ZaZa Ali Goes In On Cynics From Lead to Gold
Zaza Ali Goes In On Cynics From Lead to Gold
by Mario F. (A.) Stevenson
May 21, 2017
Writers often go through a lot, to capture only in words, the struggle and there are moments where, the struggle bite back. Zaza Ali (Ali,) a published author ( see ) goes in on cynics that, gave rebirth, to old wounds, but that's not all. Ali continues demonstrating her chess moves endeavoring, to harbinger, the right people for a desperate challenge: changing the minds of her people from lead to gold. Ali can be found on the lecture circuits across the globe.
Ali highlights in her book - Black Matters: The Scientific Intervention in Our Affairs - deliberate practicing of GMO infiltration and toxication of foods, lead filled water and chem-trails from GeoEngineering has been tactics targeting African descendants, Pan-Africans, Indigenous Blacks and Mullato and Black descendants of slaves and more so today.
Black Matters: The Scientific Intervention in Our Affairs
Black Matters, Volume II: Plagues of Dysfunction
Zaza Ali: Why I'm Anti Social Towards Social Media (Zaza Ali, 2017.) Last accessed on May 20, 2017 from URLREF
Zaza Ali: GoFundMe. Last accessed on May 20 2017 from URLREF