$50 Steem Dollars - Awarded To Winner Of This Contest (Only Those Who Have Never Made More Than $10 On A Single Post)
This Contest Is To Help Out People Frustrated By Not Receiving Any Recognition For Hard Work
This Contest Is Open To Anyone That Has Made Less Than $10 On One Of Their Posts

I want to give back to steemit, because I have been blessed with rewards from some of my recent comments and would like to pay it forward (#steemitforward) by having a contest for writers who have made great posts, but may not have received any sort of monetary recognition for their efforts yet.
I would like this to be for those who have not had any more than $10 dollars made on their post (You may have more than $10 in your account, just no individual post being over $10). You can submit any type of content you wish, but it must show your writing style and not be copied and pasted from an alternative source.
Submit entries to [email protected] with the subject line being your username
Please keep this to a reasonable length as I will be posting my three favorite selections in the subsequent post and allow the community to vote on which user deserves the contest reward of $50 Steem dollars.
You will be able to see who has been chosen as the winner, by which username is attached to my transfer of $50 Steem Dollars to their account
Not only will the winner receive $50 Steem Dollars, but those who did not win will also receive a small amount for their efforts along with the recognition from being seen on my next post. I may even increase the rewards further depending on how well this contest is received.
I wanted to make a contest that didn't beg for upvotes for me, and at the same time will help at least three writers be recognized who may have had their gems buried amidst other articles. Please keep the contest safe for work
You have until the payout of this post to submit content to me at my email address. Be creative and have fun. If your submission is not selected as a winner (original content only, NO REPOSTING OF OLD CONTENT! ) I may encourage some of you to submit the post on your own blog and attempt to help you out if I feel your content is in line with what I feel steemit's future should be.
this is great idea, i don't qualify but look forward to seeing the next post.
Thank you! I will do my best to be fair to everyone who submits.
Who knows, if this is successful, maybe we can collaborate and work on some other creative contests (Ones that aren't "for each 10 upvotes I will take off one piece of clothing", or "guess how much this post will be worth at the end"). Those are simple gimmicks, but I feel this contest has the potential to keep a writer here who is frustrated, or a new peson who may be excited to realize that this actually works!
I love creative contests, and there are plenty of opportunities to tailor to your own skills, whatever they may be.
Even if I wind up paying $50 steem dollars and other small rewards to the other two posters, I haven't invested my own money into steemit yet, so I feel I should be investing in new people to bring long term value.
Even if steemit were to collapse tomorrow, I would still maintain connections with those I count as friends here, even though I may not have ever met them in person yet.
do you mind if i ask why you want them to email submissions rather than say writing a post within a set time frame say 24 hours? they could submit in a set format say the title as a highlighted link with a brief description of their post which must have the contest tagged in it, I feel this would help send more traffic to more newbies in the same way the photo comp receives a lot of attention with the $50. and the 2 smaller prizes being a bonus.
I'd love to collaborate it may be an idea t have a team of judges as I can see this getting to big for one person very quickly.
I'm down! Email me and we can trade contact info and get the ball rolling. I'm more than happy to collaborate with someone like you that can add to my ideas and vice versa. I truly get tired of the people whining about not making money when if the took the same time and wrote a decent article, they would be rewarded with $50 steem dollars. Maybe we can collaborate and come up with the next contest together and post it on the subsequent post along with the 3 best user's posts. I have some ideas to change the contest too. But if you don't mind telling a few other users who might be interested or discouraged I'd greatly appreciate it.
great idea
Thank you! Since I didn't set a requirement for the content besides being Safe for work, I am hoping to get some interesting submissions.
Maybe this post will launch someones writing career far past my own. I honestly wouldn't be jealous, as any writer, vlogger, artist, musician or other form of work that makes steemit an interesting place should be rewarded.
There are plenty of opportunities for everyone to be successful if they stick to hard work. Whether they treat this as a job, hobby, or secondary posting site to make a few dollars off some cool photos.
I understand people may still be leery of bitcoin still, but it boggles my mind that you can try out steemit for free (not only that but they give you afree voting power for coming and bringing your unique voice to the blockchain).
If someone says to you that they are worried about a bank account hack, simply have them open a new bank account.
People make far to many excuses not to try this platform out, but those who are here I believe are here for a reason. They will bring other people of similar quality here not only post content, but to broaden their views on various topics and glean knowledge, while being inside a supportive community.
I think that in itself is worth as much as the money we are generously rewarded with.
Great idea, and a nice way to get newbies like me into posting. Thanks for the effort.
Yes, but thinking about reworking the contest a bit and maybe collaborating with someone else. Stay tuned in the next few days or follow and check the feed. Would like to do a percentage of the total and have two separate contests in the same post for people with above a certain level of steem power and below. Don't want to exclude anyone. But i will get on it and people will be able to post their content and ill put a link with my thoughts :) that'd be a better idea i think
Looking forward. Either way I love that people like you support the comunity. It shows that this comunity is healthy
I haven't started blogging on Steemit since I am very new and am still looking around. But so far I have seen lots of great content that did not get the attention it deserves... Therefore I think this contest is a great idea and hopefully helps some of the authors who struggle to get attention.
Thank you! I was frustrated at first too. Especially with the amount of time/emotion I put in this piece How my best friend saved me from suicide even though it was a tribute piece and therapeutic.
Regardless of the money it made, I was hoping that some other people with the loss of a friend or pet would feel empowered to share some hard things in their life.
I don't beg for votes, but I do hope that those with lots of influence continue to vote on great heartfelt, entertaining, humorous etc. content. Whales have a hard job, as they are placing their future value of their investments on the backs of those they vote for.
Think about every comment you make before you post. Comments are unbelievably valuable to new people trying to get their voice heard, but may struggle with what to write. Everyone can react and comment to someone else's post without spending hours thinking up what you want to say as if it were your own blog post (if that makes sense I hope).
I found I made this piece both too long and did not edit it in a way that lent itself for ease of reading for the users. But to me it's special and personal, so I am happy to touch those who have read it.
Ooh, I love this! I just posted a Steemit exclusive...but I'm not sure if it's safe for work because it's got strong language. Well, I won't know until I try! Hopefully you get more traction on this contest. I'll be sharing it on the ol' Twitter feed. Email's on the way with my link 'cause I definitely qualify. ;)
Awesome! and yes please submit. I may F*** or S*** to keep it a little more safe for work. If that is ok with you I'd be happy to read it!
Email is on the way but I only included the link. Would it be easier if I sent you the text doc? I don't mind cleaning it up a bit with a couple of *** I appreciate the time you're taking in steeming us forward :) It's what I aspire to do too.
Thank you. And yes however you want it to appear is how I will upload it. It is a little lengthy, (that won't disqualify it, but there will be two other users sharing the post and I would like to make sure each person has their entire content read. If I do further posts and contests like this I'd recommend to keep that in mind. (only thing is I might link to your post, since it is already on steemit and can earn money there, but it definitely deserves some recognition, as you really put some good effort/time into it!). I'm not going to be a jerk about contest rules as long as everyone or almost everyone is happy with them.
I've got intermittent internet at the moment. I'm wondering if it might be easier to maybe include the first paragraph or two with a link to the complete story? It might be easier on you in the long run. Just a thought! :)
Nice, I hope you get a lot of quality submissions and that my vote was worth more to get you more exposure!
Everything helps! The way I think about money here is that since I didn't invest my own, it is my responsibility to use what I have been blessed with to bless others. Maybe a single mother or someone feeling down will be encouraged by $50 of steem dollars! I have nothing to lose in being generous and a lot to loose in being greedy.
Yep, makes a lot of sense. I like it.