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RE: Memory Musing: My Brain's Functioning Just Fine (Alternative Title: Don't Lose your Keys)

in #writing6 years ago

Having severe memory problems from Lyme disease, I'd think I would have a great one, as Lyme killed most of the old memories. But not so. Like @yestermorrow I have trouble making new memory or retrieving older info I use often. One of the reasons I appear so organized...

"Henry may not remember having learnt a task, but each time he performed it, his performance improved. We can learn new motor skills just be repeated practice, even if we might not consciously remember them. "

That is part of the organization, things in the same place always, so I return to the same place for them. It doesn't seem to require much thinking.

A very interesting post on memory....


Oh YES, and @porters, that's what I was going to advise you! I didn't know that Lyme did that, and now I see there's a real reason for your organisation. I make sure I try to do the same thing with J and I - the bowl by the kitchen for keys, for example, or the big blackboard for whenever we think "I need this" we reach for the chalk and write it down without thinking. It's about forming habits to make life easier. That's why I lost the car keys - knew they were in the house as the car was in the driveway! But I had put them in a very unusual spot, not where I'd normally go. I'm glad you remember to stop past and comment on my post, dear! I love your comments - always so thoughtful and interesting xxx

No way I'd forget to check my steemit feed! Too many interesting posts to read. :)) I have been known to forget to check my wallet for weeks at a time, but never the feed or replies. :))

Very true. This is one of the reasons that I began studying behavioural science, to learn how I might make greater use of Aunt Lili's Court (the limbic region) and muscle memory. There is SO MUCH more to our species than anyone imagines... It is a reason for great hope, in the darkest of times...

At least that's how I feel about it.

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