Zuckerberg Is Going To Focus On What Is Good For People Not Profit, Says Former Facebook Exec | CNBC
Mike Hoefflinger, former head of global business marketing at Facebook and author of "Becoming Facebook," discusses Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's testimony to Congress for the company's data misuse.
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This is HUGE! We need to be prompting STEEM like no other.
The crazy thing is Facebooks stock is still looking strong...Hmmm
I'm not sure why STEEM isn't taking this as the biggest advantage.
Wow, that's interesting...!
We recently posted an article about how the community is now requesting for Mark Zuckerberg to step down as CEO from Facebook! This all happened after the scandal with lack of protecting user's privacy. Anyways, go check out the article when you get a chance and let me know what you think👋🏼! I'll take you to it and I'll show you!