Harry Potter ... Which one do you prefer ... "Watch the movie or read the novel?"
Harry Potter, hearing the name suffices, for your mind to take you to the Hogras School and into the world of magic and fantasy, to a series of films from the best of the world cinema.
Most of us have seen the eight-volume movie series, but very few of us have read J. K. Rowling.
Have you ever thought that there are great differences between the novel and the movie, if we compare the novel and the movie to an iceberg in the heart of the ocean, you will find that the films are only the summit and the series of novels is the deepest part, so here are the most famous differences between the film and the novel: -
The Weasley family
In the novel, you will find many events for the Weasley family, and for its characters, unlike the movies, the family did not take its right well in the show, for example, Harry and Ron's relationship was deeper than that, as Ron saved Harry's life more than once, and Jenny was playing Quidditch and she was a very skilled player, so her character in The novel was deep and has a much better space than the film, in addition to the enjoyable family trip to Egypt.
Do you remember the ghosts that were passing by the Hogrades School, those ghosts have a much deeper role in the novel, unfortunately, they were not embodied in the film, especially the ghost of Beavis.
Wand of Dumbledore
At the end of the series, we see Harry Potter breaks the wand, which is the most powerful in the world, into two halves, but in the novel Harry does not break the wand, but rather buries it again with Dumbledore.
Winky fairy
Winky is a fairy who has a major role in the novel, but unfortunately it was never mentioned in the movie, as the genie character Blessed and the character Crutcher only appeared.
To be honest I don't see movies. I read books like i read Quran regularly , I also read various Urdu books. I am a teacher so i read daily different topics.
When I was in Madarsa few years ago i was very much engaged into reading books but now I am busy with life and compared to before i read less.
But I really dont see movies.
I am not a active reader but when i was in school there was a Novel that was coming in our exams . The name of the Novel was The Invisible Man and there is a movie related to this Novel as well.
I remeber that there were so many students in my class who did not read the novel but saw the movie and score good marks.
I think the movie can't be in more detail compared to a Novel.