Long valley caldera
A lot of people may not be aware of the fact that there is a very active and highly unstable caldera that does not get very much attention compared to the Yellowstone supervolcano.
As some may know, clusters of quakes above 1.5+ can trigger a dome collapse which could trigger a devastating scenerio followed by a new ice age.
I will leave it up to the reader to research these 3 things on their own:
-Long valley caldera
-caldera dome collapse triggers
-earthquakes between Nevada and California in the past year
Which brings me to my topic- subtera cities.
Imagine underground subways that can reach coast to coast in impressive time spans powered by the earth itself. Earth batteries. Humans living in homes that draw energy from copper, iron and microorganisms. Aside from the obvious economic booms, and capabilities including underground gardens fed by UV lights and livestock tended to and bred, there is a plethora of other values that can be practically integrated.
Let's face it, we KNOW that our planet has been struck by extinction level asteroids every 24 million years. We KNOW that we have calderas on our planet that will cause devastation across the globe. It is only a matter of time- which as we know is not always a friend.
We could solve many of our problems, including overpopulation and lack of food by extending our reach to the underground. And we can ensure our future survival- not if, but WHEN an exctinction level event does occur. I'm sure with the tech and genius minds we have around the world, we can make this a reality before it is too late for regrets.