😂Funny Memories contest by @writing & Review || entry by @kunwal
Hello everyone ☺️ hope you all are doing well and healthy 💖
There are So many memories literally so many! but one thing that happened to me and I remember and laough so badly on my self.one day I was going to buy a book.and I was 12 yearz old! To the nearest shop in my area and I was like very confident and walking like a princess and I noticed every one was staring and loughy on me 🤦🤔 I was like why they Lough and I bought a book and back. To home and saw a mirror and my all clothes was upside down.and I was loughed so badly on my self.
So this is I always remember and it was for me very funny 😂
Regards : @kunwal
@fendit @belenguerra @steemit
Nice post
Thanks 😊
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Thank you 😊
Muy bien! historia divertida, saludos!
gracias 😊
¡Hola! Jajaja, a veces pasa cuando estamos muy distraídos! A mí me pasa siempre, de seguro fue algo gracioso aunque penoso, jajaja. Saludos!
Hola, sí, tienes razón, gracias por leer mi publicación😊
Very funny your memory, greetings.
Yeah it was very funny memory thanks .
And nobody approached you to indicate that you had your clothes backwards 🤔 Here in Venezuela 🇻🇪 they would have taken it as a joke and they would have told you and then together we would laugh.
Greetings🙋 and good luck 👌
LoL😂I'm enough to Lough on my self that day .thanks ☺️
Thank you very much for participating in the weekly Writing & Reviews contest !! We greatly appreciate your joining!
Greetings and have a great day!!
Muchas gracias por sumarte al concurso!! :)
Mi placer gracias😊