliate commissions now this is just two examples of these videos we do this in a lot of other videos not just with simply those but if you view the bottom they're constantly down there you know possibly getting clicks and converting for me so it's about traffic it's it's a numbers game but simultaneously the niche is very crucial so you want to verify you're promoting affiliate products being regarding what you're really attempting to sell if you have an e-book well verify that your your niches are comparable or aligns if you're doing a YouTube movie it's very easy to transform somebody if your affiliate link is you know very associated demonstrably to your movie it's common sense however know we does it does go without saying but often I feel like we should repeat these you know simple tactics simply to verify you dudes have it down now moving on you know to a program but this is most likely one of the best affiliate advertising guidelines that we can present you know we can enter that more thorough within end but with this program particularly we suggest Amazon associate links throughout this program we saw this program demonstrably on udemy frequently around 10 dollars when individuals enter but we we invest you know the whole program demonstrating my knowledge of you know simply fitness in general you know losing fat building muscle creating nourishment plans and creating programs available know raising and stuff like that fundamentally using them through a channel therefore to talk so by the end of the of program they're hot they're hot leads they're prepared for me to suggest them you know what my supplements what we utilize therefore you'll see this across the board on YouTube or on Instagram with other physical fitness you know we'm not a Fitness youtuber or anything like that in this specific program right here we invest the whole program going through that then we suggest supplements within end being Amazon associate links we suggest like protein powder like the creatine caps that we take a multivitamin that we utilize and all kinds of supplements like that that we utilize on a day to day foundation and once we do that somebody must do is buy one of those and we make a payment so it's a great great means to make money with affiliate advertising never simply view it as you know simply from a youtube viewpoint you'll do this and on courses we never care if they're your courses or you know your your slapping them up on a website like udemy and capitalizing off the free traffic but which a great great means to do it the next means we'm gonna recommend to you is outdated seriously by people's criteria and can take some time getting going but when people are overlooking an area there's most likely massive possibility there and not as much competition as areas and therefore view any market when all attention goes one means right it's an excellent concept to go the other means appropriate cyberspace it's simply cluttered yeah things every where there's so much therefore like we are developing rec mail promotions today that we know for a fact we're gonna do really effectively simply because it's gonna have look over now demonstrably we're not discussing to wrecked mail right here there's no means to you know physically mail your link out so somebody can click it what we are discussing though is starting an affiliate weblog yes we simply stated that we know that by people's criteria blogging is dead but that's precisely my point because they think it's outdated there'sn't as much competition there anymore therefore people are moving onto a youtube channel hence exactly what we'm doing right here therefore know possibly podcasts therefore possibly simply possibly the best possibility in 2019 currently therefore know inside coming years is to introduce a blog and start promoting affiliate products or you know possibly possibly simply as a hobby it can become a great passive income flow available inside future which is a great example of this right here Jeff Rose's good financial feeling block he talked about this all the time on their channel and he's monetized it to over a million dollars in income so you might wanna check always that check more of their videos out we'll always connect their channel inside description cuz it's a great great channel not simply with you know blogging or or affiliate blogging or anything like that there's a lot of great financial guidelines in there and make money online guidelines but this is just a good this is one example there are literally hundreds of them if not countless them and most useful part about starting an affiliate weblog is that individuals that visited your weblog or to your specific articles from search engines are going to be excessively targeted meaning that your conversions is so much greater and demonstrably with more traffic you'll make more money now we do have several early morning signs though before we enter this you know for some of you that might want to go this path it's not gonna happen instantaneously you'll that's something that Jeff talks about besides if you see any of their affiliate blogs or have seen them previously you know videos on them if not gonna happen instantaneously you know we'm not saying you have to upload ten times a day like Gary Vee you know talks about hustle or something like you know however do desire to do it regularly you do desire to persuade Google you're serious to start building that equity therefore to talk that Google equity so you know we're talking preferably possibly once a day but it could be as low as 1 to 3 times weekly realistically consider it as a hobby that will sooner or later spend you passively inside future now the next caution we do desire to talk about really fast is that your internet site has to be about a certain niche now this is among this you know it's financial weblog internet site but therefore you you want to have a certain niche it can demonstrably it can't have several different themes you can't read an article about fitness on this weblog just because you found a good fitness affiliate link it doesn't work that means so you want to consider it you know equivalent means you consider possibly a YouTube channel one of the best guidelines that we could present about a YouTube channel which additionally regarding blogging is the more niche you go the faster and easier it's to build a market you want to be broad sufficient to market a lot of different things never get me incorrect however do desire to be niche sufficient to rank Search Engine Optimization wise and keep visitors you know you do capture possibly coming back for more if you look down here at some of these articles you'll notice they're all financially associated since's broad but there's also individual niche subjects you'll go a little bit more thorough and specific with those therefore keep that in head now the final thing we want to touch on is Search Engine Optimization which is search engine optimization for people that don't know there are so many Search Engine Optimization guidelines that we could present but since this is an affiliate advertising movie and not a Search Engine Optimization movie we do desire to keep it strictly about the making money online with affiliate advertising stuff so we'm gonna present two fast guidelines which is fundamentally amount you know the more articles demonstrably appropriate the more key words you have in those articles the longer your articles the better possibility you have for position but the easiest tip we could present is just use a website builder like Wix that we suggest we're really any site builder with a stroll through Search Engine Optimization integration that will literally present guidelines on how to improve each pages SEO now we do have a whole program that will really assist you implement an affiliate weblog and begin with this you'll begin with literally no money today and start your affiliate weblog the next day I will always connect free access to that down inside description available below as a thanks for viewing this movie I always appreciate you investing time right here regarding channel with me therefore thanks so the final method we want to talk to you about