How to get rid of the suffering of loss of passion?
Maybe you are still standing in front of your tasks and do not know where to start? You might want to turn off your phone and the lights around you and live alone for some time.
Because the world has become bad and so do people, no one deserves!
Know what you are whispering with yourself now that you are without passion
Between the Corona pandemic and the long embargo we have spent, a new term has emerged for us, which is the loss of passion. Where that word began to appear on social networking sites a lot, for example:
So-and-so does not study because he lacks passion!
It does not work because it lacks passion!
No one is answered for the same reason!
Is that a real justification for standing still?
In fact, the desire for nothing is an innate feeling that sometimes affects us after a lot of work and pressure. With the extra burdens of life, a person needs some periods of rest in which he breathes and fills his lungs with air, and then returns with strength. It is the period during which a person loses his passion, as they called it.
But the problem is that this term has become so fashionable that people have put it justification for many shortcomings, for example:
You find a student without passion throughout the academic year and therefore does not study!
You find someone who isolates people and sits in his room for hours on the pretext of losing his passion!
You find many stop their lives for long periods with the same argument!
The reasons for this are:
Not knowing oneself well.
to give in.
Not setting goals.
Permanent escape.
In order to avoid this, the person needs a break from time to time to evaluate oneself, try to understand and try to correct mistakes, as well as review goals, so that one rises strong and is able to overcome as much of the road without giving in to the first obstacle.
In your opinion, how can we exceed this period with the least possible losses?