is creating courses a little bit more in-depth you might be thinking to yourself creating courses exactly how does that relate to affiliate advertising and exactly how can you make money by this we know we touched on it slightly briefer before that was simply a base example with Amazon Associates exactly how can you get a little bit more niche down and make legitimate money that's not simply Amazon associates with on the web courses but I would suggest really that affiliate links from online courses convert a great deal greater than affiliate links from simply YouTube videos or obstructs the explanation being is you're using a potential lead through a whole funnel first therefore you're providing something away for for free you know a program including like we're discussing right here it could be anything though you know you simply want to take him through a channel but a program works most useful in my opinion because you're demonstrating it to them in real in front of their eyes individuals are more heavily spent once they go through a couple of your lectures or the whole program if you want to pitch it within end so you're gonna have greater conversions on your affiliate links we'm gonna present some examples of these in another that have worked the best for me previously but they're more likely purchasing an affiliate offer once they've seen the value demonstrated over and over and over once more therefore have spent their time in viewing most their program and signing up for it so we recommend you go this path this has worked very well for me previously now a great example of this demonstrably like we talked about before is my jungle scout which you know we sell my on the web arbitrage Pro program and fundamentally all my YouTube videos it's you know exactly how we make a vast most my money online but we never take this isn't simply a 295 program we really pitched that jungle scout affiliate link inside program and not think that anyone that comes through this program and will pay 295 getting in is going to join you know the hundred buck you know test variation of jungle Scout that we talked about inside program which is another affiliate link so we never simply have the possible to make 295 when we do this we suggest jungle scout besides inside program then it's really a three hundred fifteen buck profit margin because we make a twenty buck Commission so's a means to implement it now if you want to do it all in a little bit of a smaller scale for example right here are two other methods we do this and really make a good affiliate Commission regularly doing it therefore right here's an instance of a program that I have it's called YouTube mastermind exactly how to develop a market and a channel and what we do is we fundamentally take what we saw before in that YouTube movie and we go down and literally show it a whole program on it so there's so much more value in right here and they're investing so much longer then we pitched them to friend once more this converts to buddy like we stated before that movie blew up literally 40 to 50 dollars regularly doing two friend every single month so we created this program and demonstrably we make money from product sales however we have those affiliate commissions which are 40 to 50 dollars passively every single month simply refining an associated expansion which should friend and we promote that now the second example of this therefore'll see we simply keep funneling individuals in right here it's got about 25,000 students now and we really give this program away free frequently and we'm gonna to explain why we invest this whole program exceeding exactly how generate a Shopify store and guess what we promote a Shopify test because that's the best means generate a Shopify store and individuals come through this whole program then a vast most them join a Shopify test and we make a payment when their store converts so it's a super very profitable means to do it therefore allow's pull up a YouTube example of my channel really fast and we'll simply go to this one pause it therefore'll see in all my YouTube videos and we really used to run paid traffic to this surprisingly because it was therefore profitable for me however'll see that we suggest this which is my the landing web page to give away my free task shipping program that free fall shipping program is Shopify dropship mastery right here and fundamentally we gather somebody's e-mail so it's twofold so we can promote them future affiliate products inside future and demonstrably you never morph them to other content and suggest them specific things like that and we want getting them inside program we never care if they come inside program for free it's totally fine for me because then I have a possibility to make an affiliate Commission off them once they do therefore so it's twofold we have we gather the lead on my e-mail list and we possibly sell them on an affiliate product which makes me money which's fundamentally affiliate advertising in a nutshell there are so many different methods to do it therefore since you stayed till the end of movie you plainly deserve my top three guidelines on how to make more money with affiliate advertising therefore right here they're first is to niche down now we talked about this shortly before but we see a lot of individuals making this mistake and I have made it repeatedly myself therefore we never desire you to do it besides niche down we never care if you're making an affiliate weblog we never care if you're making a youtube channel we never care if you're doing a podcast therefore're gonna suggest something that means whatever it's niche down it's so much easier to build a build a market it's so much easier to continually transform other people and other leads once you capture them the first time therefore build a market around a niche topic then build from that there are so many affiliate products around to find a lot for your niche simply niche down you never desire to stay broad now number two is to decide to try a lot of different offers I have done so many different affiliate offers and guess what some of them never work very well and some of them do and possibly some Network for me won't work for you and vice versa however have to decide to try a lot of different offers because you're never ever gonna know what works available unless you do therefore therefore let's say you attempted 50 of them and possibly you know it goes 40 you know 40 getting some one that actually converts fairly well available but that forty first one concludes up having to pay you 500 dollars monthly passively decide to try a lot of different offers and finally tip number three and most likely the best one is that if you're having difficulty with affiliate advertising simply move to CPA it's very simple the distinction is you know very minimal affiliate advertising frequently you're pitching somebody else's product and gathering Commission for that whereas CPA you're fundamentally providing a lead to a company if you go CPA frequently you'll find solitary opt-in e-mail cements which if you never know what which fundamentally all somebody must do is submit their e-mail and strike the submit button on a company's landing web page therefore gather a payment for that since is frequently a lot less than an affiliate Commission but there's no expense to the customer except the e-mail they devote and strike submit so they're not having to pay anything available getting it so the transformation price is so much greater which's why we suggest CPA to you know individuals being simply getting engrossed because the conversions are a lot greater therefore's easy for novices to really grasp then once they realize it they can move to affiliate advertising once they have a little bit more they're a little bit more tenured in inside real business model then work on their art and gather greater commissions so those are my three guidelines available dudes they're very helpful and we never simply state them we really implement them but what is your most useful affiliate advertising tip allow me know down inside remarks area below and we'll see next one

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